Info Hormonal Balancing

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Been reading and wanted to share, especially those dealing with irritibility, sluggishness,and heavy bleeds.

Your body requires adequate amounts of vitamin B6 to maintain optimal levels of progesterone. The lack of this important vitamin may decrease the production of progesterone.

Vitamin B is also necessary for the liver to break down estrogen. If it doesn’t break it down, the levels of estrogen increase, creating hormonal imbalance. This means that levels of estrogen become higher than progesterone levels.

Good amounts of vitamin B6 can be found walnuts, whole grains, lean red meat, poultry, seafood, bananas, spinach, beans, potatoes, and fortified cereals.

Take also vitamin C! A study has shown that 750mg of Vitamin C taken every day for six months can considerably increase the progesterone production.

Zinc is essential for hormonal health and it is extremely important for the production of adequate levels of progesterone.

Zinc is the mineral that prompts the pituitary gland to release follicle stimulating hormones, which in turn promote ovulation and stimulate the ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone.

Good sources of zinc are veal liver, lean red meats, shellfish, crabs, dark chocolate, wheat germ, chickpeas, and pumpkin, watermelon and squash seeds.

Magnesium is another key nutrient for increasing progesterone levels, as it plays an important role in maintaining a healthy hormonal balance in the body.

You can either take dietary supplements, or eat more foods that are good sources of magnesium such as black beans, spinach, raw plantain, halibut, whole grain cereals, pumpkin and squash seeds, okra, and nuts.

Avoid all herbs that can increase levels of estrogen – with estrogen dominance, your progesterone levels are lower. These herbs include blue cohosh, black cohosh, dong quai, hops, lavender, licorice, motherwort leaf, rhodiola rose root, red clover blossom, saw palmetto berry, and tea tree oil.

A herb that is good for balancing hormone levels in the body is chasteberry, also known as vitex. It can stimulate the progesterone production and reduce levels of estrogen, as well as amounts of prolactin, which is another hormone that can lead to low progesterone in the body.


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Have a look at what Jay on site placed 66 menopause symptoms .Jay put it up about 3 weeks ago ,interesting read it was to .
  • Posted

    Thanks for the info, about to take it but will now do so sooner rather than later

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