im worried sick as my bf has a ct scan tues after chest xray
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hi my bf has had a cough for over a year it seems worse in the mornings,he never coughs through the night,we keep fit by runing 3 times a week and he does boxing to,he smoked 20 yrs ago but only for 5 years,he said his chest feels tight sometimes and whheezey,and sometimes short of breathe,hes 42,we went to the docs last year an they gave him an ashtma pump to try but it didnt work so we went back last week and they sent him for a chest xray,he had a call last week to say he had an ap for a ct scan tues then to c the consultant fri but as he works wev managed to arrange that we c the consultant 3 oclock tues now the same day as the ct scan hes having that at 830 in the morn,im so worried theyve found something i cant think of anythingelse,has anyone else had a ct scan??
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joy47826 hayleyleela
I HOPE he is ok...
hayleyleela joy47826
SteV3 hayleyleela
CT Scans are normally used in the remission period of cancer, not normally prior to a Chest X-Ray though, for a cancer check. The normal routine if cancer is suspected by a doctor is they ask for blood tests first, to look for markers in the blood. If this comes back positive then he would be send for X-Ray and CT Scans.
I have had many CT Scan's, to be honest I hate having them done, X-rays I have also had loads done and blood tests. Now all these were done after I had cancer removed, in my case I had testicular cancer. Prior to actually finding I even had cancer, I was being treated for an infection for 6 weeks. I lost my father to colon cancer at 68 years old, what made it worse was I was diagnosed with cancer the same week of my fathers funeral. It was a stressful time in my life, because my youngest daughter whom was 8 years old at the time, did not think I was coming back from hospital, after what had happened to my father only a few weeks before.
I smoked for 30 years before I packed it in, and I did not pack it in even after I had been diagnosed with cancer, I know that does sound stupid. I did try and give it up several times but carried on, and yes I had the "smokers morning cough" as well. I lacked the will to give up - which did not help, even my Oncologist stated you're probably going to shorten your life span.
The on one morning in January 2012, I awoke with the most terrible pain I ever encountered in my life, coming from my stomach, little did I know that I should have listened to the Oncologist, whom I was still seeing in remission at the time. I was rushed down to surgery, under went a 5-6 hour operation - when I came around they told me went on. I was dying from the inside out, part of instestine had turned gangrene which was removed. 2 days later when I should have started to improve in my health, I became worse!! I was rushed down to surgery - I did not have time to sign the consent form, because the operation needed required to be done quickly. My wife was asked to stay at home, and prepare yourself for the worse. She couldn't sleep and waited by the phone for the surgeon to phone back. About 7 hours later, I was out of surgery - still in pain, but I was on alot of painkillers. My surgeon came to see me, and said what had happened... 2 days previously when part of my instestine was removed, part of it was touching another organ which had caused that to start dying off.
I was lucky, but still had to spend 3 weeks in hospital, and the full recovery was 10 months, the pain was unreal. I was on an Epidural (yes, the same given to women during birth) and morphine, that is when I decided to never smoke again in my life.
I feel so much different now, everything I can smell - unlike before! That was 2 and half years ago now, and I have never even craved for one either. The other week out of interest I seen the price of them! and thought I burn't all that money!! What have I got to show for it, yeah, just scars!
hayleyleela SteV3
SteV3 hayleyleela
Well, at least thats put your mind at rest, my daughter has asthma but only in the Summer (pollen sets it off) and in the Winter if she has a cold.
Me, I'm in pain 24/7 and take 140+ tablets a week that includes Tramadol, which they are trying to get me off and replace with high doses of Botox injections every 10 weeks.
That's not for cancer though, cancer remission just involves blood tests, chest x-rays and CT scans, from a blood test they can tell if you have markers in your system indicating cancer in your body, but not pin point it to a specific gland or area, this is why they do CT scans and x-rays, with testicular cancer they use ultra-sound.
What they state on TV to do is correct, regarding examining yourself - Some people would find this embarrassing, but if it saves your life its worth doing. Because of what happened to me, we have brought up our children, well they are, sort of (just around 20, minimum age is 19 to start checkiing) or even before, if there is known cases in the family.
If you think what I went through, my own Doctor was prescribing anti-biotics (like they do for anything these days!) to me for 6 weeks, and in the time 5 lumps were found, all of which were cancerous.
We brought up our children, to be open with us - and it has proved to work well. It is no good for a child to bottle matters up, regardless of what they may think.
Well, I'm glad your main worry is over, all the best.
hayleyleela SteV3
Quihadi4 hayleyleela
I had that problem, and ended up coughing 24/7. I never smoked. Monitor the complete blood count and look for an increase in white blood cells. Mine turned out to be a rare blood cancer. The white blood cells overproducing slowed my red blood cell production, and affected the oxygen they carry around the body. If the RBC's are low and the IgM is high, I suggest a bone marrow check.
hayleyleela Quihadi4