Initial side effects

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Hi all...

Some people have said they have increased anxiety when beginning sertraline. If this applies to you, to what extent did it increase by (i.e. what changed, how did it affect you?) and how long did it last?

Things like diaherra, sweating, feeling sleepy etc I can cope with but concerned about the possible increase in anxiety.


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    I used it for 2 weeks and it appear to be working for me.  I did get a few side affect like Headache, sweating, insomnia so my Doc  took me out specially because I slept 10 hours in 5 nights and this for sure increased my anxiety on day time. Keep in mind is differenet for all of us so your best option is to try it and take it in the morning, if it makes you sleepy just push back to nights. ;-)

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    I'll be honest and say that other than sweats l didn't really experience any issues, i even wondered for a while if they were just a placebo !
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    7 days for me now and i can say im feeling a little better but the sweating and not sleeping was bad but i know it will be for the best smile but everyone is diff and you may have diff side effects etc
  • Posted

    Hi jane  i have been on sert for 3 months now and initiallly i had diarrhea quite bad which lasted about 3 weeks   Throughout i have had days where I have felt anxious but the tabs have definately taken the edge off and it is nowhere near as bad as it was   also in the mornings when i first get up i do feel a little jittery but this always passes after about 2 hours  so knowing that it does go makes me able to cope with it   I decided to take my meds (100mg) at night about 1hour before I go to bed and this definately works for me    Have you just started on the meds and what is your dosage  try not to worry too much  you may not even get additional anxiety   but if you are like me  if I think you will get it then it happens (thats the nature of anxiety i suppose) anyway  good luck  perservere with meds because side effects do go  just give them time to work

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