In a pickle!!!! Feel pathetic!!!

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I'm in peri tearful lousy feel hideous and angry.mhad a foul argument with my son who by the way is a very obnoshious  friggin git, he has ( for the last few days feel like rubbish ) I'm annoyed angry and to the point very friggin tearful my partner just sits ther and allows him to talk to me like sh*t I guess that is why I never married him !!!!. Today at the begging of the day I was rubbish and it's just got worse?!! Do other ladies get this? With ther families? Xxx

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hey  Michelle, I don't have a family so I can't say I relate, but I thought I would send you a hug and a pillow to punch. POW POW> POW POW POW!!! Sorry it's so rough.
  • Posted

    Sending you a hug 🌻 How old is your son? It can be difficult for kids to appreciate what you are going through until they get to a certain age and experience things in life themselves, teenagers are the worst but, they do come out the other side even though it may not seem that way at the moment. I hope you manage to stay strong Michelle xx
    • Posted

      He is sixteen & doing his exams at school !!!!!!!!!!!. So the atmosphere at home here is very very thick, stressed, unhappy, figgetty, tense u name it it here a big black cloud. He with EXAMS me with my ruddy hormones!. And again I feel like a ragging bull in a china shop. What can I take to ease these damn mood swings? I have looked at menopause etc but im on the coil for 5 years fitted and have 2 years left, will they do? Doctor won't give me anything as he said I'm not peri?. U any ideas? Just to help ease these mood swings anyone please any ideas? R u are a fab lot xxxx
    • Posted

      Wait, you are not peri? How old are you? Peri issues and PMS symptoms can certainly be the same disagreeable feelings. You don't say what type of coil you are using but some can actually cause mood swings, so please check which type you are using and perhaps it may be time to consider some other form of birth control.

      Sorry you are having a rough time with your son, teenagers can really challenge even the most even keeled person, just know his behavior is temporary. Let's see what can be done to improve your spirits first, so nothing around you gets to feeling this upset. Please speak with your doctor and if not helpful, please try and see another who may be able to help you. I had to switch doctors and it's been a lot easier. Life is too short to feel that lousy, Michelle, you deserve so much better dear, and it's possible with the right guidance.

      Annie xx

  • Posted

    Yes michelle 

    I have been that way this morning and all weekend due to my palpitations and bathroom problems. Just wish it would all go away

  • Posted

    Hello Michelle, I really sympathise, teenagers can be very difficult, they do come out of it and become human again. If you are not Peri, I wouldn't start menopause medication until you have to, I would go back to your doctor/nurse and explain everything. I always found that the nurse was more understanding, maybe the coil doesn't suit you as a birth control, there are other options, if you are using this because of heavy periods maybe you should consider the mini pill. This is the option I chose, no more periods and no mood swings. I hope you get sorted, take care, sending strength xxx
  • Posted

    Yes!! Mad one minute crying the next it drives me insane. My patience these days are paper thin. My youngest is 18 she is a good kid overall but very mouthy at times. But I am very lucky that I have a husband that will put her in her place. What bugs me the most is the mood swings and not enjoying anything anymore this also makes me sad. I try to fight these mood swings with everything in me but sometimes I feel I'm just not strong enough. I hope your situation gets better I feel your pain not many men are very compassionate with how we feel because they don't know what it feels like.
    • Posted

      Had enough today with my damned hormones, and called to Boots and got red clover isoflavones. The pharmacutisast recommended them & ok to use while on the coil! So gonna give it a go!!!!. Thankyou all you FAB ladies for all the good feedback. You are all amazing Thankyou. It's rel good when like me I have no family or close friends so to get you guys it's a relief. 
    • Posted

      Continuing sorry iPad decided to cut me off. Yes so I'm going to try red clover it may / or may not work?. He is my eldest yes very cobby one that is not afraid to voice his opinion to anyone!. &also in the middle of his GCSE exams. So he is stressed,too.mood swings god yes, I'm evil my patience is very thin too. It's new to me I have been experiencing changes since nov last year mood swing are recent boy I hate it.exactley I don't enjoy things much anymore I do try that's why I went out and brought what I did! Hate myself & I kne I cannot help it but I want help with the moods swings. No doctor will help, & I carnt b arsed to goto another doctor & wait about my mood won't wait?!!!!!. Xx
  • Posted

    Michelle I mentioned thyroid because it can play alot with mood swings and how you feel. Google the symptoms.
  • Posted

    Oh Michelle

    These things are sent to try us, that's for sure!

    My morning started with my ol' man trying to convince me - and himself! - that I was being OTT about something.....yet again!

    But I wasn't buying that. A few choice words, a few choice names, and by the time I came downstairs, it was over n' done with.... by 9.25am!!

    And they say we've got the attitude!!!

    Kids: my son is 26 and hasn't yet fell in that its not a good idea to wind Mummy up every time he opens his gob.....cos he does it all the bloody time! Maybe we'll get on better when he moves out later this year. Apparently 'Absence Makes The Heart How Fonder':-) !!

    But to be honest, this all sounds a bit like what we're all going through in varying degrees. And, just as one of my lovely, philosophical sisters always reminds me :"Sh*t Happens" , and I think she's right!!

    Chin up Kiddo. Sounds like you need a KitKat, at the very least!! :-) Sx

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