Imagine my surprise!!!!
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Ladies, I've posted previously about irregular bleeding on bhrt, but imagine my surprise when I went to check it out.
Bit of background, I've been on bhrt since March and on the whole have felt better.... Not always fantastic, but better. So I've been dutifully looking to make changes to my lifestyle, taking vitamins, being poked in the ear once a week and being hypnotised into a small coma once a month. Part of the new me has included running. Now if you knew me you would know that I'm built for comfort not for speed but Hooray.... I like it. So basically, I'm healthier than I've ever been and the only fly in this menopausal ointment, was irregular bleeding. So, I called my gp and she wanted to see me urgently for a smear (joy), so off I trotted with a plucky can do attitude and a gleaming nether region and I hopped onto my lovely doctors bed. She said, relax. I said, I am, she said not on the right side. I eagerly tried to get my right leg to chillax. She said think of something else, I said we should have shared a bottle of wine first. After plenty of puffing and wailing, my nether region was declared inaccessible....... How the hell did that happen?!? While I was jogging, and relaxing, and enjoying the 66 symptoms, I had foolishly taken my eye off one.... Shrinkage!!! Fabulous! While I was putting estrogen on my thigh, my lady bits were being robbed. I'm 43, I thought we had more time. Here I was waiting for my libido to kick in so I could ravage my very long suffering husband, not knowing that the rock had rolled across the entrance to this particular cave. So, after much fumbling I have been referred to a clinic called 'the post menopausal bleeding clinic'.... I can't wait!! Yay us xx
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wendy36287 Sassyr12a
Sochima822 Sassyr12a
So are you a virgin again? Some women here I've read had to get cut again. I know it's hard to force yourself to foreplay but it really is necessary. I've never used bhrt, but if it was supposedly that good it should've kicked in your libido. I was on low dose bcp's & they worked great to give me my sex life back. When i quit taking them, my symptoms came back with 100 fold revenge. I was, however, fortunate enough to have a great support group, who helped me take baby steps back into life. Like the term says; use it or lose it. I started perimenopause when I turned 52, full blown at 56, 3 years later I'm still able to get pregnant if I'm not careful.
Sassyr12a Sochima822
Well not quite, but I don't think I'd be heading for any action without copious amounts of gas and air! I think that's what happened with me tbh, last crack at bhrt was fabulous.... This year I've hit the proper skids and gone to pot
Sochima822 Sassyr12a
Yeah, well skids and pots are part of the process. As for gas & air, hmm I never experienced this, now you sound like a dude, 😏.
lori93950 Sassyr12a
Personally I think if you can get through this naturally that would be the best as putting foreign hormones in your body when is trying to adjust can be detrimental .
It’s all so confusing but I’m sticking to the creams for now . I’ve lost the bloat and acne that the patch gave me since getting off . Felt like I just kept blowing up bigger and bigger .
Sassyr12a lori93950
I've no idea what is different this time around Lori. I'll have to find a specialist. My gp is lovely and supportive, but not great at recommending alternatives. I found bhrt to work well for me, they suit because it's gentle and given I've always had hormone issues, I don't think I could tolerate something with more bang for your buck. I've tried synthetic hrt combo and bcp but both didn't suit. Just feel like the dose is not quite hitting the spot, even though my bloods are normal xx
sherrie_bgood Sochima822
What's bcp?
Sassyr12a sherrie_bgood
Sorry, birth control pills
lori93950 Sassyr12a
Yes I’m on the bioidrntical creams and lately have had 2 very minimal periods ... I thought this was normal ?
And if your privates have shrunk maybe your reversing and going back to your youth 🤣 which I’m sure will make your husband happy .
Sassyr12a lori93950
You'd think Lori, maybe that's the silver lining! You wait till you're well enough to get that new fella...
Guest Sassyr12a
I have absolutely nothing to offer you in the form if advice...You just cracked me up...needed a laugh today 😂
Sassyr12a Guest
Ahh well I'm glad I could cheer you up Lou. Just don't forget about your lady garden lol xx
Nancy2121 Sassyr12a
Too funny Sassy! Lady garden!😜 Sometimes I think mine is a lady jungle! The eye sight started going a few years ago, so keeping that region weed free has become quite the challenge! Thanks for the laugh! Hugs
Azzumi Sassyr12a
Bored at work so reading some posts to pass the time. Cheers for my afternoon entertainment..
Cheers to menopause. 🥂
Its quite something.!!!
Sassyr12a Azzumi
It's the gift that keeps on giving azzumi
Azzumi Sassyr12a
That it is.. 😊