Irregular periods..worried about cancer

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Hiya im 23 years old and gave birth 14 weeks ago.. i have had 4 periods in the space of 2 months.. 1st period after giving birth came.. then 2 week later another period came then a month later another then 2 weeks later another wich brings us to today. I have been having right sided pelvic back and leg pain for a couple of weeks wich came on suddenly and was really bad then the morning after was still there but not severe altall.. it has been on and off all day every day since but not awfully painful. I have been having green discharge also.. in the last 2 months i have also taken 3 morning after pills..not sure if that has anything to do with my irregular\heavier periods .. 2 days ago i had a pelvic ultrasound wich was normal.. but i am really worried that i have cervical cancer and this dosnt show on ultrasound.. does this sound like cancer or something simple and advice would be appreciated


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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Danielle,

    Well your body has gone through quite a bit in the last 4.5 months. 

    To ease your concern go get a blood test and tell them why. 

    Secondly, start using condoms if you are taking that many morning after pills and at your age becoming pregnant right after a pregnancy your more than likely to get knocked up again.  I'd abstain from sex for now until you have this figured out, especially if there is an infection goin on down there.  Plus you are also dealing with post-pregnancy hormones changes after all you just pushed a human being out of your body.

    Are you running a fever?  If you are having an infection, your body will be fighting it off. 


    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply. I do have the pill ready to take but dont want to yet as worried it will mess me up even more. And no not running a fever just feel really drained.. maybe its because im much blood. Im booked in for swabs in a couple of days Xx
  • Posted

    What did your doctor say about discharge?  That sounds like an infection to me!  As for the irregular periods, hormones aren't always normal following pregnancy anyway, and three  morning after pills in two months are sure to confuse your give yourself time to self-regulate and balance again. 

    I wouldn't worry about cancer, I think once your hormones are back to normal for you, then you'll feel better. I would just be concerned about some kind of an infection and be sure that's treated.  HUGS to you and your baby!!

    • Posted

      Hiya my doctor has booked me in for swabs in 2 days hes given me tablets to stoo the bleeding first. I have really bad health anxiety and always jump to the worst thing it could be. To be honest i dont even know what the morning after pill can do to your body. Ive been looking into infections but am struggling to find an infection that i could have.. its all so confusing. &thankyou 😊Xx
    • Posted

      Danielle, you need to learn some calming techniques.  As a new mom you're already have a lot on your plate and your child needs you to be the strong one and not constantly anxious.  While you are in the doctor's office, get more information on medication before you put it in your body.  It's basically a large dose of birth control enough to cause a miscarriage should you be pregnant but it can make you feel like crap and you've taken 3 thus far?  You need to take control of your health and educate yourself.  Knowledge is a great tool and it can ease your anxiety


    • Posted

      I try to be strong but find it hard as my health anxiety is so severe.. luckily i am not a single parent and have alot of health.. i should have asked more questions before taking it but didnt and i dont know why.. ive been takin diazipam to calm me down but id rather learn to do it myself .. thankyou Xx
  • Posted

    hi  You dont mention if it was a normal birth, csection, or any complications. l was left following csection losing blood for many weeks, 

    and felt unwell, nurse brough gp out who examined me and found infection, given anti bs for, which helped, but heavy menustration thereafter leading to aneamia and taking ferrous, strangely l also got nagging pain in right lower hip under the butt and top of back thigh,

    Its fairly early after the birth for you yet, but it does sound a bit like infection, have you had internal examination  blood test for aneamia, urine sample, at least your having the swabs taken soon, which could show infecton, could be low grade type, Whether infection, aneamia with it, that would leave you feeling drained, and could cause the hip pain. Quite a lot of women have probs after childbirth, and its all new experiences symptoms to us, reason you and many come on such as here for info advice, but tests hopefully can bring answers, but it can take a while to get back to normal,  

    • Posted

      Hiya.. it was a normal swabs and internal examination is tomorrow.. hopefully i will have some answers soon.. im no good with waiting but i have no choice. I just hope the results show nothing too serios but give me an answe for the problems ive been having thankyou Xx
    • Posted

      Waiting is hard to deal with when your feeling ill in pain, life restricted,its possible the tiredness is aneamia, worth having a blood test to find out, but the swabs being done is a start, mention your worries and symptoms  to dr who does the swabs. We all learn by experience, and still have struggles, but feeling well helps you cope better with anxiety and lifestyle.  Good luck for tomorrow, 
    • Posted

      Anxiety completley takes over my life and i hate that i cant control it.. thankyou Xx

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