Irritated 😤
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Happy Easter lovely ladies. 🐰
My thread is about being on a short fuse. People irritate me. I have started to recognise now that some of my family and even strangers can make me mad just by looking at me the wrong way. Today, for example, I made an excuse to leave a lunch early with my mum and daughter as I felt as though I was going to explode into a rage. Most things they say I'm taking very personally. I'm really trying hard to keep a lid on it. Help! 🙄
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maria76995 mandy91562
Hi mandy,yes I know how hot feel I'm exactly like that don't take me long to get irritated,and Glen J question myself about it...anybody ask me anything or if I have to repeat myself it sets me off getting mad at little tbings, I would hope it's all hormones from the time I went through menopause which was 6 years ago ivr got better but Ian also moody too,so your not on your own .
Azzumi mandy91562
Hi Mandy. Yes I absolutely definitely Know how you feel. The worst symptom iv had through peri meno is mood swings. Extremely irritable to the point where I felt myself becoming irrational. Then I would start crying over anything or nothing. Sometimes I would feel it starting and have to shut myself in the bathroom so my boyfriend wouldn't notice. I truly started to question my sanity. I could deal with all the other peri stuff, hot flushes, exhaustion, nausea, etc. But not the moods. They started to affect my whole life so when i broke down crying after going to the supermarket one morning I made an appointment with a doctor in my area who was recommended to me for hormones.
I'v been on bio identicals for 10 weeks now and without going into depth it has made a huge difference. Took a bit if adjusting to get them right and I still have little highs and lows but the crazy stuff has gone.
It was my estrogen spiking that caused it with me. I'm extremely sensitive to estrogen highs and my body hates it. Also I would also take absolutely everything as a personal criticism.. It drove my boyfriend nuts. He'd try and joke with me and I'd start a fight. He's a massive jokster and I couldn't handle any it.
Thankyou for your post, was great to read and know someone else understands..
Be interested to know if you find something that helps you. BHRT has helped me a lot..
Indifferent mandy91562
I went through this all summer last was horrible, I hated everybody and avoided everybody. I still avoid my! She has this way about her that I used to be able to just roll it off my back but in the past year I just avoid avoid avoid. Everyone else has made it back to my "good list" lol! It will get better. It is a stage that thankfully does pass