indigestion in peri
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Hi all.
I know that indigestion in peri is a symptom but I am getting pain in my ribs and the centre of my back like I've been punched. I know it's not heart related but it is uncomfortable especially at night. Does anyone else get this? I think it might be wind as I am belching a lot. I have taken a warm bath to ease it. Some one suggested inflammation of the cartlidge between the ribs. It seems I just get over one thing and then there is something else lurking to annoy and bother me.
Thanks peri friends.
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brimbo67 helen95781
Yes had this too, but I put it down to acid reflux now & try not to worry, as it does pass....only to get replaced with something else lol!
helen95781 brimbo67
Thanks for this. x
pinkcatfairy helen95781
If it continues I would go to the doctors, it could be oesophghitis or gastitis and would need medication, hopefully it isnt but is treatable and a nuisance to get rid of, I had a flare up of gastitis just has my periods went all over the place! X
helen95781 pinkcatfairy
Thanks for reply.
rayna86380 helen95781
helen10706 helen95781
I get exactly the same thing and sometimes not able to stand or sit upright it hurts so much. Originally thought it was related to bad car accident and whiplash injury I had as seemed to be worse at night so I thought it was when my back muscles were tired, but eventually realised it was some horrible indigestion.
Can just come on even when not over indulged or eaten much.
I am in uk and found prescribed medication Omnaprazole did nothing for it, but Ranitidine does the trick. I have found that avoiding white wine has helped too (unfortunately,)
helen95781 helen10706
Thanks for the reply. I find ranitidine does help too. I took one this morning and it eased it a little. I hope it goes soon. Sometimes these things come and go as quickly as they came.
lisa215 helen95781
I'm having the same sort of issue except I've pain in the centre of my chest and lots of burping. My Dr did all the usual cardiac tests and they were fine so he gave me lansoprazole to try. Id been on them 2 weeks and still felt rough so went back and he requested an h pylori stool test (lovely!). Anyway I did some research and found that if you do a h pylori test while on these tablets then it will give a false result so back to the Dr I went to be told - and I quote " you're right, these tablets can tell you that you don't have the bacteria when you actually do, but do it anyway and if its positive we'll treat it and if its negative we wont. But bear in mind that if its negative it may actually be positive"!!! What the hell!! So I've taken it upon myself to stop the tablets and do the test on 2 weeks so I get an accurate result. I've had one symptom after the other but this is probably one of the worst for me. I'm going to try something a bit more natural for the reflux I think. I hope you feel better soon, you're definitely not alone. Xx
helen95781 lisa215
Yes I too get it in the centre of my chest but the worst at the moment is the pain in the centre of my back by the ribs. I'm sat now with one of these roll things for your back as a bit of support. It does help. I've also just had my tea and am burping like mad. Lol.
sharcerv52408 lisa215
lol64 helen95781
susan21149 helen95781
I have had pain on my left side the doctor told me it could be IBS. It was really bad that I went to the E.R. today.
You could have IBS check with your doctor about it
sharcerv52408 helen95781
helen95781 sharcerv52408
It's uncomfortable isn't it? It's interesting that you say it's just before you come on because I have just started too. I will observe next month and see what I'm like.
I took a ranitidine before I went to bed and I woke feeling in less discomfort.
I hope you get some relief and answers soon. Let me know how you get on.
sharcerv52408 helen95781
I just came on this morning and all that under the rib stuff and indigestion has quieted down a lot. My guess is because at the onset of your period, estrogen rises. During PMS progesterone is up and that hormone is responsible for a lot of the digestive problems we experience. Interesting to say the least how much havoc our hormones can reek, huh?