Internal Hemorrhoid's
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Hi all,
I have what I think are internal hemorrhoids but not certain. I have suffered with external for some time now which are a pain but manageable. The symptoms I have are similar however there is more pressure this time which almost feels like trapped wind (balloon). I also have some crawling sensations which just feels like a worm wriggling around, burning is also present but I get this with external.
I can't get to the GP at the moment for obvious reasons so it would be good to start treating these with the basics in the meantime if it does sound like internal hems.
Thanks for your help
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al84410 emma37836
Hi Em
I think the key is keeping stools soft using an osmotic softener such as macrogol or senasoft etc until you get get them looked at. Maybe a suppository would help...Anusol or another.
I had 3 banded 19th Dec and it's not nice (my experience posted a few topics below).
Try diet change and OTC stuff and see it it helps but most important in my opinion is a stool softener.
kate00603 emma37836
Hi Emma, I had a rectal exam and was told I have some small internal hemorrhoids. My symptoms were the same- like there is wind trapped and a crawling almost tickling sensation. It was really driving me nuts. My GI nurse said those sensations are common with internal hemms. I would get checked out when you can, but in the mean time - do not strain at all when you go to the bathroom. I couldn't get the sensations to go away for a long time and I think it's because I was still straining a bit. I stopped and things are finally settling down. I have not found any cream or suppository that helps, unfortunately, but you could try some OTC remedies.
Thank you both for your replies. It's certainly more annoying than my external hemms albeit less painful, the most annoying symptom so far is the pressure sensation which certainly feels like trapped gas. I'm also having burning which tends to start around late evening but I get this with external hemms so perhaps both have flared. Your responses are comforting, the Dr prescribed Protosedyl for the external hemms which helps but not perfect.
Thanks again