Im scared.. please help

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So ive been pretty stressed the past week or 2.. im not sure my symptoms are related but know that they could be and looking for anyone to relate.

So basically ive been getting a very upset stomach, just randomly at times.. but it also happens right after i eat. Ive also had a loss of appetite and black specks in my stool along with a strip of blood sometimes . I go to the bathroom quite frequently. I feel like i am going to puke, cramps, and again going to the bathroom a fair bit. Not diarrhea but a bit more loose. Im very unsure as to if maybe i have an ulcer? Or a parasite? Or something along those lines. Im honestly not so sure i can talk to my doctor about anything anymore because every time i have a problem she tells me its anxiety. Help . Please. Someone

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19 Replies

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    i also feel like theres a lump or bulge in my stomach , mainly while im laying flat and breathe in. its just above my belly button. i cant feel it with my fingers but can feel it inside me. im very confused by this sensation

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    I can't begin to give you medical advice but would beg u to find another dr. Someone you can talk to about worries, symptoms is so important. Is this something you can do?

    All the very best and I do hope you feel better soon.

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    Hi Stephanie,

    Replying to you because i know how worrying these things are. Sometimes really scary things happen to us, like lumps and bumps, blood where there shouldn't be blood, etc. This happens to all of us at some point in our lives and most likely this is something minor, otherwise we'd all be dropping like flies. So firstly, do not worry, just act positively towards feeling better again. To that end, what you must do is go and see your doctor as soon as your can, and insist that you are examined, if for no other reason than to put your mind at ease. If your doctor sends you away when you do indeed have the symptoms that you describe then ask to see another doctor for a second opinion. Have someone do this on your behalf if you are concerned.

    Very often these thing are in fact anxiety, but that is not to say that they do not deserve proper consideration. Anxiety is a very real and debilitating condition that deserves the same attention and, if necessary, treatment as any other condition. However, in the unlikely event that this is something other than anxiety that needs treating, go and see your doctor. Again, chances are that it's nothing major, but better to be embarrassed at the doctors than to risk something getting worse. Make the appointment now.

    All the best

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    I'm sorry you're having so many symptoms as they can all be scary by themselves but to have them all together can be just overload stressful. I highly recommend going to a different dr and when you do do not mention anything about being anxious. Anxiety is such a cop out for a lot of dr's. Yes anxiety and stress causes so many awful symptoms but they should still be checked out no matter what to make sure it is anxiety. Dr's should still take you seriously and at least check your bloods and maybe even do an ultrasound to be sure you are ok just to put your mind at ease.

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      I didn't mention my anxiety to some of my doctors and was not diagnosed. I didn't think it was relevant. In desperation and despair, I finally mentioned my anxiety to my final doctor and he recognised my symptoms immediately as IBS. Had I not told him about my anxiety, I might have still be waiting for answers today. It is always better to describe all your symptoms to your doctor and leave nothing out. What your think might not be significant, might in fact be a very important piece of information to your doctor and could be the final piece of the puzzle that gets you help. Anxiety is not always a cop out diagnosis and is viewed differently by every doctor; this was the case for me.

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      I too agree with Pippa, if you can't be honest with your doctor how do you expect a complete and thorough diagnosis? But if you are not comfortable fully expressing yourself with your doctor,switch to another doctor. Please just switch,it's your health.

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      i am comfortable with my dr.. she knows i have anxiety but thats the issue.. she tells me EVERYTHING is anxiety now

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      SAME! Now my doctor knows I have anxiety he blames every symptom i have on anxiety.

      Anyway your symptoms do sound typical of IBS. I have ulcerative colitis and the symptoms are very similar. I was told for nearly a year it was just IBS. FINALLY I was sent for a colonoscopy and was diagnosed and now I have it under control with medication.

      If you're not confident yours is Ibs ask to have a stool sample taken or to be referred to the IBD clinic to see a specialist.

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    Stress can cause gut problems like what you describe. See your doctor and push for a stool test to check for infections like h pylori and parasites to start with. Try a food diary to see what foods may be irritating your stomach. Symptoms coming on after eating may suggest a food intolerance. If your doctor doesn't listen, see a different doctor. I have stress related IBS which can cause some of your symptoms, however, other causes need to be ruled out first.

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    Ask for your hpylori count get tested.

    Meanwhile you can try some probiotics with more strains of good bacteria. Check if that improves your condition.

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    I know exactly how you feel, I have the same problem. I've had numerous tests and a blood test, all of which came back normal... Last time I went to the doctors, he told me it was IBS, when I mentioned anxiety and the sertraline I am , he said it was anxiety causing my IBS! It feels forever you are stuck and don't know what to do next... My bowels affect me badly, I have diarrhoea now for over 5 weeks, it got worse every since I started taking sertraline 50mg, I haven't told my doctors yet that i've just stopped taking it as they seem just as clueless as me to what is causing my diarrhoea. I would recommend a second opinion though 😃 Good luck

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      Anxiety does cause IBS; your doctor is right about this. Irritable bowel syndrome can cause diarrhoea and so can the anti depressant you were taking. When all all your tests are negative, IBS can be diagnosed. You can also experience food intolerances with IBS so try a food diary to see if your bowel habit change is being caused by something you are eating.Trust your doctor and accept your diagnosis of IBS! I got IBS because of intense anxiety and stress. When I accepted my diagnosis, my health anxiety cleared up and my IBS massively improved.

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      How did it massively improve? what did you do to change things. I've recently quit my job, maybe not the best things to do , but I feel that did make my anxiety worse.

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      Simply getting a diagnosis got rid of my anxiety and that stopped the pain.Initially, I took Buscopan and painkillers to control pain. Basically, that's all I did.

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      oh wow, i wish that could be so easy for me. what type of painkillers did you use? i must admit , i did have coffee and chocolate cake today and that set me off badly.

      I also felt anxious earlier today and i then experienced tummy pain and went to the toilet which was like D but didnt come out all at once which is what i have experienced when i got all these symptoms. what could you suggest to stop the stress?

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      I use anti inflammatory painkillers and and an anti spasmodic called Buscopan. Stress and anxiety is a big thing for me because I am autistic and it was anxiety that led to my IBS; my doctor confirmed this. To be honest, I tend to avoid things I know will stress me out. The problem comes with unexpected stressful events that I can't avoid and all I can do is to take my pain medication if my IBS flares up as a result. I try my best to satirize commotions in my life by writing humorous poetry to take the edge of the stress. Poking fun at myself and the annoying situations really helps. Trying not to take things too seriously and joke more has worked for me.

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