Irregular Periods what stage am I at?
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I have been reading that if your periods are 60 days or more apart that it means you're in the later stages of the menopause. I'm really confused, I had no symptoms at all until last September when I started getting random things like hot flushes, skipped periods and pins and needles etc. I haven't had a period since May this year, I had two periods in April, but so far I've had nothing since May. Does this mean I'm in the later stages now and almost over all this? Never had any kids, given up hope now. I doubt I'm even ovulating anymore. Feeling depressed!
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andrea05399 Claire4474
Claire4474 andrea05399
Replied to the wrong post,I'm 44 now, this hell started when I was 43.
Guest Claire4474
Hi Claire, your still in perimenopause. Menopause is a full 12 months without a period. In perimenopause your periods will be erratic along with the symptoms. I am only 41...have had nothing for 2 months, then every 21 days, etc, etc. there is no rhyme or reason. My symptoms are terrible Keep charting your periods. When you miss them,keep track. But, know that when you do get one, the 12 month clock starts over again. I know some women that have gone 11 months, only to be hit with a period and had to start the count over again. 🙄
Claire4474 Guest
I was 43 when all this started, I've just turned 44.
Guest Claire4474
Claire4474 Guest
It's rubbish isn't it. I've felt dreadful for the past year, for six months of that I had no idea what was happening to me, my doctor was pretty dismissive, felt like I was an inconveniencing him even going to see him. Not sure I could bear another ten years of this to be honest.
Guest Claire4474
Claire4474 Guest
No I'm not taking anything apart from cod liver oil capsules with vitamin D and some other multi Vitamins. I've recently had another round of blood tests which all came back normal, my first bloods showed I had very low iron and they put me on high dose of iron tablets which made me feel a bit better. I actually felt alive again for a while. They've stopped those now and I'm back to square one. I saw a second doctor who said I may be able to take amitriptyline which might help but did say there were side effects, I'm not sure I could put up with more cr*ppy symptoms to be honest. He did say there were some other tablets which were new to the market which have been known to help (didn't give me the name) but told me to have a think and go back if I want to try them (this was yesterday).
So at the moment I'm just toughing it out, which sucks. I'm lucky if I get five hours sleep a night, I wake up all hot several times a night, then I have this horrible buzzing sensation from the wait down which wakes me up at stupid o'clock every day. I think sleep deprivation is making things feel much worse. I'm wondering why the doctor has never given me the option of HRT, I read you can still take it even when you are still having periods. I think it is my hormones causing all this, I noticed I do feel better when I get my period, for a week or so leading up to it anyway.
Guest Claire4474
Claire4474 Guest
Thanks Lou, I'll look into the Melatonin. You sound like me with the sleep. I'm supposed to be working right now, but can't be a**sed :-)
Donna23316 Claire4474
Hey Claire honey, sorry you are feeling down. Its not a bed of roses is it! Reading everything you described, you are going through the classic changes and symptoms of the peri-menopause, that's for sure. You have to go a full year without any periods to have reached the menopause. Hope you feel better soon. Message me anytime. Donna xxx
Claire4474 Donna23316
Thanks Donna, it's nice to know I'm not alone in all this, glad I found this forum x
Donna23316 Claire4474
Hi Claire, there is plenty of support here. So there is no need for you to feel alone. I always say that to truly understand it, you have to experience it. And everyone here has experienced peri/menopausal symptoms, so we know how it feels. It's not easy. I reached the menopause roughly 4 years ago. For me, the absolute worst thing was the mood swings. I wouldn't even add the word "spring" as that suggests my mood moves from one way to another. Mine was permanently down. I mean really low. It felt like I was constantly "due on". I actually take a mood stabiliser which seems to have helped. I'm here for you. Message me anytime, honey. Donna xxx
jazzy77001 Claire4474
Hi all, this stuff is awful isn't it! Just wondering if any of you have tried the natural progesterone creams (wild yam)? I have been using one for a couple of months now and I think it is actually helping. . Hard to tell for sure because this whole thing is such a roller coaster, but the anxiety is so much better (pretty much gone). I think it's the cream, so might be worth trying if you haven't already.
Finny2018 jazzy77001
jazzy77001 Finny2018
Hi there,
Yes, I was using Anna's wild yam. I have been using a different one for the last couple of weeks just because it was cheaper and easier to find. Its wild yam with chaste berry in a green and white pump bottle. So far so good.
Finny2018 jazzy77001
Jazzy - I have been using the Emerita Pro-gest and am seeing results. I was inspired by what you had posted about your experience with the cream.
I started the cream to take care of my biggest complaint; the low mood and anxiety for the first time when this all has all but lifted (although I get the anxiety with the hot flashes - but thankfully I'm able to remind myself it's over in 1 minute or 5 minutes or soon enough). I don't know if my mood would have lifted either way and my hormones have leveled off; but I am crediting it to this cream and plan to get my levels tested again at the 3 month mark. Thanks for you reply, Jazzy.