Increases GERD after stopping mirtazapine.

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Hi I've already posted about coming off mirt and the withdrawals but this is something else I need some help with. It's week 7 since stopping mirts and what is currently frightening is that my mild gerd problem is now over the top and have to take nexium twice a day and I feel so sick and in so much pain in my back has anyone else gone through this?

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12 Replies

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    Hi G

    Yes you're right, reflux can be bad whilst tapering and when stopping Mirt, I can relate to that also.  I am finding that anything with gluten is a complete no no, so its only porridge oats & rice now.  I'm not keen on gluten free bread, I mean does it have any goodness in it anyway !  And I've read that gluten itself may cause anxiety although I don't have any science on the latter.

    Also I find I have to eat less to prevent it; its going well now I've figured it out.  

    Are you saying the back pain is Gerd also?

    Wishing you well smile  

    • Posted

      Thanks calmer yes back pain from the gerd I think it's due to spasms in oesophogus

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      Interesting on the gluten thing though I think your right don't think it helps at all

  • Posted

    HI g04199,,,, i  also suffered bad reflux problems,,dr said it was nervouse indigestion/anxiety,,,i had BLOATING/RETCHING/ECT,,and felt sick all the time,,,dr prescribed zantax it did not help,,,then nexium no good as well,,i done some homework and asked for   OMOPRAZLE,,1 before breakfast------1 before dinner[evening]it worked great for me and after 2 weeks i was back to normal and have been since and can eat anythig ,,except spicey food....hope this helps you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BLUESY
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      Thanks bluesy will look into that I know at the start I was in so much pain from the withdrawals everywhere. But I am of the believe the stomach cramps from coming off the mirts may have made it worse. Although I really have no idea just guessing
    • Posted

      HI g04199,,do u get bloating/wind problems,,if so this can cause pain anywhere in the body,,, back/shoulders/ect,,,,gastric problems can be nasty and painful but can be cured  easily with the right medication,,a xray would rule out ,,,,ulcers/hiatus hernia,,your dr should know all this???,,,good luck,,,,k-i-t,,,BLUESY,,,try the omoprazle,,
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      I have to wait a week to see GI it's been 3 weeks now it's stressing me out. The gas and bloating not so bad but the burping good lord non stop and tired

    • Posted

      HI g04199,,,YES EXACTLEY THE SAME AS I WAS,,if u cannot see dr for a week,,go too a chemist and buy some COLOFAC TABLETS THIS WILL GIVE U A QUICK RELEIF FOR THE BURPING/BLOATING THEY ARE HARMLESS BUT VERY GOOD,,it is true gastric do make u feel realey sore all over your body and stressful,,i am certain u will get better when u start taking the right medication,,hope this helps ,,,K-I-T,,,,,,BLUESY
    • Posted

      HI,,g,,i had every symptom u have got ,,and it drives u mad it will not get better untill u do some thing about it quick? i suffered with this problem 4 a long time ,,GO to the chemist and get the COLOFAC asp and u will get  instant releif and then the omoprazle,, eat all light food ,, it is not down too the mirrt it is gastric indegestion witch is causeing  all the problems,,i am sorry to be a bit blunt but this is your way out of this ,,BLUESY
    • Posted

      haha Hey Bluesy don't worry about being blunt, I need it! I am pretty sure the mirt withdrawals have somewhat gone and this stomach problem is different, I am a little annoyed though that maybe i got it so bad from the mirt or coming off it. I have 4 days to see the GI I don't want to mix up the meds just yet, although I have noted what you have suggested to discuss with the doc.  For the first time I slept through to 4 this morning and again woke up with a scare and jolt, took mediation to get me back to sleep but again woke up in a sweat pool, I am trying to figure out if I am now getting sicker from the nexium or is it the gerd, or the anxiety, pick one, its like lucky dip only no fun!!

    • Posted

      HI g04199,,it is good u are getting some sleep it helps to relax your body,,as i said before nexium did not help me at all,,i think u are right about the mirt,,acid  in the body can make u sweat its like a panic attack and can do some strange things,,,it;s a pitty u have too suffer for another 4 days,,,why don;t u phone the dr and ask if u can stop the nexium and get the colofac  or colpermine from the chemist this will ease ALL your problems untill u see your dr,,they are harmless VERY GOOD and no side effects,,,once u get control over this u will feel like a new person,,,,,,,,KEEP SMILING,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BLUESY

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