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Good morning ladies, I wanted share some information.So I like most of you have been dealing with on and off symptoms that keep popping up. I have had digestive issues, headaches, bladder issues, night sweats, fatigue, cramps, etc....I have also dealt with back pain since I had my first child over 15 years ago. Over the last three years I have undergone so many tests, heart tests, ultra sounds, xrays, urine tests, pap name it. I have noticed over the last year that I am now getting more and more neck pain, shoulder pain, rib pain, and over all muscle pain anywhere from hips, to legs. I just ignored it because I felt they were just going to say it's stress or anxiety which is what I have been told in the past. I went to my doctor the other day as the pain in my right side has been on going for close to three weeks. She feels it is a pulled muscle, but the thing is I don't know what I did, she says often times this can happen with a pulled muscle you don't feel it happening at the time. Any ways I asked if she could check for arthritis and anything else that can cause pain, as I have not been able to work at my business lately. We are still waiting on one more test which is an autoimmune, but my blood test has come back with high inflammation. All this time I started believing it was all in my head because I was starting to feel that way, but clearly the blood test shows differently. My point is keep searching, don't assume its perimenopause, don't settle for stress and anxiety. I am going to keep searching for the cause of inflammation because I feel I can't be living with a chronic pulled muscle. At my age the inflammation should not be that high. I would suggest all of you that have chronic body pain to be checked for inflammation in the body.
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Kadija1966 Takingtime
Thanks for sharing, I'm having lots of body pain too. The xray revealed its mild bone degenerative. Tomorrow I'm going to see my doctor because of nasal dripping, rib pain, mainly left side. I'm not sure if it's perimenopause or something else. Just got to get it check to ease my anxiety.
patti56271 Takingtime
I have high levels of inflammation ( ESR test ) since the 90s. I also have an autoimmune disease. Inflammation can be chronic like in my case or it can also be temporary ( an injury or a pulled muscle) and in case of injury those high levels will automatically subside once the body has healed. In case of autoimmune diseases like RA or Sjogrens doctors will put you on immunosuppresants or the goal is to control inflammation
Having said all this, in peri and menopause hormonal imbalances will make things worse and lot of times will cause joint pain without inflammation markers or an autoimmune disease.
If you dont have chronic inflammation or an autoimmune condition then it can be safely said that its the injury causing the inflammation and levels will drop once you are okay.
For many women its hormone fluctuatuon causing all the joint pain and they wont have any inflammation
good luck with your tests
Takingtime patti56271
My ESR is high, CRP is normal and no auto immune showing. So I will wait it out and get rechecked in a month or so once my muscle pain settles.
debra16694 Takingtime
hi - i may be wrong on this, but i read that estrogen controls or rather regulates inflammation, so it would make sense if your estrogen is low than your inflammation can ramp up - i suffer horribly from achy legs for the past 14 months, i tested positive for ANA, but after extensive bloodwork do not have auto immune - aside from yoga & aqua aerobics, the only thing that has helped with my achiness & inflammation is doubling up on my omegas, taking tumeric & eating fresh ginger - you can have high inflammation markets one day & low the next - the key is to try & eat an anti inflammatory diet & move -
shannonmairs7 debra16694
Ugh, I had a slightly high ANA result, and then tested negative for anything that possibly could have caused it. Crazy how much weird stuff has popped up at the same time as menopause, lol!
Takingtime shannonmairs7
I know nothing makes
jessica60993 debra16694
Hi Debra16694 One time I tested positive for ANA and then months later it was negative. My pcp says sometimes that happens depending on what is going on in your body. I believe the fluctuations in hormones and stress, diet all play a role in joint pain. I used to freak out about whether whatever I was dealing with was menopause or some other developing illness or problem but what I have figured out with me is that if its something that last more than 2 weeks then I prob need to get it checked out especially if it worsens. I tend to have digestive issues like gastritis and I saw an GI specialist for a while. Prior to menopause I had no digestive problems at all. I could eat anything and not be bloated. I read digestive problems is a part of peri-menopause and menopause. I notice just like the night sweats and insomina the gastritis comes in waves. In other words I will experience this for a spell and then it will go away. I will have times where I sleep fine, no fatigued, eat with no bloating etc for about a month then out of nowhere the sweats return or insomia or stomach problems. I thought about HRT but I have heard too many negative things about it and too afraid to take the risks. So I just deal with it. Sometimes I have neck pain, shoulder pain and numbness in my fingers when I use my hands to much. I just tell myself "this too shall pass". One thing my doctor has recommended was exercise. 30 minutes of walking and work on my nutrition. He said it will help bring some balance to my body. I haven't started walking yet but I plan too once the weather gets warmer. Thank you for sharing what helps inflammation and pain.
Takingtime jessica60993
Jessica, mine is the very same as you, symptoms come and go, disappear than reappear. I do have a lot of muscular skeletal issues that seem to aggravate things. I wonder about gastritis too. I have had these symptoms before but it has been a long time. Since my period it has settled some but still there, I am going to see my osteopath this week and she can usually give me relief and if not I already have a dr appt booked for a follow up the following week. I have started walking daily two weeks ago and it does help with energy and destressing hopefully in time aches and pains will ease away too.
ImagineOneDay Takingtime
I have a very smilar story. But stopped going to GP to check it out any more. I am 50. How old are you? The inflammation sounds very believable in my case too. Take care
Takingtime ImagineOneDay
Hi there, I am 45 and this is the first time they have checked further into inflammation. ESR is high Creactive Protien is normal and ANA normal. So hoping its just the pulled muscle causing it. I will get it rechecked once the pain settles.