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Hello lovely ladies,
can i please have any advice on insomnia any tips appreciated. all i want is a good night sleep.
This is one of many of my post menopause symptoms that i an struggling to deal with along with anxiety and being sleep deprived does not help .
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karen07486 julie34068
HI julie,
I feel for you as i have been surviving on 2 hours a night some nights im awake all night and been like that for 3 years now. I have tried allsorts but nothing has helped apart from sleeping tablets which i take half a tablet twice a week and get about 6 hrs on those nights. Im 50 this year and havent had a period coming on 3 months so im hoping my sleep might return to some kind of normal very soon but with fluctuating hormones who knows. I hope someone can give you more help than me. I really hope things settle for you very soon.
Take care
Karen x
lina19 julie34068
i can relate to ur sleep problem. i tried herbal and allopathy medicine, but i hate to consume anything for over 3 months. im the kind who wants my body to do things naturally n not depend on pills. of course, if i have no other options, i wd take them. fr motivation, i keep reading posts where women say that once the fluctuations of hormones even out n settle, the "sleep" and other issues resolves....n im waiting fr that time!! u can call it blind faith. some nights i do get lucky and sleep fr 7-8 hours(broken). if not, i try to catch up during the day. As with anxiety, i just let it play in the background, without paying much attention to it. This is not easy, but, im trying to learn to take control. again, hoping that all will be normal one day(fingers crossed). so, just hang in there. Some times, disttractions help take our mind off of the anxiety. good luck. hope u will feel good soon.
christine-Perim julie34068
hi julie
I HAVE TERRIBLE insomnia. but i do keep track on a calendar and it usually is related to my periods and ovulation. i take melatonin every night and magnesium and my progesterone. if its a night where i am not gonna sleep, i just accept it an pick a movie to watch.
i am 49 and my periods are inconsistent but so is the insomnia. a few days before my period I usually only sleep 3 hours even if I get desperate and take a sleeping pill.
its lonely in the middle of the night when everone else is sleeping. but a good move or book helps.
Guest julie34068
Oral progesterone helped me get back into my sleep cycle. I know women who take up to 400mg but I only took 200mg.
I no longer have to take it.
Also, white noise. I have an air purifier and a small fan I tun. Can't sleep without it.
debra16694 julie34068
hi julie - some good suggestions here - my naturopath told me to have "sleep hygiene" which is basically a routine you do every night like 1 hour before bed, take a epsom salt bath with lavendar & have a sleepy time tea, dont look at any electronic devices an hour before bed, have your room completely dark (no electronic devices) & dont turn on light to go to the bathroom - white noise is good - lavendar oil on pillow & magnesium glycinol 400 ml @ night. Important to get sun exposure during the day & dont eat or drink before bedtime & room should be on cool temp side -
girlfour julie34068
Hi Julie, when I had trouble with anxiety and insomnia, I would eat turkey meat I would drink milk with it also a cup of camomile tea. Really helped me get drowsy. Try to lay off on all caffeine and any stimulants hours before bed like stop drinking any stimulants after one o'clock p.m.
rebecca_68782 julie34068
I too have had terrible insomnia. I use Magnesium Calcium drink, no caffeine, and two weeks ago started cbd oil, six drops on the back of my neck. Has worked wonders for me. Good luck.
mandy51750 julie34068
Hi Julie, I suffer terribly with insomnia due to the menopause so I totally understand how you are feeling. I Presume you are following all the advice for good sleep hygiene, if not look it up. I found it worth trying melatonin, you can order from Biovea, they did help initially. Then my doctor prescribed Zopiclone 2 nights per week which worked for about 9 months. I take another tablet which works, but I wont name it as it is very controvercial and has in some instances very dangerous side effects. I feel fine on this, getting about 7 hours sleep. My doctor has also referred me to a sleep clinic called The better sleep programme which is run by psycologists. Its a 4week programme, apparently it is the only treatment which works. I dont know if you have access to such a clinic. Finally I read recently that wearing bed socks helps you to sleep-not joking there was a study done. It is strange laying on top of the bed with nothing on except bed socks, quite alluring! But the hot flashes and sweating are the devils own work. I really hope you find something to help you. Sorry I am unable to help with anything other than support and empathy. I should add that all my awful menopause symptoms started 7 years after my last period, Iam 56. All the best Julie.
christine66659 mandy51750
mine started when periods stopped at 42..insomnia probably being the worst one..didnt have flashs etc...achy and crying got me x
christine66659 julie34068
hi ten yrs post menopause and sleep can still be a problem for me..some nights i get 2/3 hrs and others 10/11 have often had o hrs some nights..last 3 mths thou slept every night wahoo until last night..i just accept this will happen now and again were as i used to really worry and it turned into sleep phobia last yr ..if you dont it can be just as good x