Increased Mucus in Stools, other symptoms, yet no answers :(
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So towards the end of last year, I started getting tummy pains after I ate certain foods. I usually found that it was linked to dairy and for example, would be running to the toilet to go for a poo after I ate ice cream or food with a high dairy content.
However, earlier this year, I started getting horrendous tummy pains where I would be doubled over and crying because of how intense, sharp and crampy these pains were. Sometimes they felt like really bad period pains, but the placement could vary from there up to my solar plexes.
From then on, I started getting small amounts of blood in my stool and nearly everytime some mucus. My tummy pains were coming on more often and becoming more intense, but for shorter periods of time. Sometimes when I get them, I cannot move or speak as they hurt so much. Then I started finding bits of food within my poo and sometimes it would be like a checkered pattern between food and stools.
After I had to run out back at work one day because of my pain, I decided to go to my doctor. There is no previous history of bowel conditions within my family and nothing has been mentioned to me as to what it could be apart from it doesn't scream cancer.
I nor the doctor has been able to find any lumps or unintentional weight loss nor have I been sick, but I have been feeling extremely nauseous.
They requested a stool sample and blood tests. My stool sample showed inflammation within my bowel and my blood tests came back fine apart from one part within the coeliac test.
However, my doctor said to me that my immunity on this test was low and did not make sense, therefore it could have been a bad day for the test, so she requested another one.
My blood test result came back and showed exactly the same thing. She referred me to the gastroentrologist and said that we would wait to see what the results of the colonscopy were.
After this, I went back to my doctor to explain it was getting worse and they said they would chase up the appointment as there is a 3 month waiting list. They also prescribed me buscopan to help my spasms, but it hasn't really done anything apart from make them less, but when they do happen, they hurt A LOT!
Recently, my stomach has been getting even worse and I am finding mor and more mucus within my stools as time is going on. I can be either constipated or have diarrheoa. There is no definitive link between myself and dairy anymore as my stomach can be set off at anytime. I also feel like my stomach is sometimes burning and usually my solar plexes are very tender to touch.
When I've asked my doctors or others or googled my symptoms, I have not been able to find a condition that is true to myself nor my symptoms. I have no idea what it is and I was wondering if anyone else has been in the same boat or some advice or any ideas?
Thank you!
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looloo43 hollih1
Hi Holli. your doc seems to be following the right path of referring you to gastro & a colonoscopy following a positive stool test for inflammation. 3mth wait however, is not acceptable if you have blood in your stool. i am pretty certain if you have blood in your stool that you should have a colonoscopy within 2wks (the 2wk rule i think it is known as). i would go back to your gp, & explain you have found this out & ask her to contact gastro dept for you to make this an urgent referral since you have blood in your stool and change of bowel movements. if you look on the nhs website, somewhere on there it should say about the 2wk refererral. hope this helps hun. x
hollih1 looloo43
Hi LooLoo43,
Thank you so much for responding! I thought the same thing and I contacted the gastroenterologist appointments line at my hospital where I said that my stomach was getting worse, so they told me to go back to my doctor. I did so and again, explained everything as above (this is when I was prescribed buscopan) and he also said he would get his secretary to chase up the appointment.
When I hadn't heard anything, I contacted the hospital again to see if there were any issues. It turned out that the receptionist wasn't informed and I had to recontact my doctors find out. Finally, another letter was sent. Again, I hadn't heard anything, so becoming very dubious, I contacted the hospital again. They said the secondary referral had been received, but it was still placed under a routine appointment.
Thanks again! X
looloo43 hollih1
Holli, i would have a look at the nhs website & see if you can find the thing it says about nhs guidance on change of bowel movement plus blood, & the 2wk rule referral. print the page off & go back to your doc with it (face to face appointment). also tell your doc what you said above about it being classed as "routine" appointment following his 2nd letter. its not good enough hun. it's unlikely you have cancer, but given the positive inflammation stool test, you may well have inflammatory bowel disease which needs treatment, as without meds it will get worse. x