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Hi I'm 20 y/o. My last sexual intercourse was March 27. Then I had my period 1st week of April. Then yesterday April 22, evening I noticed some chocolatey/brownish color discharge in my underwear. I thought it is time for my monthly period but then I remembered I already had one during the first week. It wasn't plenty at all. When I woke up earlier, there is no discharge only until this evening again, there it is again. Will anyone please help me? smile

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry, Inter-menstrual BLEEDING  I mean****
  • Posted

    Hi I just turned 19, I had my regular period around the 28th of March and then had heavy bleeding around the 9th of April, like you I was a bit shocked by another period and I had to think did I actually have my period at the end of March? But anyway I went to the GP and he said keep an eye out and your periods should go back to normal etc. Last time I was sexually active was 24th of March and I also thought I was pregnant but I've taken 2 tests and both say I'm not.

    You should see the GP and just see what they say but I've read things like stress and exercise can cause it? Also do you think yours was spotting or an early period ?

    • Posted

      it's more likely a spotting. because if it was an early period, it should have continued to gradually bleed heavily like my other normal menstruation. it's just weird.
    • Posted

      Just explain that to the GP, but all should be fine so don't worry about itsmile difference with mine was I think it was an irregular period as mine lasted for a few days and was fairly heavy.

      Have you been stressed recently? Can also cause this. Just monitor your periods and if you get spotting after your regular period then see a GPsmile

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