Injured knee. Swollen, painful

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**hello- I was running up my stairs at home when I twisted my right knee and heard a pop and had instant swelling **I went to Urgent CARE and they said it is either a very bad sprain or I tore my meniscus I am in a pretty heavy duty knee brace i am still swollen and when I put weight on it ot pops more and is very painful on the inside and over the knee cap. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what the difference between a sprain and and torn meniscus is?? THANKS!!

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Michelle, Every time that I went to Urgent Care they always told me to follow up with my GP. What instructions did they give to you? To me some thing "torn" sounds more severe that some thing "sprained". While I'm at home waiting to see a professional I usually follow RICE. Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevate. In other words, stay off your leg that has the injured knee, use an ice pack frequently for about 10-15 minutes at a time only, keep it wrapped (I use the 3" elastic bandage) for compression and keep it raised (higher than your heart if possible). I don't know your age but I can tell you that recovery always takes longer than we would like and the older we are the longer it takes. grr Good luck

  • Posted

    Uuuugg yuk, Michelle 46---,feel your pain,maybe more there than a tear,might be chip or cracked bone ,maybe a second opinion docs in order,only bone issue I've had was a wrist,hairline fracture, real bothersome nagging pain but never swoll up, it was only a second cray that found it---- ok michelle,im going to send you a triple whammie,pajammi,cyber force then from texas,healing flow of hyper kenetic energy,ok hear it comes ,lalalalala,daloomya,kazzimpeee whygoomya,ok should be feeling the warmth any minute ,bless you ttfn

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