Interested in hearing your experiences :)

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I was prescribed 50mg of Sertraline for social anxiety and depression, I'm on day 3 currently and the only side effects I've noticed are insomnia and slight muscle weakness

Was just interested to hear your experiences on sertraline (good or bad), is there anyone out there who's been on it for a long period of time that has actually benefited from it?


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38 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm new here so hi!

    I'm on day four and to be honest it hasn't been easy. I seem to be more anxious but am reassured that's a side effect so I'm just riding it out. I feel ridiculously warm (which is not normal given its autumn where I am) and have a pretty sore neck and back - not sure if that's another side effect or not.

    My dr has started me out on 25mg for four days and I start 50mg tomorrow.

    Would love to keep tabs on how you go. Feel free to private message me - maybe we can keep each other sane!

    • Posted

      Hi Mary, i can totally relate to the soreness, I'm sure it's a side effect, it'll soon pass. I'm on day 4 today and my side effects have subsided a lot, I feel like I have a lot more energy and I actually slept pretty well last night smile

      Absolutely, I would love to see how you get on. 

    • Posted

      That's great to hear!

      Glad I'm not alone with the soreness but sorry you're having to deal with these side effects as well!

      I sleep okay on these meds thankfully, although last night was a bit tough to fall asleep. Today though, is also day four. despite four hours sleep, I have energy and almost feel like myself. A bit of anxiety but it feels like its lessening in intensity.

      Here's to the light at the end of the tunnel smile

    • Posted

      Hi Tracey, I'm still feeling quite anxious which is getting me a bit down but I'm glad that I'm feeling better physically. If you don't mind me asking, what dose are you on?
    • Posted

      that's brilliant! whenever you get the side effects just think about the long term, think about how this medication might help you recover, and besides, most of the side effects are probably temporary anyway.

      I'm still feeling quite anxious in general but like you said, I feel like it's not so intense. I'm not sure whether that's the medication working or just the placebo effect haha 

    • Posted

      Been 100 for over 10yrs now on 150 I was on 24 when I started on sertraline so been on it a bladdy long time but at least u seeing an improvement x
    • Posted

      Lol, I wondered that as well!

      Hopefully the side effects are temporary. One of my friends had been on the medication for a month but still went though some side effects. I guess everyone is different.

      I think the psychologist sessions are important to manage the symptoms and get to the root of the problem so you can get stronger. Hopefully your GP has organised this for you?

      Meditation also helps - I do it every day.

      Hope you're doing okay today smile

  • Posted

    Stick at it. First 10 days can be tough.... Even the first month. But it does work. Stick at it. Don't evaluate progress daily.... Leave it now..... See how you feel in a month....... Good luck...
    • Posted

      I agree. It seemed like forever to getting this point because I was thinking about it everyday. But we are here and talking about it can help too.

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