Internal Scar Tissue Is Ruining My Life!

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Around 3 or 4 years ago I had my appendix removed as they thought it was inflamed, they inflated my stomach and put a camera through my belly button to see if it was and it actually was not but as a safety precaution they removed it anyway to avoid it happening, the surgery was key hole.

The surgery was a complete botch job so to speak and I was left with an organ infection and trapped air bubbles in my body. Although this caused me problems within the first couple of months it eventually settled down and I was able to start living normally again.

What hasn't improved at all however is the internal scar tissue that I have from where my appendix has been removed, I thought it would go away in time but its just getting in the way of everything I do in day to day life. Standing up and sitting down causes pain, going to the bathroom to pass urine and excrement causes pain, walking causes pain and also so does breathing, another thing that it is effecting is my relationship with my partner as pain that I get in my side when having intercourse is putting me off of doing it all together.

The doctors told me that the scar tissue may have healed and netted itself to my surrounding organs which is why I could be having this pain but its just absolutely ridiculous that I'm expected to just cope with it when it makes the simplest of things hard.

I'll be ringing my doctors within the next few days as they are currently shut so for now I hoped I could get a few answers from anyone who might know how to help, when I go to the doctors will there be anything that they can do with the scarring being internal? If there was anything they could do then I would do it, if there was some kind of surgery to cut away excess scar tissue would that be an option? (That said I know that would probably cause more scarring if such a procedure even exists)

Any help on what routes I could take would be extremely valuable to me and I welcome any help you may have to offer.

Thanks for your time,


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    I have been dealing w foot, leg, back pain for 2 1/2 yrs. I've been to every kind of doctor! I've had injections, etc...

    However, I've started a new treatment and wanted to share with you. I just started it so I don't have results to report yet. I am feeling optimistic. It is "ART physical therapy". I hear really good things about it. I have a friend it worked On. I've done regular physical therapy in the past but This is specialized in active release techniques. He locates all the scar tissue and breaks it up. It's a painful treatment but praying it works! Just wanted to share because I feel your pain rolleyes

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    I had my appendix out in emergency surgery in 07. About 3 years ago, I went to my gynecologist about a lump on my right side about where my appendix was removed & extends down to my uterus area. They did an ultrasound but only found a couple small cysts on my ovaries.

    How do they diagnose you with the scar tissue? Can they see it on ultrasound? I'm going back next week. The lump is still there & it hurts when my husband & I have intercourse. I'm super skinny & can feel the lump from the outside. Anyone else able to feel it?

    Just wondering if what I'm feeling is scar tissue???

  • Posted

    Jess, I really hate to hear you're having these issue.  I'm beginning to wonder if my pain is caused by scar tissue also.  About 10 to 12 years ago my uterus & bladder fell and they brought my intestines with them.  Since I was well past child bearing years, the doctor took my uterus out & tacked my intestines (on my right side) & bladder  back in place.  I've since had my gallbladder & appendix removed also on the right side.  I started passing blood in my urine in November so I was sent to a urologist.  Found nothing with my kidneys but said there was a problem & I needed to see a gastroenterologist.  I've had a colonoscopy, upper GI, small bowel follow through & CT scans.  Nothing.  But the pain is still there and extremely intense at times. I have repeatedly asked every doctor I've seen if it could be scar tissue.  They keep saying NO and running expensive tests that have not given any answers. The pain is really sharp at times causing me to double over.  But most of the time it is a dull throb that is always with me.  How long did it take them to diagnose you with the scar tissue and what tests did they do to confirm it?  I'm really frustrated and aggravated right now & the pain is about to get the best of me.  Thank you!

    • Posted

      Checkout the enzyme Serrapeptase for scar tissue. I too have pain because of scar tissue. It really works
    • Posted

      In 2013 I started having the intense pulling twisting pain where it was a struggle to walk, sit-up or even breath. The only relief I could get was laying down flat. I saw 9 doctors had every test available and still nothing. At that time I had had 6 abdominal surgeries to remove my colon and large intestines a J-pouch failure, Koch pouch revisions and a full hysterectomy.  I finally convinced my doctor life was not worth living if I could not be fixed. 6 months of misery and I was finally fixed it was adhesions which resulted in detaching my Koch pouch. Unfortunately with the exception of the detached Koch pouch I have had to have the surgery again in 2015 and just three weeks ago but at least I get a full year and a half of pain free living. I heal fast. I am in less pain three days after surgery  then before it.
    • Posted

      Sorry to hear about your ordeal. I am trying to prevent that from happening. I had cysts and Fallopian tubes removed and at that time surgeon said I was full of scar tissue which he removed. But scar tissue came back 8 months later along with the pulling and pain. I read about serrapeptase and I have started to take it and hopefully it will dissolve my scar tissue. It has relieved my pain 90%. Surgery for scar tissue just doesn't solve the problem because it comes back. But perhaps by taking the serrapeptase while healing, it may just keep scar tissue from coming back. It's all trial and error. 

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      Thanks I will give it a try as I am 3 weeks post surgery.
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      Hello Napspa,

      did you some improvement while using la serrapeptase for your scar lesions? Could you give an update, please? I would like to help a family member who has chronic pain due to adhesions intraabdominal post surgery


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    I habe purchased some of this stuff serapettas (i forgot how ro spell it) but I can not find on google how much to take. Hopefully this will help me.
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      Re the serrapeptase, google reviews on it. Some people can take very high dosage where others can't, so maybe it's best to start with the lower dosage, 40,000sbu. I started with the high potency because it would work faster and it did relieve pain in 3 days. However after two weeks it made me very exhausted because I was just taking way too much, which is okay IF you can tolerate it. I am back down to a lower dose and trying to keep pain away. But read up on google regarding scar tissue which will take a while to get rid of it. I am only on week 3.   Surgery does not remedy it because it all comes back. But I wonder if taking the serrapeptase right after the surgery would prevent it from coming back. That makes sense to me

    • Posted

      Hello Gladys, is it worth trying serrapeptase for pain post scar tissue?

      do you have good results with it or what would you suggest me instead?

      your help, please?

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    I now 9 months post op removed GB. few months ago, around my belly incision start hving pain when doing some sit-up, plank, streching, straining, walking too long, turning and others. My doctor told me tht I maybe have incision hernia or abdominal adhesions. Done CT scan and MRI scan found no defect. Doctor told me if the hernia defect too small, cant be detect. He suggest me to do laparoscopic surgery to check whether i hv abdominal adhesions and hernia. Should I go for it? Well, the pain sometimes make me feel very discomfort specially when the stomach bloating and a feel like someone pull ur intestine go down... Thanks

    • Posted

      The first time I had symptoms was in 2013 no test showed the abdominal adhesions it took over 6 months to convince my doctor to do the surgery I only got worse over the 6 months could not walk or sit up without extreme pain. In 2015, it took only 3 months to convince my doctor to do the surgery again only got worse. This year it took only 2 months to get the surgery.  I now know that I am only getting a temporary fix, but living in the pain that I have before surgery is unacceptable.  I heal fast back on my feet in less than 3 days. Basically, what I am saying that surgery has been my only solution so far.  I am going to try the serrapeptase that was mention above to see if I can get longer then my 18 months of no pain.
  • Posted

    I had my appendix removed in November 2016, a few days later I started to experience pain in the pelvic area but just thought it was due to the operation. Weeks later I was at a concert and had to be brought to hospital from the pain again in the pelvic area. The pain milded down until February when it came back full force and since then till now I've been in constant pain. I've been back and forth to doctors emergency rooms and have been treated for infections despite my urine coming back clear. I finally had enough and went to my gp in March and said I couldn't take the pain anymore so he sent me to a and e and I was put on a waiting list for an ultrasound which I had yesterday. It came back clear, as happy as I was that there was nothing wrong it still upset me because I've been in pain everyday for months now and the scan was some form of hope that I would find out what is causing it. I was told that people experience pain for no reason and all I can do is find ways to relieve it like acupuncture or meditation. I'm 24 years old and up until that operation I was always so healthy. Now my life revolves around my bed and a hot water bottle. In the past months I've become a shell of who I used to be I can't do anything because it becomes so painful so I don't bother anymore. It's effecting my work life, friendships and sex life as certain positions causes severe pain to shoot down my leg. So now I'm back to square one, have to do the whole rigmarole again. I refuse to accept that I'm in pain for no reason so I'm not going to stop till I find an explanation to the pain. I've been researching scar tissue and that seems a possibility. This pain has debilitated me for months now and I'm sick of it. So back to the doctors tomorrow. Feel like I have no fight in me anymore to do this.

    • Posted

      Don't give up! The first time this happen to me I saw 9 diffrent doctors had ultrasounds, CT scans, MRI's and many other procedures to look at my kidneys, stomach and anything else they could look at over a six month period.  Unfortunately no test showed the adhesions it was not until my doctor proformed the surgery did he discover that the adhesions had twisted my intestines. I also was at a point of this is unacceptable within 3 days post-op I was in hardly any pain.

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      I appreciate your message. Did you find doctors listen to you? Because it feels like I'm constantly being brushed over. It's so easy for a doctor to say your just going to have to deal with it. Like I'm 24 years old and my life is literally lying in bed and I don't want it to be that way but obviously that's all I can do. It's upsetting for me because I used to do 16km hikes three times a week and now I can't walk 1km and the pain is violent so I've just given up. If they don't listen to me tomorrow then I'm going to seek help elsewhere because I shouldn't have to be in this pain up until my operation I was fine and since then it's all gone down hill. I can't remember what it feels like to not be in pain at this stage. It's exhausting.

    • Posted

      Lizzie. I had a lot of scar tissue removed along with ovaries. Scar tissue. Surgery does not help long term.  Do a gogle search for an enzyme Serrapeptase for scar tissue.  Amazing results. Everyone is different so start slow. Read amazon reviews
    • Posted

      I looked it up there I've never heard of them. I will have a look into them. Good reviews on them so at least its something to try. Thank you

    • Posted

      I bought the high potency and took them for two weeks and all the pain I had was gone in three days. I felt really good. But I was taking about five a day so after two weeks I was extremely exhausted and I knew i was taking too much, so I cut down on them and I have been five days without taking them and my pain has not returned. I expect my pain to return because I can't believe that it got rid of my scar tissue that quick. It would be nice if it did. I should have started with just the regular dose of 40,000 units instead of the 120,000, but most people can tolerate the high potency for a longer period of time. If my pain returns I will start with just the regular serrapeptase which is 40,000 units 3 times a day.

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      I agree with gladys68 surgery is only a temp fix. I have had the same surgery October 2013, May 2015 and April 2017. I am in complete agreement that the pain is intolerable thus the reason I am willing to have the surgeries. Most of the doctors that I saw in 2013 wanted to help me, but just did not know how they could. They found nothing wrong with me via tests. In 2015 & 2017 the same doctor who finally found the problem in 2013 did the surgeries in 2015 & 2017. I am going to try the Serrapeptase to see if I can make it longer than 18 months before the pain shows up again. Good Luck with your quest. Remember you are your best advocate.

    • Posted

      I went to my gp after and Ive been put on pain relief their not working but I have my hot water bottle and that's been my companion the past months haha. My doctor is writing to the surgeon who did the operation to arrange a meeting with me to discuss putting a camera in my stomach to see what's going on. It is some form of hope so I'm happy enough for now I just need an answer. Would yee have much movement? As in when your in pain do you find movement aggravates it?

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      Yes, I could hardly walk the pain was intense. Sitting up was also not as bad, but was still very uncomfortable. The only relief I had was lying flat.  I also found it very hard to eat. Whenever I ate I felt like it was just going to come back up.
    • Posted

      Hi Lizzie,

      Have my scar tissue inside my neck and it's strangling me, affecting my voice and breathing, scar tissue is almost a hush hush thing! I had learned about Kenalog 40 that is also an enzyme that is injected into the scar tissue areas.  You can have every 2 weeks but no more than 80 cc, I am getting that now.  I have read about cupping therapy that also loosens scar tissue si I have ordered a set from Amazon.  Supposedly, infrared light therapy/cold laser/ultrasound all do a little loosening as well.  You can buy the devices yourself, not too bad in price.  I am trying them all, when you can't breath very well and the scar tissue is pressing on your voice box, pretty much will do it all.  There is a ebook you can buy a Jonathan Kraft has a few YouTube videos on how to do, I believe he is a physical therapist.  See if any of these things help you!  Good luck!  Allyson

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