In the process of thyroid diagnosis
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Can someone please tell me if it is normal to feel really out of breath and shaky and worn out from the unrelenting high heart rate? I have an enlarged thyroid - bigger on one side - which is making it difficult to breathe and swallow. I don’t think I have slept more than an hour or two at a time in the last 2 weeks. I’m scheduled for ultrasound of the thyroid in 2 days but I actually feel like I literally could explode before then!!! And then it will be another few days after that before my blood work comes back. The icing on the cake is the swelling in my neck feels like I am carrying a brick around in my throat. I can’t lay down to sleep because it makes it feel like my head is like full of fluid or something if I bend over or lay back it feels like this “fluid feeling” starts to just pound all around my head and throat almost like a headache. A real intolerable heaviness of sorts.
Has anyone been treated with anything before the actual diagnosis of hyper thyroid to relieve these symptoms?? I am already on verapamil to reduce my heart rate associated with high blood pressure and it seems like it’s not helping anymore.
Helllllllpppppp! 😔
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rose65668 leslie85341
I'm so sorry......not sure what you've been diagnosed with...I have graves and feel shaky a lot of the times..mostly in my hands and I do get tired and weak easier than before......Did the doctor give you beta blockers for the heart rate? or is she/he waiting on test results?
leslie85341 rose65668
So when your Graves was diagnosed, did you have the enlargement of your thyroid? You said you have the shaking. What is it that causes that and does it go away? Did you have this heaviness in your head and throat and neck? I’ve also been having throbbing headaches I seem to get for the very little sleep I do get.
rose65668 leslie85341
Hi....yes my thyroid was enlarged and I have 2 nodules.... Shaking/tremors comes along with graves......I think it's tied to the metabolism somehow...not really sure...mine comes and goes could depend on how much hormone is being released. No heaviness...but my nodules are in the beginning stages...yours might be larger......and I don't really get headaches...
I've worked on changing my gluten or sugar...
I'm sure the high heart rate is scary...hopefully, you'll find some relief soon..
linda187 leslie85341
rose65668 linda187
would you please email me the natural information....I've been looking into apricot you know anything about them? thanks
madge1979 rose65668
Rose I don’t want to worry you
But I’ve been reading some negative stuff about wild claims of cancer cures due to taking apricot seeds and / or kernels
I would just make sure you’ve read a bit about it all .. as they contain traces of cyanide 🙀🙀
And can be fatal in some circumstances ..
Please take care
Luv nx🌹
rose65668 madge1979
I've been reading that as well.....I guess the seeds turn to cyanide in your stomach....
leslie85341 linda187
How long would you say your symptoms of tachycardia and feeling exhausted and breathless were present before your condition was diagnosed?
madge1979 leslie85341
Leslie .. I’m sorry your syffering so badly
I do know how you feel as I have Graves and was pretty ill before I was diagnosed
I took myself off to see an Endocrinologist privately and I’m so very glad I did that as no time was lost treating me !
I did NOT have an enlarged Thyroid however
But shaking was something I did .. a lot of .. head to foot almost
Even my balance was knocked for six .. my voice was very shaky
And I had tremors and trouble choking on food and drink ...
Many of us have been there where you are now ... and the good news is many of us are now Euthyroid .. ie.. Normal
You may not believe it but once you have started with meds ... presuming you have Graves’ disease for example , you will start to feel much better ..
get the blood results to decide whether you have Graves or perhaps goiter ir something else
It’s very important if you could give us your blood results so that we can see just where you are with your thyroid .. that will make it easier for us to advise you on what to do next
Please don’t despair .. insist your doctor helps you quickly ....
There are very good things you could take
But you must research a bit yourself
And lemon Balm
All three mixed together helped me immensely
Please Google each one if the to see how they work
With overactive Thyroid
Making sure that with an enlarged Thyroid they are safe too
I bought them in tincture form and mixed the three together in equal proportions in a large brown glass bottle and
Took around 5 mls three times daily Or when I felt anxious
But check first... as I did not have an enlarged Thyroid and they
Were of great benefit to me ..
Magnesium is very helpful at bedtime to Allow you to rest
High dose good quality
I take magnesium. Glycinate
Which is well tolerated and does not loosen the bowels as some others do ..
There are loads of natural things to take but wouldbe better after your bloods have been taken .. as they will skew your results somewhat
Try to rest as much as you can .. not just in a chair .. but in a prone position .. legs up .. and try to be calm ...
Come back and let us know how things go ..
And we will help ..
Best of luck Luvvie
leslie85341 madge1979
Dr said she did not feel nodules. But I suppose the u/s will show for sure. I’m hoarse now and especially while having the u/s done with my neck flexed I felt that terrible pressure in my face. I have been choking on food. Scared myself a couple of times! I tried to get in touch with endocrinologist today and their office is closed for holiday (American Thanksgiving) now I’ll have to wait for everything until Monday.
The diet information would be helpful. I have no idea what to eat and what not to eat. I saw something that said to stay away from broccoli and cauliflower??? So is it possible to just have hyper- without Graves Disease? My eyes are not bulging (yet). Is that something that would happen right away?
madge1979 leslie85341
In all honesty Leslie I don’t diet .. but I don’t eat meat and really only eat fish seafood etc .. pasta
And vegetables and salad stuffs .
My weakness is bread .. but whole meal .. I should try to go gluten free .. but it’s my guilty little pleasure .. and I can’t
I guess i think I deserve it after all graves has put me through !!
But you must remember in most cases particularly Graves and Hashimotos it’s the auto immune system that’s gone out of kilter .. not the Thyroid Gland .
Therefore my approach and many others was to try to treat my immune system
And since around 80% if it is in our Gut ! Then that is a good place to start treatment ..
In answer to your question You certainly CAN be hyper without it being Graves it’s having antibodies that makes it Graves
Perhaps you have Thyroiditis 🦋
Or some other condition There are many
But you will soon find out and you will then tell us and we can help !!🌸
Best of luck
Luv mx🌹
madge1979 leslie85341
Ps ... my eyes did not bulge at all thank God but they were very itchy and dry Felt like they had sand in them too .. antibiotic drops fixed that after Graves diagnosis .
And certainly not everyone gets
The eye problems ..
Ok girls, this is my U/S report:
The right lobe measures 5.2 x 2.5 x 2.6 cm. It is diffusely
heterogeneous in appearance. At least 3 discrete nodules are
identified within the right lobe. There is a mixed solid and cystic
nodule in the midpole anteriorly, measuring 1.3 x 0.7 x 1.5 cm.
Immediately posterior to it is a 2nd similar appearing mixed solid
cystic nodule measuring 1.3 x 1.2 x 1.2 cm. Inferior to these 2
nodules is a 1.9 x 1.1 x 1.4 cm mixed solid cystic nodule. These all
likely represent colloid lesions.
The left lobe measures 4.9 x 2.2 x 2.2 cm. It is mildly heterogeneous
diffusely. There is an echogenic solid appearing nodule in the
midpole anteriorly, measuring 1.3 x 1.1 x 1.2 cm. Just inferior to it
is a mixed solid cystic nodule measuring 2.3 x 1.7 x 2.3 cm.
The isthmus measures 3 mm. It is heterogeneous without discrete
There is a prominent, 1.4 x 0.8 x 1.2 cm lymph node on the right
level 1 B, likely a reactive lymph node. Also noted on the left level
3 is a 1.4 x 0.8 x 1.2 cm probable reactive lymph node.
At least 3 mixed solid cystic nodules are noted in the right lobe of
the thyroid. There is a solid echogenic 1.1-1.3 cm nodule and a mixed
solid and cystic nodule measuring 1.7-2.3 cm in the left lobe. These
all likely represent colloid lesions. Adenoma or other neoplasm of
any of these nodules is not entirely excluded. The remaining thyroid
parenchyma is heterogeneous, which could be seen with an atypical
thyroiditis and correlation is recommended.
Presumed reactive cervical nodes are noted.
Two years ago my Antithyroid perox. AB was abnormal at 96 IU/mL and this new test has me increased at 226 IU/dL with normal range at both times being <34. My other blood work was mostly normal with Reverse T3 @26.0 (normal being 9.0-27.0; Antithyroglobulin antibody was <20 with normal being 0-40; I had a nucleated erythrocyte count of 0-100 with 0 being normal; and 1.74 mIU/L TSH.
They wanted me seen at Endocrinologist on Wedsnesday which was ASAP. Not my first choice dr but I feel like I can’t wait until March to be seen!! So my worries are that one of the nodules is is solid and the others are cystic. My mother worry is that all my thyroid blood work except the antibodies is normal. Why would that be?? And do the measurements on my thyroid gland itself sound crazy big? I certainly know it’s here and enlarged, but unless I told someone I don’t think they would notice the swelling in my neck. Does anyone have any idea what I might expect from this new endocrinologist based on your own experiences? Does this sound like Graves? Need Biopsy? Medication? Is it likely she might change up my BP and heart rate meds since they are both probably being caused from the dysfunctional thyroid? Soooooo many questions and worries. THanks did your support.
54 and so tired and achy, and sleepless and hard to breathe and swallow and gained 40 lbs in 8 months....