Insomnia: Advise or at least some reassuring words.

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Another night of maybe 4 hours of sleep. I've dealt with this as best as I can with a smile, but today is NOT a good day for the smile. Please, someone tell me this insomnia will go away at some point. I've literally tried everything that isn't a hard-core prescription (Unisom, Sleepytime tea, Kirklands, ZZZQuil, Melatonin, Valerian, Olly) and I cannot sleep more than 3-4 hours. It's wearing me out, as I know my body needs true rest more than anything.

Please tell me what has worked for you, and when can I look for this to go away?

Also, has anyone had issues with hair falling out?

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    yes this has been a problem for me ...waking up at the craziest hours and not being able to get back to sleep and on top of feeling awful anyway... not a good combination .

    i take pills from my dr if i wake up too early now along with valerian california poppy marijuana you name it !

    i dont have a problem falling asleep initially as i drink some wine and take some medical marijuana but waking up throughout the night is a real problem .

    so whatever it takes to SLEEP ! ill do it . trying not to beat myself up about taking so much stuff to sleep ..... i just cant handle those days of waking up too early the days are long and im ready for bed at 5pm .

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      I've tried everything under the sun besides prescription meds. my doc didnt want me to do anything too hard core because I'm alone at home and I've never taken any prescription sleep meds. he is afraid ill sleep walk or something crazy. he did prescribe me some clozapam, I think that's the name of it? it's for anxiety. anyone have any experience with that drug?

      I told him I wasnt crazy about a benzodiazepine because they are so addictive, but he said it's a low dose and I would only be on it for 30 days, until my body heals more. he said it would help with the sleep and anxiety. anyone else tried this? I'm a little nervous to even start it. it's been sitting in the kitchen cabinet for 2 weeks.

  • Posted

    Oh Jen,

    I do hope so much that you can start getting a better sleeping pattern soon. It must be so distressing and draining when you're feeling so tired and exhausted physically and mentally but still can't get a refreshing or longer sleep. I remember when I had the virus that although my sleeping wasn't terrible, I did wake up often during the night feeling and was awake for a while and not get back to sleep until later on then just lying on later into the day. I know it can be so upsetting to your whole system and routine. My experience was that this returned to normal more as I started to feel better gradually over a period.

    For my own pain / depression issues I have been taking amitrypyline for the past 3 years. I must say if you have sleep issues that this is a great medication, you take it a couple of hours before bed and it really does help you get a very good sleep. But I know it's not the kind of thing to jump onto without giving it consideration or discussing with doctor as it is an anti-depressant. But maybe worth keeping in mind or discussing with doc if really feel need that help right now. Cayenne pepper is another good soothing herb I take at tea time and night that can relax and calm your body before bed.

    Read your message on the other thread too Jen, thanks for asking about my appointment. Things still quite unsettled and upsetting at the moment, the consultant suggested I see another consultant to have a look at the cyst and see what he suggests, I have got myself worried about it and trying not to, just need to keep trusting God and hoping there is not anything that will harm or unsettle me ahead and putting it all in God's hands.

    That's great too you visited Ireland Jen, it's a lovely country. Yes Scotland is very beautiful too, has the contrast of the very different cities of Glasgow (more modern, edgy) and Edinburgh (historic, touristy) and the beautiful scenery and lochs out with that. If you ever come you must let me know!


    • Posted

      And remember Jen - you WILL get through this and get better - take it from me as someone who also felt they were pushed to the edge with this horrible virus, wondering if there would ever be improvement - it's so awful to deal with and takes a little time for many, which is so hard to contemplate when in the midst of it - but this phase is the worst Jen you're in I believe and I believe things ARE going to ease and get fully better for you over the coming period. Hang in there and thinking about you.


    • Posted

      I absolutely will! as long as the healing progresses, it will be in May. I am in Germany a few times a year forwork, and always try to visit another country while I'm there.

      Enough about me, what's going on with the cyst? I hope it's not I trudging to ask. just remember we are all here to listen and assist.

    • Posted

      Thank you Jen for your kind words and asking about me. I'm trying not to worry or think about things too much, I am seeing another consultant next week and just hoping it doesn't upset me or give me anything more to worry about, not sure I could face that right now with how I've been feeling.

      Hoping for a much better and more settled week ahead for you Jen, still thinking about you and believing you are going to get through this hard time. Trusting God to help and strengthen each one of us and to pull us through and that He has good plans for our future and wants us well. Praying we can align with His will for us in Jesus name! Thinking about you Jen.


  • Posted

    Isn't it weird to have sleep problems with Mono? My insomnia before I was diagnosed was one reason why it didn't cross my mind that I could have Mono. Before learning about Mono, I assumed people just slept the whole time with it.

    I'm sorry your sleep issues are such a problem for you right now. Even before Mono, I have had sleep issues. Years ago, I read somewhere that as long as you are "resting" such as keeping yourself relaxed during the night, you will be getting some "sleep" restorative benefit. So, when I wake up, I listen to a meditation app or listen to a relaxing book or podcast while laying in bed. It has really helped me. I use to feel so alone during the night which would stress me out even more and make me start to feel anxious. Having something to listen to has really helped me not feel so alone. (I don't watch t.v. because it will definitely wake me up.)

    Wishing you a healthy recovery!

    • Posted

      Hi Kris,

      Oh I know it seems an oxymoron to have sleep issues with mono, when your body feels so fatigued and is crying out for rest. But it seems so common too for so many people going through it.

      That sounds like some really good techniques with the relaxation apps and things to listen to. For many years I've always listened to the radio in my bed, I'm a big sports fan and always listen to TalkSport and fall asleep every night with the radio on. As you say it's like a bit of company too almost. I know that may work for some but not for others, it's just about finding something that works for you . Taking a bath with epsom salts in it early evening too can also help relax the body before bed, as can herbs like cayenne pepper and feverfew.

      Hoping you are doing okay at the moment Kris and sending best wishes your way.


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      I tried a meditation app as you suggested and it did seem to help me fall asleep. staying asleep was still difficult, but hopefully coming around from this thing.

      hope your day has been well.

  • Posted

    my nights have been slowly getting harder and harder to sleep since getting mono. i got zero sleep last night for the first time.

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      gosh that must be awful ! even with 10 hours sleep sometimes im still terrible the next day ... nothing satisfies this horrible virus. i do have a glass of wine to sleep

      and marijuana chocolate whatever it takes !

    • Posted

      So sorry to hear you've been having such a hard time with sleep Ant, that must be so distressing and draining I can only imagine - I just hope and pray things improve and a better sleep pattern comes back very soon. It's the mental drainage of not sleeping and your mind thinking about things too which is often so hard with it. The amitrypyline is very good for sleep, and of course not something to jump onto lightly or without consideration / discussion with doc, but maybe something to keep in mind if struggling quite a bit with that.


    • Posted

      Hoping so much that your sleep can improve Lori, remember it's normal and natural with this thing to feel very tired in the mornings even after a better sleep. Your energy levels and strength will come back with time Lori, just keep remembering this is just the process of this virus trying to do its worst you are going through and that eventually it burns itself out and loses its sting so to speak, and just take one day at a time right now though and remember you will reach that stage where it can no longer harm you or make you feel unwell any more.


    • Posted

      that makes me feel so much better craig! the fact that im

      feeling so unwell because im

      actually getting better. i do hope so ...soon . just had it with this evil thing!

    • Posted

      Ugh. I feel your pain. my sleep has been horrible, but seems to be getting slightly better each day. I say slightly because it's seriously very slight, but I guess we have to take the small wins, too.

      any better today?

    • Posted

      yes its a slow moving virus ! it needs to hurry up and leave us !

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      Hi Lori,

      It's definitely a good way to think of the virus - your body is still reacting to this thing and it just takes time for your immune system to find the right formula to kick this thing into touch for good.

      I can't remember if I've mentioned this in my messages to you before, but I remember when going through the virus reading a thing that said how this virus works and how your body reacts to it. I have no idea if it's true or not but it seemed to make sense to me and have always remembered it.

      Basically goes like this, if you imagine the shape of the virus, say it's a square. If the virus is a normal cold for example, your body would make antibodies to fit with the square shape and block it and then it's dealt with and you feel better.

      With mono though the virus seems to change shape. So if it was a square, your body makes antibodies to fit with square virus, but by the time it's made that the virus has changed itself to a triangle, then your body goes through the same process antibodies for a triangle then changes shape again, and so on. This kind of would explain why the virus can go on for so long.

      BUT the thing to build hope on is that the virus somewhere down the line trips itself up, by changing back into a shape it previously was, so at some stage might change back into a square shape again and by this time your body already has the antibodies sitting ready to fit with the square, and it finally gets it and blocks it off. This can explain maybe why it can go on so long without much improvement but then all of a a big step towards recovery can happen in a short space of time.

      Again I've no idea if this is anywhere near true, but it seems to make sense in a strange kind of way! Sorry if I've not explained that very well or you're thinking I've no idea what he's on about! But basically just wanted to stress that there is hope and your body and immune system eventually does get to grips with the virus and defeat it, and not to panic if it takes a little time because that can be normal - but you WILL get better again, your body has amazing powers of recovery thanks to God!


    • Posted

      thank you craig that makes a lot if sense . i do know its a tough virus to get under control and has so many weird side effects. its got mulitple personalities ! one day this thing one day another thing ! it has really affected me i know that much !

    • Posted

      Oh I know Lori it's a total rollercoaster and not the kind of one that brings joy and fun this virus. I do hope you are feeling settled today and that this can be a better weekend. I still believe you are going to fully recovery Lori, and keep remembering that you are going to get through this and get there - God is good we must hold onto that and is a peaceful and loving God. Praying that He can help us see things with the right perspective today in all our circumstances and that we keep believing in Him today and always - all things are possible to those who believe.


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