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Hi Girls,
I wanted to know about incontinence. Does it get progressively worse ? Besides using incontnence pads what other treatments are useful.
From one attack of what feels like an UTI to the next what kind of time gap do you get ? how can one distinguish between a hormon related symptom like an UTI from an actual one ? Isnt it supposed to be accompanied with fever too ? I get a constant burning sensation down there with frequent tendency to pee. Do antibiotics really help ?
Another question - the symptoms of menopause and ovarian cancer are alomost same how do you distinguish ? Ov cancer is a silent killer they say.
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ursulauc62 menopolized
Hi there,
I use panty pads at night because I have leaked a little bit when desperate in the night before managing to reach the loo! My God, I feel like I'm falling to bits. I have leaked a bit when laughing alot for ages. I sometimes tell my hubby to stop making me laugh if hes telliing me something funny as I have to race to the toilet.
I have a slight bladder prolapse, - have had for a few years, and though - thankfully - it doesnt seem to be getting any worse - its not getting better either. I have had a few checks for ovarian cancer and have had a couple of polyps removed from outside and inside my uterus. I have had the bloat thing as well. Sadly it just seems to be down to the menopause, as I've been the all clear from ovarian issues - so at least its a benign cause.
I go through cycles of eating practicaly nothing for a day or two, so I feel slimmer, then eating more normally, feeling more bloated, then dieting alot again, so my weight just stays the same, - my BMI is OK, but I feel flabby.
I had a UTI early lasyt year, and yes, antibiotics do clear it up pretty quickly. Go and see you Dr, there is a very quick urine test for the UTI.
bobbysgirl ursulauc62
Are you eating a lot of bread/cakes/pastries? They stodge me! Since I cut back I seldom get bloated.
If you are taking AB's you really need probiotics to put back they 'good' bacteria that the AB's destroy. That will help with the bloating too. Don't bother with the big name yoghurt drinks - there's not much in them. I have natural live yoghurt - full fat. You can also take probiotic capsules, but you need that bacteria it's a big part of who we are.
ursulauc62 bobbysgirl
I hardly ever eat cake or pastries - usually just wholemeal bread, maybe 2 biscuits a day and a small pice of chocolate, alot of low fat yoghurt, bananas, salad, humus. I do everything right on the diet front and take all the vitamins your'e supposed to at this stage, but I DONT excercise enough. I have tried everything else - now I have proof that it is the only thing left that can help. I have to get off my bum and MOVE!
bobbysgirl ursulauc62
Nothing wrong with a bit of dark chocolate - you have to have some treats.
I'd give the low fat stuff a miss. Most of it is full of cxxp! Fat doesn't make you fat - sugar does. A small amount of good quality fat (NOT trans/hydrogenated fats or over processed veg oils) is a much better, cleaner fuel for your body to burn. A lot of low fat foods contain other things that MAKE you fat. They are poor fuels and are stored in your body instead of being used.
OH did polymer chemistry. During his training he visited an oil refinery. It's not just car and aviation fuel made in these places. A lot of it ends up in foods and supplements.
menopolized ursulauc62
ursulauc62 menopolized
Well I've had vaginal examinations, uterine scans, and had cysts removed, and the Dr's didnt mention the prolapse then, so I guess it must be quite minor. They said everything looked fine, but pelvic muscles are a bit slack.
I used to do alot of excercise including the splits, which I can still do, and I read somewhere, that doing alot of this sort of excercise can weaken pelvic muscles, so I've stopped doing that for now.
I havent had any accidents while out and I'm not overly worried about that happening, but if I am about to watch a movie I find very funny I do generally put a panty pad in!
menopolized ursulauc62
Ha ha, nice advise there
bobbysgirl menopolized
I don't get it, but my mum does. She is going to see an incontinence nurse today - they have a special dept. for that in the NHS - who knew? (I didnt) She has had AB, sometimes they work sometimes they don't. They have given her exercises to do - which have helped and some advice on diet and what to drink/avoid. If they come up with anything else I'll let you know.
I know it is pretty damn obvious, but stress doesn't help. Try not to think the worse.
menopolized bobbysgirl
thanks for your kind advise.