Interpreting FSH test results?
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Has anyone taken the FSH blood test? Is there a specific time that is best for a more accurate result? (ie before or after or during your period?)
I have a myriad of peri menopause symptoms that have been discussed on this forum but my results from this test is showing that I am not in peri menopause? I just don't understand. I am 48 by the way and have had these symptoms going on 2 years now (anxiety, heart palpitations, light headedness, nausea, fatigue, vision issues, and on and on)
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sakura26 tina67303
FSH tests aren't accurate as your levels, like your hormones fluctuate. There is no better time to take them from what my doctor tells me. I have had it and gotten a 3 or 4 sometimes which says you're not even close to peri. Then I one got a 12 which says maybe. The bottom line is if you have peri symptoms, you are most likely in peri. And during peri your FSH can one minute be super fertile like a 3 and a few weeks later a 12. When it comes to hormones, doctors are clueless and have no accurate measures. And no clue when you will start menopause. I am 47 with similar symptoms to you for a few years. I'm guessing you are in peri. Remember peri can last like up to 10 years and you can still technically get pregnant.
linda61015 tina67303
Hi Tina
Ive had FhS tests done in the past and they've all come back normal ; so totally not reliable !!!!.
I've now not had a period for well over a year so thats what i go by as a more accurate way of telling whether your in menopause .
good luck and take care
Keljo48 tina67303
I am 50 (51 in a couple weeks) and post menopause. My FSH results last year was 186.4 and one year later was 178.4. It fluctuates but stays up. I also had had a intra vaginal ultrasound Feb last year that confirmed my ovaries were as I say shriveling up as they are supposed to.
I had peri symptoms for years and my FSH levels were normal. As far as reliable. Well hormones go up and down, even for me a year and half after my last period. I still have hormone symptoms. But FSH will go up as you advance into menopause.
This is taken from my Gyno FSH results. Though it says Post it really refers to menopause and post menopause. FSH really has nothing to do with symptoms. But if one is trying to get pregnant or confirming menopause it has it's uses. Luteal phase is the phase of your menstrual cycle that begins after ovulation and ends the day before your next period. If you are having periods your FSH is probably going to be normal. So it wouldn't matter when you had it done. They will be able to determine where you are at. I hope this helps.
Adult Female:
Follicular phase 3.5-12.5
Ovulation phase 4.7-21.5
Luteal phase 1.7-7.7
Post menopausal 25.8-134.8
tebrown96 tina67303
I am 44 (will be 45 in July) and have been having a wide range of peri symptoms that come and go for about a year (anxiety, insomnia, night sweats, heart palpitations, tingly feet, GERD, etc). I skipped a period in August, but other than that, still get it regularly every 3 weeks. Back in August, my primary care physician had me get my FSH level tested and it came back at 57, which she said is a pretty clear sign of peri, esp. when taken with all of my physical symptoms. That being said, I just saw my Gyn earlier this week and she said FSH level fluctuates so much, esp. when a woman is still cycling regularly, it could be 57 one time and 10 the next. She said symptoms are a much clearer indicator of peri/meno than blood work. She does think I'm likely in peri but said skipping more periods will be the clear sign. Gee, thanks.