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Hi ladies. Do anyone of you suffers from insomnia and what natural remedies do you use for it. I used sleeping pills my gp prescribed for me and I was almost out off my mind straggling with all the bad side effects.

Barbara, I made that juice you mentioned and it is delicious.



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22 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Noonie

    oh yes yes had insomnia for 10 years... Melatonin is the natural one, you can get 10mg tabs off biovea web ... or less strong ones .. i have used them, also my doc gave me zopliclone for emergencies when i am soo shattered ... 

    but with zoppy i only take half or even a quarter very rarely.. they dont affect me badly, side effect wise, good old pill splitters means i can take less.. 

    which ones have you got ... 

    could try melatonin that works... Jay xx

    • Posted

      I used zolpidem. I did use melatonin but we only get the 3mg here by us.

      I took 2 of them at night and it did work but the pharmacist said I can't continue with i. He said it is sepouse to restore your sleeping patterns and then you must stop using it.

    • Posted

      hi nonnie 

      oh did he ...well you can get it from biovea uk web if you need any more.. Zolpidem not had those, always been zopiclone for me when required.. i can truly sympathise i had 10 years of insomnia and its a classic peri symptom 😩 had 9/10 years of peri and still insomnia is much the same, not as bad but not completely better by any means... my other half doesnt knkw how i function on such little sleep, always been a light sleeper, but this is terrible.. i have even got up in the past in early peri and baked a cake in the night to pass the time. 

      😳 Jay xx


  • Posted

    Hi Nonnie,

    I also suffer with insomnia. You should try to get an herbal tea called Valerian. It is a plant. I think they also sell it as a supplement too if you prefer. Let me just warn you that you need to be careful when you take it because it will make you very drowsy. I took it one night before bed but it didn't hit me until the next day and I could barely keep my eyes open. I had a doctor's appointment that next day and while sitting in the waiting area I was like a druggy sitting there nodding off. I couldn't believe it. So it does work but you just have to test to see when is the best time to take it because you don't want it to go in to effect at the wrong time. Try starting it like on a Friday so you can maybe sleep it off during the next day. Hope this helps!

  • Posted

    Hi Nonnie

    Yes big time insomnia and it has got worse since lowering the dose of HRT...impossible when I tried stopping HRT!

    I have tried melatonin...all strengths..sometimes it helps and other times makes me have a couple of hours sleep with scary dreams then wake up. I have Zopiclone but find that only makes me sleep for 4 hours but also makes me drowsy the next day.

    I drink camomile and valerian tea at night every night to get into a good "mental state" but if I'm going to stay awake, nothing will stop me! The bst thing I have evr tried is yoga and doing meditation every morning and works but yoou have to be disciplined and do it every worked for me when I was in the habit...very successful for those like me whos minds are very active.


  • Posted

    Hi Nonnie,

    I was also on sleeping tablets last year and the side effects were too awful; my doctor recommended trying a breathing technique called 'cardiac coherence'. If you go on you tube you'll find a little video that shows you the rhythm (it's basically very slow breathing) it calms your nervous system and lowers your stress hormones. You're supposed to do it for 5 minutes but I never get to the end of five minutes, I'm already asleep! I do it during the day to keep me calm and to keep the anxiety away.

    • Posted

      wow kerry thats interesting..

      i give that a go 😄

      not now as i have to feed the dogs hehehehe

      i will look it up in a bit .. 

      thanks Jay xx

  • Posted

    Hi Nonnie..try Chamomile tea that seemed to work me...good luck!


  • Posted


    I agree with the other poster---when I lowered my dose of estrogen and then went off insomnia was brutal!  I have since gone back on bi-est and it is much better.  I still use Xanax ( a miracle drug) and pair it with Melantonin about 1-3 mg.  every other night.  I find if I use it every night it loses it effectiveness. Just as an FYI, melatonin is a hormone, so you really want to get tested once you start taking it.  I also find if I shut off light sources about an hour before I go to bed (that includes my iPad ) it is helpful. I know, easier said then done.

  • Posted

    I went through hell and back with insomnia, and I am just realizing that it is a part of menopause.  I haven't had great doctor's who even seemed to care about menopause and its' symptoms.  I was put on zolpidem (ambien) and it was horrible!  I was on it for approximately 3 years, and the doctor who put me on it didn't explain that taking it for so long absolutely ruins your ability to ever sleep without it.  Worse even, it stops working after awhile-and don't even get me started on the side effects.  Scary conversations, eating and night terrors to name a few.  My new doctor weaned me off the ambien and started me on trazadone.  This medication has been wonderful, and it starts to teach how to fall asleep on your own.  It also closely mimics the natural stages of sleep.. I would highly recommend it, I haven't found any side effects either!
    • Posted

      blimey that zolpidem sounds awful...

      trazadone though, isnt that an anti depressant... good it works for you and no side effects.. 

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      It is an anti-depressent used a long time ago, but not very effective.  One of the side effects was sleepiness and fatigue.  It was actually one of the medications that you think of in mental hospitals with all the patients following asleep (ie one flew over the cuckoos nest).  Zolpidem is the devil!
    • Posted


      sounds similar to the old amitriptiline antidepressant...  used that for sleep aid and anxiety etc... made people well groggy though.. 

      thanks for sharing 😃 still laughing ' one flew over the cuckoos nest ' 😁


  • Posted

    There are some foods that are meant to help, like cherries, lettuce, almonds, bananas, and magnesium found in natural diet, but not much evidence based.  There is a good book by Colin A Espie 'Overcoming Insomnia and Sleep Problems', Constable & Robinson and you could get it from your library.  Look up good sleep hygiene in the internet for some suggestions.  Also mindfulness meditation can help you to bring focus back.  Hope this helps a bit x

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