inflamated skin around anus
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I have been suffering from this for about 3 years now and im losing it.
My skin around the anus is dry. and often gets really painful from rubbing against my clothes. doctors seem to keep defining this condition as pruitus ani although no itching exists....
The weird thing is that oils and cremes keep making it worse. it gets red and stingy after using all of these. even natural coconut cream makes it worse, which is supposed to alleviate ecsema and all skin dryness...
please, if anyone has had any similar conditions or any insight of what it may actually be, it would be well appericiated. I am really losing my mind
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mr22536 uriya35514
I've suffered for a little over 5 years with itchy pruitis ani. I know this is not the same problem, but maybe I can help you. Quit using baby wipes if you use them, they tend to dry out the skin. Have you tried getting patch testing done to see if you have an allergy to something. Maybe even change your laundry detergent to a hypoallergenic and hyper allergenic dryer sheets if you use them
uriya35514 mr22536
Thank you for your suggestion!
Changing the laundry detergent makes perfect sense. I'll look into it!
Is that how you got rid of your problem?
mr22536 uriya35514
I still suffer unfortunately, however, I had a biopsy taken a few weeks back and they found a bacteria called erythersema. Have been on erythromycin but I don't think it seems to be working. It's really all just trial and error but has your doctor prescricbed Tacrolimus ointment? I've heard that helps
uriya35514 mr22536
it took you five years till you got your biopsy?! gosh...
And no, since biopsy found literally nothing the doctors all think im bluffing them, just noting that my skin is really dry every time... so they won't prescribe anything with real risk..
mr22536 uriya35514
Get some patch testing done perhaps? This would test for allegies. Yeah I got methelyne blue injections before the biopsy. F my life haha. Do not go that route. Most pain I've ever been in my life
uriya35514 mr22536
what's this injection? that doesn't sound nice.
and i finally got an invitation for patch testing, but im having a hard time scheduling those as only a few hospitals in my country hold those....
But I am hoping these would shed some light on the issue
mr22536 uriya35514
The injection is a dye that is supposed to over stimulate the nerve endings to where they no longer can feel anything. This works for about 88% of people but did not help in my case. This is like a last ditch effort. I'll come up with a list later tonight and post it of things that you can try but I'm thinking it might be an allergic reaction either from food or something like a detergent.
May you please go into more detail of what exactly is bothering you? Like what time of day it happens, all your symptoms and where they are occurring
uriya35514 mr22536
It started after I started taking my SSRIs and they made my whole body dry. the area of the anus especially, with it getting bloody by the irritation of toilet paper.
now things don't feel very dry, even though doctors have said it is. I have on one side of the anus something that feels like a jock itch, the area is very irritated to the touch, and it burns at times. and i can feel it at all times. the other side of the anus is perfectly fine. and both look normal. just for clarification, it does not itch, it burns.
mr22536 uriya35514
uriya35514 mr22536
I'm currently taking a different pill than the one that started the whole situation. with the first one i had no problem with my guts, but now i get very frequent soft ones... like four times a day, they do not hurt, but wiping does make things worse..
mr22536 uriya35514
Anything antidepressant/anxiety is known to cause a multitude of side effects. Dry skin being one of them, or something similar in your case. Try taking a fiber supplement or maybe just try adding fiber rich foods to your diet (apple with the skin). This will add some bulk to your stool making you have to wipe much less preventing most damage to the skin.
Don't add too much fiber at once as this can make you very gassy.
uriya35514 mr22536
Thanks for the tip. I will try that one!
And yeah... I'm pretty positive it's all due to my SSRIs