Irregular Heatbeat / Blood Pressure
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Some times when I take my blood pressure my machine shows irregular heartbeat which doesn't help my blood pressure any. I read 34 symptoms of menopause and irregular heart beat is one NOW what the heck does they mean? Does our hormone control everything from brain to heart to our downstaris! Does any one else get that occassional irregular heartbeat? My blood pressure is crazy some times it is HIGH and then other timess its fine and then other times it in between both! I refuse to take blood pressure meds I use magnesium, beet root powder and dairy! Like when my fear and panic is high like about two weeks ago at my primary care doctor it was 185/103 and trust me its been much higer than that. I also have the white coat high blood pressure, man will I ever have a life of feeling well and human!
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jamie50513 carolrd
Hi Carol,
Yes our hormones can play a part with our blood pressure and heart. Hormones are just as important to all our body functions. It can cause racing heart and heart flutters as well as skipped beats. I've always had good blood pressure until started going through this as well. Now its borderline, and I am on meds.
carolrd jamie50513
what kind of blood pressure meds u on they gave me HCTZ 12.5 to see how I do on it but I looked up side affects and they were horrible! I mean the medicine itself will kill you just as quick! I don't like the newer medicines and I don't know whats the best high blood pressure medicne with the least side affects is. She also gave me Hydroxyzine 25 mg. because I have chronic panic anxiety which I haven't taken that medicine either. Every since I had almost a deadly reaction to penicillin I'm scare silly of ALL medicnes. Even high blood pressure medicne that they give you can actually raise your blood pressure even more.
didi0613 carolrd
I so agree with you. My doctor tried to put me on some meds for BP as well. It made me dizzy, and I broke out with bumps all over my skin from being out in the sun. I guess this was a side effect so I just said no more. I'll just try lowering with eating better, and exercising. My job is very stressful too, so surely this has added to the high BP and cholesterol, cause I'm not always eating well, or at a decent hour.
First time I ever had high LDL and Triglycerides too. I'm taking a plant-based supplement called cholester-off . Not sure if it's working yet, but I feel my high BP, cholesterol issues, etc. are all related to peri. Menopause. Wish these Dr's. would understand that's what's really going on with all of us instead of just randomly assuming we're all just crazy and need anti-depressants and BP meds, cholesterol meds, which can't be good to take either - adding unhealthy chemicals to our bodies that I'm sure will lead to other major health issues down the road. They are always recalling stuff after they find out long-term affects in taking these drugs are causing cancer, or other life-threatening illnesses and sometimes death to people. Have to stop these overpaid drug companies, and look to more natural treatments.
I only take vitamins, try and exercise more and eat healthier. It's not always easy, but as you Carol I don't like taking drugs for anything.
Take what you will from this, but I don't trust doctors, and feel strongly about not taking meds.for every ailment.
Sochima822 carolrd
michelle46271 didi0613
I'm with you on the doctor front. All these ladies on here having all the same symptoms and when we see the doctor they never suggest the menopause! They give you tablets and really make you feel like your mad.
carolrd didi0613
Thanks for sharing didi0613, I totally agree and glad someone out there understands what I'm saying with so many recalls and deadly side affects taking the meds can be just as dangerous as not taking them. My blood pressure is the worst when my hormones are running high. I need to lose weight and get moving more thats for sure. It seems to me if medicine can treat (not cure) high blood pressure and such then seems like there should be a more natural way that would actual cure us. Medicne in some cases may control or manage HBP or other things BUT it does not cure and the other damage that those meds are doing to your body is unseen at first but that stuff secertly is causing new problems and with some folks is fatal immediately or shortly there after. To me the drug companys are a muti BILLION dollar industry they could care less if millions die from them or get a new terminal disase from them as long as they get the big bucks. This something I would seriuosly need to pray for God guidance on how to take better care of myself and what to take and eat. Personally I think all the medicine we need is in the herbs and plants and trees that was all created by God. There is one thing that was not in the garden of eden and that was a drug store! If we needed drugs then there would of been a tree full of them. 1 Peter 2:24
didi0613 carolrd
I am with you on the drug thing. It may relieve you temporarily, but there is no cure. Healthy eating and exercise is the cure. I agree. Herbs were put on this earth for a reason. Not just to spice up our food, but help with ailments too. Can't go too wrong with herbs unless your allergic to one of them. Doctors don't want to push vitamins or natural supplements, cause they and the pushing drug companies would put themout of business
carolrd didi0613
Chuckj didi0613
Hi Didi
Although your positive thinking is great, sometimes natural remedies and exercise don't fix the blood pressure issue. Take it from me, who eats well, keeps active and so on. Sometimes we need the intervention of conventional drugs. We need to ensure we don't do damage to our hearts and circulation by delaying the right medication.
carolrd Chuckj
Sochima822 carolrd
Hi Carol, your blood pressure is a serious indicator that your heart is working hard at keeping blood pumping through it. Keeping calm without stress will help lowering this number. High blood pressure can cause heart attacks, or strokes. Being under stress due to menopause is no easy task. If you were put on high blood pressure medicine, my advice is to take it because you're a high risk candidate of heart issues. Be careful & keep calm.
gailannie carolrd
"Does our hormone control everything from brain to heart to our downstaris!"
The answer is YES. We have major and minor hormone systems. And they all work jointly in concert with ne another. When one of the major hormone systems what out of whack, it can kill us. When we lose our minor hormone system, we might feel like we want to die, but it won't immediately kill us. But it does effect all the other hormone systems in our bodies. This is why woman often have thyroid problems after menopause, or suddenly become insulin resistant. There are recent studies showing the effects edtradiol supplementaion have for the heart.
It's amazing how our bodies are effected by our estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. You see changes in skin, hair and nails, to digestive problems, sleep disturbances, and energy levels, to name a few. The changes are incredible, and all I can say is MENOPAUSE SUCKS.
carolrd gailannie
I did not know we had major ones . How does one go about getting that balance or does that even exist ? I'm going to ask for blood work to check thyroid . So now we have no hormone to protect our heart . We need a list of foods that is safe to eat that would not have a weak form of estrogen in them causing us yo bleed !
Sochima822 carolrd
gailannie carolrd
There are several major hormone systems. Your adrenal glands are a biggie, as well as your insulin and thyroid. Can taking HRT help balance it all. Yes, some say it can. But finding the right hormone therapy can be very tricky.
And yes, after menopause woman have heart attacks just like the men do. Before menopause we don't.
The problem with eating estrogen like foods (soy products) is that it competes with the receptors for the little estrogen we do produce. At least that's what the latest research is saying.
Sochima822 carolrd
It certainly helped me while I was going through the change. You might want to try it and see if it helps you.
sue58256 gailannie
carolrd Sochima822
gailannie carolrd
Progesterone is the hormone that makes the lining shed.
However, having said that, if your estrogen gets high enough woman will have spotting and unusual bleeding.
Sochima822 carolrd
carolrd gailannie
Sochima822 carolrd
carolrd Sochima822
Sochima822 carolrd