Iron b12 Folic Acid

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Hiya everyone will try and shorten this story, was basically told I have iron anemia and b12 and folic acid deficiencies in 2011 had injections and tablets then about 7 months later was back at the Doctors as felt rubbish again to be told they're all low again this time he treated me with b12 tablets instead of injections (?!) had a follow up to be told my iron was still low but others were normal, had a check up blood test a couple of months after iron was still low, b12 had dropped but still in normal range and was told my white blood cell count was low but not worryingly low (?) am going back to the Doctors again this morning as am feeling tired, weak, short f breath, have headaches and sores at the side of my mouth so expecting to be told it's all low again - have been tested for coeliac, blood test for pernicious Anemia and thyroid examinations and all normal was wondering if i could get a copy of my last blood test from Feb time whilst I'm there today to check my levels myself and just wondering what I can actually do as I'm sick of being put on treatment, then it clearing up then feeling like this again....I am not a vegetarian or vegan and eat a range of foods! X

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    sorry to hear about all that you are going through.

    firstly, yes it is possible to ask for your previous lab results.

    either ask the doctor or ask reception.

    secondly, if you are eating well and not vegetarian then it is bizzare that your b12 is so low so often. possibly ask the doctor if there could be some sort of underlying cause?

    good luck and please let us know how you get on!

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      Just got back had my actual Doctor this time as last blood test wasn't with my named Dr he's said from the last blood test I had in July I should have been put on treatment so back on Iron Tablets 3 times a day, said my Folic acid was very low from July too and b12 was going back down again from when I was last on treatment but can't give me Folic Acid tablets yet incase I need treatment again for the b12 so had another blood test to check b12 levels again and will find out next week he's admitted it's an absorption problem but I've been tested for coeliac, pernicious anemia and thyroid problems so can't think what it could be!
    • Posted

      well at least you are back with your usual doctor and being followed up. you are not taking omeprazole or similar medication are you? that can affect absorption of B12.

      hope the doctor works out what is really going on.

      good luck with all the tests in the meantime. tiresome but it will be worth it in the end!

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      Just ran for my results and receptionist said there's a note for the Doctor to speak to my about my b12 so presume it's low again from this? He's ringing me on Weds when he's next in 
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      i would take courage from the fact that the doctor wants to talk to you - follow up (as opposed to ignoring) is good becasue it means you're on the way to finding some sort of reason for all of this.

      when you talk on Wednesday i hope you get some explanation of possible causes (and therefore what can be done about them).

      best wishes

  • Posted

    Also take sublingual b12, they're b12 lozenges and absorb better. Hope you start to feel better soon. 

    I had low b12, iron and low vitamin d. I became so depressed with feeling so awful, it's effected me horribly, I'm still not 100% back to my normal self but the b12 lozenges do help I think. 

    I get horrible headaches too, been getting them for about 3 months nowsad

    • Posted

      Just ran for my results and receptionist said there's a note for the Doctor to speak to my about my b12 so presume it's low again from this? He's ringing me on Weds when he's next in 

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