Intercourse problems
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Had hysterectomy at 32. Went on HRT at 35. Been off and on for yrs. About to turn 60. Married 38 yrs. Trying to have a normal husband/wife relationship, but every time we try to have intercourse intense pain, burning and pressure. Have tried lots of lubricants and all burn. Help
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Sassyr12a Ladytrainer
Hi lady trainer
I have the same issue after problems with my hormones for 20 plus years, I'm 43 now. I have recently experienced a huge difference with this , and actually couldn't get a smear done recently. It seems we can go a long time in Peri, but after meno there is a lack of estrogen which causes the vaginal dryness and shrinkage. So, I've started using a vaginal moisturiser called replens, which you insert every 3 days. It provides moisture and softens the muscles /skin etc which should help with the pain. I was also advised by a gyn not to use standard lubricant as its not so effective for menopausal women, but you can get lubricant which is specific to the issues we have..... Tbh, I've not been brave enough to get back on the horse yet, but good luck! Xx
Ladytrainer Sassyr12a
louise25018 Ladytrainer
louise25018 Ladytrainer
Sending lots of love for a successful outcome for u both xxx
Ladytrainer louise25018
louise25018 Ladytrainer
lori55712 Ladytrainer
Hi l am also on HRT and take tibilone (livial) it is fantastic keeps me lubricated....never thought I'd be saying this let alone writing it down. Surely your doctor can prescribe something to help you??
I just turned 61....
Ladytrainer lori55712
lori55712 Ladytrainer
I have been on HRT for 18yrs and will be until l die! I guess it's a risk l decided to take. Quality of life is more important to me. Not for everyone l understand but for me the only option. Can't stand the hot flushes and mood swings
Finny2018 lori55712
Lori - thanks for sharing your success using Tibilone. I am starting with the over the counter estriol cream and will see if I continue noticing improvements in the vaginal area. I am thankful for this anonymous forum so that we can share things that not so easy to talk about! I am open to HRT if this over the counter doesn't work - it's great to hear someone having positive results on the HRT!
Finny2018 Ladytrainer
Ladytrainer - I have just joined the Atrophic Vaginitis group on this forum - I am 49. The only symptom I have is a little dryness now and am just beginning my research as it can start with the dryness and then it's possible it can lead to more problems - UTI's, prolapse etc. There are many women who are just rubbing estriol (you can buy this without a prescription and it's bio-identical) as one option and they say it has amazing results. I would also strongly consider going back on Bio-identical HRT if this is an option for you; many women take it for life. I am not taking anything as of now but I am open to all of it; this vaginal dryness is my latest and one of my most concerning symptoms!
Ladytrainer - you are very blessed to be in a fulfilling marriage of 38 years - I would strongly consider your quality of marriage as you go forward; it's such a big decision. I am hoping that you will receive many more responses on the ladies who plan to be on BHRT for life.
NOT ALL WOMEN experience vaginal dryness into their 60's, 70's and 80's. I thought we all did - but it sounds like it's just 40 - 50% that will face this and have to make quality of life decisions. Take care, Ladytrainer; and know that there are others just like you who are facing these same decisions.