Internal Tremors, Shaking, Jitters
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Hello Lovlies,
Anytime I come across useful information I like to share. The only way to get through this "transition" in the best possible way is to stay informed as to what is going on with our bodies. Being as though every woman is different, what may work for one may not work for the other. But knowledge is key to being able to live our lives the best and healthiest way possible.
With that being said, I came across some information on the internal shaking and jitters. Now this info may not apply to you, but if if does, by all means take it and do more research on your own to help yourself. Some of the first symtpoms that I expierenced that started to really ramp up anxiety for me is the racing heart and the internal shaking. I felt the the shaking in my chest and stomach mainly, but I could feel it all over. At times I would get the racing heart with it.
The shakiness and jitters first. We already know that the decline in estradiol can affect blood sugars, and digestive issues. For some the shakiness and jitters can be due to the blood sugars and dietary changes can help to stable that during peri/meno if you are not a true diabetic. It can also be due to anxiety and adrenaline surges. The other possibility can be digestive related. Since the digestive system is affected by declining hormones we digest food slower and have more gas than we usually do as well as an excess of stomach acid. I since have been diagnosed with GERD as many women do in peri/meno and I do have excessive gas and stomach acid which causes that burning feeling. For me what has been causing that internal shaky feeling in my chest and stomach is stomach acid putting pressure behind the breast bone which irritates the vagus nerve that can cause the anxiety type symptoms. If I chew a tums or take an acid reflux tablet the internal shakiness and jitters stop. Drinking chamomile tea, ginger capsules or tea, tums, rolaids, omeprazole, zantac, cal/mags or whareverse you choose to use calms the stomach acid, calms the vagus nerve and neutralizes excess gas. Also when the vagus nerve is irritated it can cause heart palps and that is why when your reflux is acting up the excess acid pushing the vagus nerve can start palps. Now again this may not be the case for all, but it may be for some. So I thought that I would share the info just in case it may help you.
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sharcerv52408 jamie50513
jamie50513 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 jamie50513
michelle50768 jamie50513
Makes sense x
metamorphed jamie50513
jamie50513 metamorphed
metamorphed jamie50513
shelagh00488 metamorphed
Good to hear from you
So do you think that gaviscon soothed your stomach which then helped to fix your anxiety?
Thanks 😀
metamorphed shelagh00488
yes, definitely. the anxiety would build when the palps would start and get worse and worse, stomach felt nauseous, felt jittery etc., especially at night, awful. Then i would run to doctors and get sent for tests. No mention of stomach problems. This all started with mad hormones, did not have it before, and was and I was like that for months. The palpitations were the worst symptom for me because they sent my anxiety sky-high. So yes, I tried gaviscon and the palps subsided and the anxiety went. Now when I start to feel jittery, a spoonful of gaviscon sorts the stomach out and I am much more relaxed and no thumping heart. Much better than taking anxiety pills which the doctor was insisting I needed. do you have the same problem?
Snowbell1975 jamie50513
ellacraig Snowbell1975
shelagh00488 metamorphed
Yes I do. Seems to be a chain reaction. You will laugh but I have literally just gone in the kitchen in my FirstAid box and found a bottle of Gaviscon that is about three years old and I've had 2 teaspoons of it already !!! Ha ha
I'll try anything! I'm going to take some every day and see what happens, would you suggest taking it just after food or would you suggest suggest waiting for the jitters to start and then taking it? I've been poorly with all this since end Jan so have HAD ENOUGH of it now as I no longer have a life.
Thank you for this tip, I'm sure lots of peeps will benefit from it.
sharcerv52408 metamorphed
metamorphed shelagh00488
shelagh00488 metamorphed
jamie50513 metamorphed
jamie50513 shelagh00488
metamorphed jamie50513
jamie50513 Snowbell1975
jamie50513 metamorphed