Intention Tremor Developed in Menopause
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Anyone develop an intention tremor in their hand(s) in menopause? I just noticed this goofy shaking when I go to put say a glass up on a shelf in front of me. Showed my dr and she said it is an Intention Tremor. Hands don't shake otherwise. Only when putting something down on a shelf directly in front of me. Never had until menopause. It's more pronounced if I've overworked my upper back or had a strenuous yoga work out.
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lisa17089 Nettie261962
Hi nettie
Yes I sometimes get it. Aswell as all the other horrendous problems that go with menopause xx
Nettie261962 lisa17089
Thanks, Lisa, for the response. This is all so frightening. Seems like something new pops every day! I have also had really bad jelly legs. It feels like my brain isn't connected to my legs. Affects my eyes too. Can't look up or down, left or right too fast as it messes with my eyes. Makes my head feel whirly. Menopause stinks!!!
Guest Nettie261962
Hi Nettie, I have a tremor hands. When I cross my legs, my foot will tremor a little too. It is especially worse before and after a migraine attack. My nervous system is shot!
Nettie261962 Guest
Lou, did this start in menopause for you too?
Nettie261962 Guest
LOU, Have you been checked out for this tremor and if so, what did the dr say?
Guest Nettie261962
Hi Nettie, Yes, this started in peri for me. I always had a very steady hand, I am/was a dog groomer. (Cannot work with all my issues). I am on day 3 of a migraine now and am shaky. I have seen x3 endocrinologists and tested for diabetes and thyroid. They all have shrugged their shoulders when I show them my hands. The neurologist I saw last year said the same to me...essential tremor...after I was screened for MS. My primary is useless as tits on a bull. But, he is checking my thyroid, hormones and diabetes...had a physical 2 days ago.
Nettie261962 Guest
thanks, Lou. Is your tremor like mine whereby its not all the time but rather just when you go to grab something or put something down etc?
lisa17089 Nettie261962
My doctors are useless aswell I think they get sick of me. But my symptoms are real and not imagined. I have this tremor also and I twitch quite regularly, it frightened me as I thought I had something seriously wrong but after speaking to other ladies I hear this is quite common. Some days my limbs feel like concrete I can hardly lift them. Hate been like this xx
Thanks, Lisa. It does sound like lots of ladies go through this too. I have the twitching too but I also have fybromyalgia.