Indentations in skin after TKR

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I am 11 weeks post TKR and things are going well.  I have noticed that elastic in socks or any type of pressure in an area for any time ends up looking like a ligature mark on CSI: Where-ever.   I  can push the skin in with my finger and the indentation will stay for some time.  Is anyone else experiencing this?   It is a little creepy.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    That sounds like fluid retention??? Thats how they test for it by pushing the area and looking if it leaves an indentation??? You may need water tablets or elevate your leg more???? Hope this helps??
    • Posted

      Thanks Andrea.  I think I do need to ice and elevate (especially) after excercise.  I come back from a bike ride or walk and usually put on ice but am failing to elevate.  Very good point thank you!  Take care now.
  • Posted

    Still not getting best of circulation due to surgery. How's your salt intake

    You might want to back off of some of the high sodium stuff in your diet. That will help with fluid retention. If it continues you probably should talk to your PCP. Are you showing any other signs like high blood pressure, etc

    • Posted

       I will cut back on sodium thanks.  BP is good, especially with all the exercise.  I do notice it is more pronounced after exercise.  I hope it too will fade with time.    Hope you are doing OK going through your ordeal! My surgery etc was a walk in the park in comparison.
    • Posted

      Great to be able to get out and move around. Are you in the area that's had the bad weather this week. Saw where Denver got several inches of snow yesterday but most would be gone today. I finally was able to get out late morning. Walked a total of 100 feet and worn out all over. I have to use a walker and keep most of the weight off the bad leg so its kind of use the upper body strength to lift and then drag the bad leg. Fortunately there is minimal drop from house to start so don't have to fight a sharp incline. Tried to walk in the yard but its still a little clumpy to feel comfortable getting through with the walker. Had to start somewhere and sometime so will start adding to it. Your yesterdays snow will be in here tomorrow in the way of rain so I'll be housebound for a couple of days.
    • Posted

      It's cloudy and wet here... for about a day and then it will be beautiful. Spring is a great time to recover!

      Great to hear you are up.  For me that first walk outside was a HUGE step in the right direction.  Of course you have been there done that but it has to feel good to get out.  Stay the course man!

  • Posted

    I think that if the skin stays indented, it's fluid.  I am no expert but I think this is the case.  
    • Posted

      I think you're right.  It is worse after excercise like right now (just got back from store on bike)....

      I'm going to ice and elevate as suggested and see if there is improvement.   Thank you!

  • Posted

    Hi. I know this is an old thread but I am having the same issue you were having. I am 3.5 months post ACL surgery and  notince that I can press my finger into my shin and leaves an indentation for a while.  I also feel a little pressure around my shin/calve area.

    Did this issue get fixed by itself with you? Anything you did different to help? How long after did it go back to normal?

    Thanks for any input.

  • Posted

    My Dr. told me the swelling could last a year.

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