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Morning ladies or middle of the night to you all ! Here i go again - moaning about all my symptoms .... yet another sleepless night waking at my usual time of 02.30 am to 3am , average for me , ugh its so annoying and i doubt very much ill go back to sleep either . This has been going on for a long long

time and im shattered , by lunchtime ill be like a zombie and wobbling all over the place ! Im six years post meno now and along with all my other symptoms this is one of the worst . Yes i have a bath before bed , no drinks apart from Horlicks , my doctor gave me diazepam to help but im not allowed any more as apparantly there ' addictive ' ..... but they did help . So there you have it , feeling shattered and fed up oh and awake ! Anyone else ?

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13 Replies

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    foxy62 oh yes. 4 years post 4 years since I left work I couldn't cope with it anymore. I haven't even got to bed yet lol I'm wide awake. I've tried going to bed at 8 or 9 after warm bath milky drink etc but I'm up at 12/ 1 without fail . But when I go to bed at 5 or 6am I'll sleep 8/9 hours??? Why can't I do this if I go at "normal " time I've been trying for years. Tried non addictive sleeping tabs from doctor in the past but all they did was give me a constant headache for nearly 2 weeks. Tried lying in bed to see if I manage to nod off but never happens. Tried staying up all night and the following day and gone to bed really tired and woke up at midnight!!! wtf. I know I'm no help lol but good to rant at this ungodly hour.

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      thanks for reply , oh god i feel your pain ! its just crap isnt it .... just gone half 8 am and i just got to work - my heads all over the place trust me , you know what i mean ! its awful .... like you ive tried staying awake all night watching depressing films etc lol  doesnt work you just end up even more tired than before ! someone knock me out please i cant cope x

    • Posted

      I struggled at work for months before I left. As soon as I entered meno it wasn't just lack of sleep it was the constant hot flushes or should I say downpours. They killed me. Out of nowhere crippling anxiety hit me. Worked in retail and found it all so embarrassing facing people all day like I'd just got out of the shower. It's left me even now with social anxiety and I'd worked with the public for over 30 years. Just be mindful not only of your physical health but your mental health also. I wish I'd acted sooner instead of forcing myself and then my partner forcing me to go to work thinking it was the right thing to do. It wasn't. Sorry I'm rambling on lol. All I want to say is look after yourself and I wish I was working lol .

  • Posted

    Try Lavender oil mam.

    it help me for sleep .

    put few drops of oil in pillow cover or put few drops in half cup of this near ur bed.

    it help to have better sleep.

    Try this.

    Hope this works for u too

    • Posted

      Thank you I've been meaning to try lavender oil. Is the smell quite overpowering at all or is it very subtle?

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      thank you tried that - no good ! tried all the oils known to man ..... im beyond help ! my brain is wired up all wrong i need reprogramming x

    • Posted

      mam its smell is moderate .. you can can say subtle..i like its beautiful flowers..

      if u donot like strong smell..just pour only 1 or 2 drops in reduces stress and help in good night sleep .

  • Posted

    yes i can relate and i can give you tips i have tried. go to youtube and search for berry eisen sleep hypnosis . it does work to help you go back after or before you turn in for the night. i dont do other hypnosis or meditations as i am not sure how i feel about it but i do trust this one video. i dont do chakra stuff or the ones with beats in the back ground . i just feel you can get too deep into meditating and i have heart negative things about it. but his are not like that . it just relaxes me and he guides you through relaxation . i hope you got some sleep , i have had very little myself. melatonin is supposed to help with sleep and it is natural but i have not tried it . ask your dr first if its ok to take it with diazepam or valium . i took valium and they recommended taking the melatonin but i began to sleep after the meditation i found. this is just some of my thoughts. hope you find more sleep soon .

    • Posted

      thank you so much for your help , ill definatley try it and see what happens .... its all a nightmare , its almost 4pm now and im flagging big time now , darent try to sleep as i definatley wont sleep later . I will also try the melatonin aswell , thank you and will speak to my doctor again too . This seems a very common problem for us ladies and could make us very depressed by falling into a cycle of no sleep and feeling so anxious about it all .... im rambling now as cant think straight with this fuzzy head . Thank you once again for your help and advice x

  • Posted

    I take one Tylenol PM and I had to cut down on my tea drinking. Just one cup in the morning. You shouldn't have to live like this.....get help ASAP!

    • Posted

      thank you , we dont have tylanol in the uk sadly , ive tried eveything .... been awake now for 18 hours with no sleep ! so tedious and boring all the time but i will get help , promise x

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      Had a 2 hour nap thurs afternoon apart from that was awake from 9.30 pm wed till 8pm Fri !!! I'm off to get lavender oil or try the non addictive sleeping pills again. I can't go on like this. How's it been for you?

  • Posted

    Ho Foxy62, Daryl & all,

    We are on the same boat. I am post meno 2 years, 59 years old (late bloomer) & finding it so hard to sleep. I actually went to the clinic in Japan (on business) for help. Its very easy to get hold of sleeping pills in Japan because its a normal prescription for anyone who needed help. I only took one. Scared to be addicted. Last year my cardio also gave me zanax, I only took one until it expired. I have to be careful because last Dec 2019 I have benign liver tumour. They also found breast nodules that the specialist said needs to be monitored. Cyst in kidney and gall bladder which doctor said normal and not alarming. Thank God the extra heart beat they noticed 2 years ago is gone. BP still fluctuates but the more I take my BP the more it goes high. So I just leave it, I take Amlo Concor to maintain my BP.

    What is it about fear and anxiety during menopause? I thank God for His presence in my life. I can not do this alone.

    I try to live a normal and stress free life but when I feel my breast are tender or my tummy is acting up, I feel scared and imagine all sorts of negative things.

    Ladies, I wish there is a menopause support group where we, women can actually sit down and have coffee. It will make a big difference.

    God Bless us all.

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