Injection induced menopause
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Hey ladies, im 20 years old and have been put into menopause due to a condition i have called adenomyois (when the lining of your uterus melts into the muscle wall) and a septum of the womb. the menopause is to shut down my system so the condition does not spread and hopefully save the chance to have a little gift one day in the future.
I am on kliovance hrt. and im finding myself all over the place. i am constantly crying, or hating myself, or being sick. i can never win. i have had my 3rd injection last week and each injection just seems to get harder and harder.
i am currently studing my alevels and i am doing 2 years of work for 2 alevels in 9 months and i cant sleep at night due to sweating, being uncomfortable, bad dreams or crying.
I am hoping that someone out there can give me some advise before i loose my mind
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brimbo67 shannon240413
shannon240413 brimbo67
HotDot7 shannon240413
shannon240413 HotDot7
shaznay96184 shannon240413
I've never known anyone as young as you have to experience what us 50+ girls are going through, so forgive me for not giving you too much info/advice, especially as I'm not actually using HRT - at the moment.
Having said that, I'm going to just welcome you, tell you you've arrived at the right place, and are in good hands,and pass you over to some wonderfully informed women who have a fantastic wealth of knowledge about this cr*ppy time. I see they're already replying to you: I knew they'd come to you aid x
I'm sure with your particular situation you'll be supervised by your GP/Gynae(??), so I hope that you're being given good advice about things that might help you get through the worse of this.
Until then kid, maybe have a good read about Perimenopause (yeah, I know, its something most of us only really heard of after having put up with many of the symptoms for yonks!) and don't feel afraid to go bother your GP with all your queries/questions: you deserve all the support with this as you can get!
With regards your A Level coursework: Lay off the Red Bull, easy on the caffeine, eat well and try to get enough sleep: and that's just me with my 'Mum' Hat on
shannon240413 shaznay96184
Night sweats are so annoying lol I'm not a fan of red bull and boost thank god :D thank you I know I'm not alone on this :D xxxx
lol64 shannon240413
shannon240413 lol64
manuela67667 shannon240413
shannon240413 manuela67667
lol64 shannon240413
susan21149 shannon240413
I'm sorry to hear you are going through all this in your 20s that is young. Just keep a smile on your face things will get better it will it takes time
Big hugs to you
mel64317 shannon240413
Now as a successful user of HRT, and I guess they had no choice but to give it to you with what you have suffered..?..sometimes you have to try more than one type to be ok...? .I suggest you keep a diary of symptoms and feelings..but I would go
straight away to your doctor and discuss it all now, you may not be getting enough from the medication you're taking....don't take no for an answer, ask for a referral if necessary and above all....take care of you..good food, rest, and just do what your body dictates...
good luck honey, xx
BellaRubia shannon240413
I got you can not go on HRT, anyway, as your doctors are trying to put your hormones down, is it? So you are obliged to follow the natural route. This said, take a look in our postings. Just to give you a fast, but not complete, tour on it, the ones that decided, for good or bad, go natural, take vitamins: Calcium and D for bones, B6 and B12 for emotional shifts, Magnesium, for sleep, aches and even hot flashes; Omega 3 for heart and eyes support, joints. We got to the notion that eating well is most important, so pay attention on that - avoid carbs, sugars, fats and heavy dinking - some wine is allowed (yeyyyyy!!!) Well, besides that, someone always find an herb, tea or root that works for them (ginger, rye, maca, sweet potato, etc). But once this is the "natural way", do not expect magic -
Just remember, peri menopause or menopause, is a phase - it will end, as bad as it may be at the moment - we believe!!! Some have had rough time, I hope you have it easy.
Big hugs
emmit8 shannon240413
susan21149 emmit8
Big hugs and kisses from me and here since you are unhappy I will give you a smile to help you out
Just hang in there kiddo best wishes and please keep me informed with what goes on. You have my prayers
emmit8 susan21149