In Menopause and still having lots of symptoms

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Is anyone who is in menopause still having all the perimenopause symtoms?

I still experience so many symtoms, new ones, and days feel worse.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Boy do I know that feeling. The so called 66 symptoms of peri (I believe there is probably more) do not just evapourate when you go into full meno. Even on hrt they dont all disappear they may lessen a little and for some very very lucky ones they go away, but alot of ladies, me included that are even post meno still get some of the symptoms. So it just depends on your natural chemistry I think. XXX
  • Posted

    Hi I'm post menopause and I agree with Tina. I'm also on hrt and as I'm typing this I'm having a REALLY hot flush. I feel like I've got sunburn LOL. Hrt lessens the symptoms for me,but doesn't stop them. I had a surgical menopause in Dec so my symptoms might improve. I hope so.x

  • Posted

    What are your symptoms?
    • Posted

      Anxiety, heart fluttering. A couple weeks back I had wobbly legs and lightheaded 

      Hot flashes ( not as often as before).    Feeling like I could just sit and cry. 


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      Well, I have them constantly now although i am still menstruating. It does not seem to be ending. It seems we have to accept this, although I tink it is impossible. they say a body changes every 7 years.


  • Posted

    hi i am 10 years post meno and still get symptoms from time to time not as severe as before but still uncomfortable I get anxiety episodes though mild now and some flushes but they are rare and don't last as long ..still get the shaky feeling inside too

  • Posted

    I have been post meno for an unknown number of years due to not having my hormones checked until very recently. I had a hysterectomy leaving my ovaries in 2002. I knew nothing about perimenopause. I was put onto antidepressants a few years before my hysterectomy which makes me wonder if that may have caused my hormonal imbalance in the first place. Not to mention may have even been the cause of the uterine fibroid that prompted the hysterectomy. In any case, being on antidepressants during perimenopause, I attributed my symptoms to side effects instead of hormonal imbalances. In Jan of 2016 I got off the antidepressants for good and plunged headlong into the pits of hell for 2 long, torturous years. Not only did I endure protracted withdrawal from antidepressants but I was also dangerously hormonally depleted. It's a miracle I have survived. In early January I found out I am in post menopause and began the path to BHRT. This is my 4th day on them. I am 80% better already. Still not sleeping well, digestive issues, sound and light hypersensitivity in the evening, still a bit of inner tension but greatly reduced and not constant, no bone chills, no hot and cold simultaneously, no depression or anxiety which is truly remarkable. I recently found out I have a dropped kidney so that needs to be dealt with as it has symptoms of its own. But the BHRT is having profound effect on relieving me of the absolute nightmare I have been in these last two years. I can't recommend it enough. Hugs to you dear. It's never too late to get onto BHRT.

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