Introduction and chamomile tea for palpitations?
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Hi Ladies!
Well first of I want to say that we never know what we do that can change someone life. This board has changed mine and I feel so blessed to of found it. A few months ago I was in terrible shape... Going dr to dr with a ton of tests trying to figure out what was happening to me. It was a tough year and a half. I moved several states away to a new area, with what turned out to be the house from the money pit. This was me trying to get a home on my own for me and my kids after a tough divorceaftet 20 years. I'm47 btw. So after going through dizziness, nausea, pain in the joints, muscle pain., not thinking right... And what I now know it's health anxiety... And maybe just plain anxiety, feelings of dread...I can't see or hear anything upsetting ... tingling in arms and legs, bone cold chills,, and for a short period of time tremors that only I could feel but none could see. Lets not forget about fatigue,, dry skin and my face is definitely aging!
I've had every test possible at every dr and finally found this message board. After reading what you all have shared I found some peace and strength. Thank you so much. Right now I am learning to be good to myself... I'm used to being the over achiever who takes care of everyone around her. I guess my body is telling me its tired of being in the back seat!
I went to an endocrinologist and told her about what I suspected... That my symptoms are hormone related. She said based on my age that I'm surely in peri. She did blood work and everything came out "normal for my age". I remember her saying my estrogen was 195 . I get regular periods.
I did pretty good the last two weeks and then two days ago my symptoms came back bad... And I realize I am in day 21 of my cycle. Is there a connection? I'm going to get myself a saliva test today and see if I can gather more info. I go to a menopause integrative specialist Feb 9 .
Right now my biggest anxiety is the heart palpitations. I take chamomile tea to relax when I'm anxious. Do you think it would help that?
Thanks so much I know this was a long post! I'm very open to getting to know anyone going through this and supporting each other so feel free to message me.
God Bless!
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maureen12052 Missmira
Hello Missmira
I am where you are right now! I've had every single symptom you've mentioned! As of this moment I having
terrible migraines it's been horrible. I had a period in
October and nothing in November. Then here comes
December and I get a very long period. The dr. put me on
nortriptyline for the migraines. This month has been really
bad because all my symptoms seem to have come flooding back in full force, I just feel so miserable 😭. I'll be
50 in October and I'm really hoping a lot of these symptoms will just go away! I'm so tired of feeling sick. The
medical anxiety is the absolute worst! I thought that was over to and it back! Let's keep in touch I could use a friend
that understands all this as well!😊 I will keep you in my prayers. I know what your going through!??
wen_54374 Missmira
Not sure if I'm replying right.... But here goes.
Thank you so much Maureen and Wen for your positive words and sharing what your going through. It means a lot. I don't have too many women in my life that are in my age group... And the two I have, told me it was a breeze... Only one had hot flushes. She said if I didn't have that,, it's not hormones! I find myself acting odly when I meet someone my age or older... Trying to work the menopause thing into conversation... Just so I don't feel alone or like I am crazy or missing another medical condition. Something changed when I turned 40 I told the dr my normally oily skin got drier and I could of sworn my hair was thinning I was told I was too young for change symptoms. At 46 things took a nose dive and boy is it scary!
I tried to see if there is a women's support group in my area., I'm in Georgia,USA but nothing in the whole state. Why not??
It seems like this would really help women and the drs aren't much help. Until this board I thought the only symptoms were a missed periods and hot flashes.
Indifferent Missmira
I too thought it was just hot flashes and missedperiods...was I in for a surprise. I have been going through peri for about 6 years now I think. It has been up and down, but this year has been a full swing of everything! October and November were the most frightening, with everything I had going on in my head.
Funny thing is a few years ago when I had the health anxiety I had no idea it was related to peri until I joined this board, lol! That was a long haul as well.
The connection with the periods is VERY real! I still get a couple of days of anxiety before every period...well this is the first month in years that I haven't. This month it came with simply a belly ache and a sore anxiety or mood swings. That was a welcome relief considering I had a house full of company for Christmas!
I have also learned to just go with it...
I guess my body didn't like that I left out two symptoms lol because I just started getting them. Connected ears and tightness in the back of my head. Anyone have these?
Indifferent Missmira
Missmira Indifferent
I meant to say congested. I've just gotten it today and my period is due in about a week or so. So... The neck thing and ears are hormonal? Geez
metamorphed Missmira
anetta94863 Missmira
jane47249 Missmira
My best advice is forget all doctors and all tests this will only perpetuate your anxiety you are definately in peri menopause I know because I went through exactly the same as you doctors have to rule out all other causes to cover themselves it is just another example of how women have been invisible in the past regarding menopause causing so much anguish to some woman yes this forum is great I wish it would have been around when I first started menopause I felt so alone exercise herbal teas and diet play an important role in easing your symptoms