Increased Zoloft almost 4 weeks ago, can not eat :(

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Ok, here i go.  I suffer from major depression and Health Anxiety.  I have been on 50MG.  I started to get very anxious about my health thinking something was wrong with me so I went to see my doctor and he increased my dosage to 100mg.  I have been on it for the past 4 weeks and I feel like I can not eat a thing, i have to force everything.  Some times when I am not stressed I will get hungry but then when I go to eat something i feel sick to my stomach and cant eat.  I have lost 8 pounds in 4 weeks, which I am overweight so its a good thing, but I dont know if its a good thing.  I had all kinds of blood tests done and everything is fine with me.  I have had a colon scan and everything is fine, I have had my heart checked and that is fine, but why do I still feel like something is wrong with my physically, cause I can not eat and I feel like something is wrong with that, cause I always was able to eat before.  I am just looking to see if anyone else has gone through this.  I went and saw my doctor this morning and he said everything is fine and that I should not worry, but I am still worried.  Anyone experience this?  Also when I eat i go right to the bathroom sad  I hope this is just a side effect from the Zoloft.  If I knew it was a side effect from it I can deal with it because I need to lose weight.  PLEASE HELP!!!!! 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    hi it mite be the tablets geting in your systam i had the same problem i was told to take ranitidine for to much acid and my diegestive systam slowed down at first before the ranitine i had panic attacks and anxiey they put me on 250mg twice aday they stop the nusear and are very good ask your doctor about ranitidine i have stopped my sertialine now for two weeks only on them a month hope this helps you 
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      i dont want to switch meds thought.  This medicine has worked for me in the past.
  • Posted

    Hello Peggy,

    I think that is very a common effect of this anxiety condition, Looking for a reason as to why you feel different ? hoping in a way that it's something that medicene will cure and take the feelings away. Thats how i was at the begining, and when you don't get the answers you want, that starts you to worry over and over agin. But, stick with it, life will throw its ups and downs at you, its how we respond to them that dicates the severity of the anxiety. The medication will help, and get you to much more managable level. Hope this helps, chin up, you will get through.

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      Thank you for the reply. I was able to eat last night, but now I have this elevated heart rate even while resting jt was 102 sad
  • Posted

    Hi peggy i have been on sertraline since september/october cant remember when exactly i started. Im at 150mg. I have constant anxiety all day every day sad iv been like this since last january. I have very bad health anxiety in obsessed about my heart. I have physical symptoms 24/7 heavy chest difficulty breathing and my thoughts are horrific i am constantly living in fear i get no break sad i can rwlate to how you are feeling. When i first started i couldnt eat i was given gaviscon and stuff i hope you feel better soon. Its such a cruel thing to go through i just want my life back sad
    • Posted

      I know exaclty what you mean.  I have been to so many doctors, had so many tests ran on me, including my heart, blood work, colon ct scan and everything comes back fine.  I just hate the way my mind races about every little pain i have i think the worse.  I wish it would go away.  I have been on zoloft for over 10yrs 50mg and it worked well for me and then all of a sudden 2 months ago i got really bad again with the heatlh anxiety so they increased me 4 weeks ago.  I have my ups and downs, but i know the doctors tell me everything is ok, but I dont feel like everything is ok. 
    • Posted

      I just wanted to put my 2 cents in so if this med is working then disregard but I was the same. I lost so much weight, my heart was constantly racing (was put on propranolol for this and it never happened until I too sertraline), and I had very horrid thoughts. I am now 3 days off sertraline completely and have been weaning for about a week and a half and almost all of those horrid symptoms are gone. My thoughts aren't so terrible anymore either. Don't be afraid to ask for something else if it's not helping you!
  • Posted

    Hey Peggy!

    I experienced the same thing and unfortunately every time you increase your body is going to need to readjust again. I was unable to handle the sertraline but it also wasn't working for me at all. It was actually making me worse. Anyway something I've found to help lately is to take dramamine. Its and OTC motion sickness pill but helps with the nausea nonetheless. Your doctor may also be able to give you a prescription to help until your body regulates.

    Also with anxiety, going to the bathroom right after eating is common so it could be a mixture of both. You said it's helping though so try to hang in there! It can take 4-6 weeks and sometimes 8 for it to fully work and for sure effects to go away.

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