Indigestion and heartburn
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I posted a couple of days ago the pains I was getting in my chest , back and shoulders . I think it was a strain , but it still hasn’t gone completely . Is it normal to have heartburn and reflux for days on end ? I still have a burning feeling in my chest . I was reading in the paper about a man diagnosed with indigestion only for it then to be stage 4 cancer of the oesophagous . Now my health anxiety is kicking off again . All these different symptoms that seem to change from month to month . I am now over a week late for my period .
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kate_80669 jane63977
Guest jane63977
Hi Jane, Yes, I’ve had it linger for a week or two. I once lost my appetite for 2 weeks also. The cancer of the esophagus you are reading about may happen if the esophagus is SEVERELY eroded, meaning several years undiagnosed or untreated. Cancer cells can form. perhaps that man smoked on top acid reflux?. If you are worried, definitely make an appointment and chat with your doc. 😊
joanne86511 jane63977
People just google 34 symptoms of menopause. In my frustration i did and found it. It at least help me know that i was not going crazy. The doctors was no help.
Guest jane63977
This is where it all started for me, worrying about a constant sore throat, then thinking it was silent reflux. I was the same as you, worrying that it was some kind of cancer, maybe lung, esophagus, etc.. All I can say, it wasn't, isn't. But it is hard not to worry. We can say, oh the chest pain is nothing, oh the reflux is nothing, oh the eye flashes is nothing, chalking it all up to perimeno. BUT, we all hear the stories. A woman in my town (a famous lion tamer) didn't wake up the other day, she was 53, had a heart attack in her sleep. So, how do we know what's what? All I know is that I had everything scanned to kingdom come and nothing ever showed up. my endocrinologist says that if it is something, eventually it will rear it's ugly head. BUT, I don't want to wait until it's too late to take care of something. It's a vicious cycle.
I'd say that you are probably OK. BUT..
Get checked to make sure. At least it calms the anxiety a little.
I know I'm no help, I'm in the same boat.
sideways67 jane63977
I have had had igestive Issues for years but never acid reflux until two years ago. I had to stop eating and drinking anything acidic and go to akaline Diet only. I can now have occasional acidic food or drinks but I still keep it limited.
I have been on this same journey since I had my first born was born 21 years ago after firstborn, hypothyroidism was diagnosed and a myriad of digestive issues followed. I was diagnosed with gastritis, IBS, diverticulitis. All the meds the gastroenterologist prescribe have too many side. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, arthritis, chronic fatigue. I was prescribed Zoloft, Effexor, Cymbalta, Celebrex and stopped all of them when diagnosed with several food allergies including gluten.
Since stopping the prescribed meds except Synthroid and changing my diet to gluten-free and sugar reduction, my digestive issues have improved And no more ACID REFLUX. My wake up call was when my internist prescribed Inderal since Imitrex needed daily for severe Migraines was only 24 hour relief. My mom had taken Inderal for 30 years and it sapped her energy so I said “no thank you” and started looking for answers through diet. supplements and herbs. I’m 51 headed into menopause now and for the last two years I have found that diet and exercise are the two most important to a healthier me. I still have episodes of digestive issues from hidden gluten when I eat outside my home and they are severe but that just tells me how far I’ve come.
I had gallbladder removed so there’s no bile to help my food digest so I take digestive aids such as Pepsin, enzymes, Aleo Vera, L-Glutamine, priobiotics. And my acid reflux is gone. Malabsorption was causing a B12 and other deficiencies that was corrected with diet and sublingual vitamins. Fast transient bowel movement, aka diarrhea, inhibits nutrient absorption. As we age our natural supply of chemicals in our body become scarce. No doctor has been able to help me really so I knew I had to help myself. I am the CEO of my health.
Just keep researching for better health. Good luck. 🦋
cheri75033 jane63977
debra16694 jane63977
Jane - obviously you will won’t to rule out the obvious, but know, most peri/menopausal women on this forum have had what you are experiencing. I don’t know how old you are or what stage you are in, but one thing I can tell you, is your digestion does change. Foods/Beverages you could eat/drink before you may not be able to handle now...stress also adds to digestion - it’s crazy! I know - just put your mind at ease & get it checked out - also google on this forum women who experienced “burning” in extremities (I am one of them - it is a real symptom of menopause) good luck! This journey is a roller coaster!
pinkcatfairy jane63977
If you are worried I would request an endoscopy. Yes the pain and discomfort can go on because I had oesophagitis and gastitis at different times and it took ages to clear but for peace of mind I would get tested. I have a hiatas hernia and all the unsettlement of menopause (reflux etc) caused this. I lost weight and appetite which didnt help my anxiety x
Guest jane63977
I've been to the ER so many times getting my heart checked, and went and had a workup at the cardiologist too. All was always ok with my heart. I have a feeling yours will be just fine too. But good you are getting it checked so you know for sure.
A few months ago I started having that chest pain again and my mother said "just try to burp", and lo and behold it worked! Go figure.
Also, anxiety will raise both your bp and heart rate for sure.
Let us know how it goes.
Just to let everyone know , all my results were good , nothing to worry about . ECG was fine, just a mixture of heartburn and anxiety. What a relief 😅 and also my blood sugar levels were low , so no worries on the diabetes front .
debra16694 jane63977
Hi Jane - So happy for you - unfortunately, it appears to be all part of the menopause journey going thru all these “health scares”. Ugh! Take care! 👍