Insomnia and anxiety during perimenopause??

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Have any of you ladies experienced insomnia and anxiety during perimenopause? Im either waking with sweats then shivering or intense anxiety in my stomach in the middle of the night! Feel like im going mad with the lack of sleep!

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm not an expert, but I recently read that due to hormonal changes, it is possible to have disturbance of sleep, night sweats (which are different from hot flashes), and other symptoms.  If you are around 45-50 years old, you could be experiencing these symptoms.  Talk to your doctor about it and have some wine ready lol
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      Taina im 37 however both my mother and grandmother had gone through the change by early 40s
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    Hi, I experienced this. I found magnesium supplements helped with both the sleep and the anxiety. I still take them and find they really help.
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      Thanks for the tip considering the magnesium, no harm in giving it a try I suppose
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    I'm post menopausal and suffered with night sweats insomnia and hot flushes. I didn't want hr so doc gave me citalopram an antidepressant which really helped.i only took them for a few months. The hot flushes and night sweats are now rare but the insomnia has never gone away x
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      Lesley im also on citalopram but it doesnt seem to stop the hot flushes or night sweats for me :-( nothing seems to help the anxiety thats caused by my fluctuating hormones either
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      Hi Alison What a pain, we all react differently I guess.

      I'm going to try magnesium x

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      What type of magnesium lesley? ..... There are different types, im wondering if they all do the same thing?
    • Posted

      Hi ladies,

      You could try getting your magnesium by bathing in Epsom salts ( buy from a garden centre get a big box very cheaply)

      I was told by my homeopath that if you are taking magnesium orally you need to take it with calcium. Calmag from Holland and Barrett.

      Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Hi Alison,

      I also suffer from severe anxiety and insomnia. My rheumatologist recommended magnesium malate. I take it every evening with dinner and it does help some to relax me. It does not take it all away though...

  • Posted

    Hi Alison I have suffered chronic insomnia for 6 years, only realising last year that it is peri related. Don't get night sweats but anxiety and sleepness nights a plenty. Have tried just about everything from chelated magnesium, macca root, over counter sleep aids, cut, but have resorted to sleeping tablets (zoplicone) and sertraline and beta blockers for anxiety as by bp has sky rocketed. My aim is to go on hrt, not ideal I know, but quality of life has massively been affected and not in a positive way. I recommend you speak to your doc asap for help, as I thought I really was going mad. Good luck
    • Posted

      Ive been to the drs so many times Jackie....they just say im to young to be manopausal. My argument is im not to youmg to be in peri mother and grandmother had gone through the change and stopped their periods altogether by the time they were in their early 40s. I just dont know what the answer is!

      I hope the hrt helps you... They wont give me that bcus of my age

    • Posted

      I know what you mean, it really is luck of the draw getting a sympathetic doctor. You are perfectly within your rights to be asked to be referred to a gynaecologist at your local hospital, you should insist on it, especially when your mum has been through an early meno. It's hard to keep strong but ask to be referred, if they don't then change doctors x
  • Posted

    Hi Alison,

    Yes I had terrible insomnia and anxiety. Awful days spent walking around like a zombie because I was so tired and no concentration.

    I was lucky enough not to sweat but I was so hot. Covers on and off every ten minutes.

    The anxiety always seemed worse at night I think just because you are laying quietly and there are no distractions to take your mind off it.

    Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply zigangie. I always find my anxiety is worse when im actually going to have a period too....seems my pms has got quite bad! Maybe this gets worse as we age too?? Oh the joys of being a woman!

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