Intense GAD, depression and PMDD in Peri
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hello ladies,
yesterday I went to the specialist endocinologist/gynecologist who told me i most likely have PMDD with peri, which will only get worse as i age. WTH!!!
I have constant headaches, feel totally unstable ( like really, not a little but a lot), sore hips, unusual body temp ( mainly colder than everyone else), constantly feeling like im not really here, kind of like the edges are blurred, and blurry vision ( but that may be because i spend hrs researching as im not working and feel so crap), super overwhelmed, dark turbid thoughts, crying all the time, i stopped reading books, watching anything as i didn't want to upset myself at all.....i can barely function. i didnt sleep at all for several nights so they gave me sleeping pills which I've been using for 6 weeks ( I know no good but it was that or....), i have signed into a private facility as i feared me life but they gave me horrid drugs. signed out quickly....
I actually do feel like I'm losing my mind, no joke.
Can anyone relate???
1 like, 9 replies
Gypsy014 Vix72
Hi Vix, I know how you feel, the mental part of peri/ meno is really intense.. I know that my thoughts were and for the most part still are but has eased up a bit are a lot of worry of what if this happens and if that happens, it's bad and all hormones. I would say if you had that pregnancy in August and going thru peri/meno you have a double whammy going on with your hormones and they will settle over time! But you may just be having a lot of post partum /depression/blues that woman get after being pregnant. And with shutting down your pituitary and hormones you'll just have to go thru all symptoms again as soon as you go off whatever doctor puts you in. So maybe might want to think about that, you've already gone thru a few months of this crap and getting that much closer to being thru to other side, just keep treading water till you cross over, hopefully not too much longer.. Them dark days are bad but don't last forever! Praying your days are better soon???
Gypsy014 Vix72
karen06072 Vix72
Hello lovely,
I went to the doctor after finally finding a pattern of having a really bad week before each period. It was getting worse each time, with me ending up a real state. I think I had PMDD. I didn’t know it existed, but it made sense why on top of my usual anxiety etc, it got much worse on week three. I downloaded an app called Hormone Horoscope to try to tell what happens. It’s the lack of Oestrogen. It has charts and daily information of what’s going on with hormones. This isn’t for women in perimenopause, but you can see when you’d be extra susceptible to really bad times. I’m sorry for your hell. 😥😥😥 X
Vix72 karen06072
Hi karen,
Thank you for replying...what did your Dr suggest? Mine has told me to take Premular which is a herbal from Switzerland, its for PMS. I am very sensitive so he is trying that route first. My hormone panel looked OK but he said they so inaccurate you would really have to be checking several times a day to get a real idea. However, he has requested a CT scan and so many tests ( i have had them all so many times this year, i feel like a pin cushion). He said if all else fails he can stop my periods by turning off my pituitary gland then replace with body identical hormones... feels extreme but then again, so is what I'm going through. I swing between anxiety and depression. am taking sleeping pills but that's head hurts most all of the time and the horrible dark thoughts really scare the crap outta me....I truly hope you are feeling better
karen06072 Vix72
I’ve been put on a birth control pill called Loestrin 20. I haven’t been on the pill for years! I will try it for 3 months, and then go on HRT if no improvement. It has helped. I don’t get the awful heart palpitations or skin prickles now, and my anxiety isn’t physically bad, but I’m an overthinker, and I’m constantly overthinking. I don’t know if this is because of hormones too. I’m getting married next year, and I’m literally bricking myself as to how I will cope. I have meltdowns to the point I think I may not be able to do it, just because I’m scared of being anxious on the day.
My brain doesn’t shut down. 😢 X
inge22601 Vix72
Dear dear friend welcome on the group.... You are feeling totally like everyone else on here so don't fear!!! Lol..... We all have more or less same symptoms and bwfore I found this group I thought I was the only crazy woman alive..... So happy and relieved to show there's others like me and it's called menopause.... Good luck and read through all the posts to see what others experience...... 😊😊
debi62095 Vix72
hi yes that's me too, I barely get out of bed some days as cant face anything, I also don't work, I couldn't, lost all sense of self, its hormonal but having to find whats going to help is one heck of struggle. I think defo. the bio identicals but how to get this or even anyone to listen is hard I'm still researching. GP's useless.
Good luckxxxxx
michelleds Vix72
I'm so sorry you feel this way, and I hate repeating myself so often but... I understand how you feel and I've been there myself. My entire summer sounds just like what you described. It's horrible to feel darkly depressed and horribly anxious... AND bleed AND feel nauseated AND have insomnia AND have body aches. AND... fill in the blanks, right?
But recently, it's been like.... a storm has passed, I can breath again. I used to think "when will this horror ever end??" but now I'm thinking "I can see the end is coming".
You're not alone.