Irritated meatus, Dry glands, spider veins
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I have been dealing with some issues with my penile glands. Started around late January of 2022 with what it seemed like frequent urination and a slight pinch like pain at the base of penis just at the start of urination and be pain free while emptying. same week I tested my urine for potential UTI and came back clean. Doctor said i should test for Chlamydia and Gonorreah , I did that twice came back clean. Week later I showered and shaved and then used menthol shampoo and then i noticed a burning in my scrotum rectum and penis. The next day the scrotum seemed to be irritated and inflamed skin. rectum was also red and itchy. Penis near urethra opening became swollen and red. Then after urinating it would burn for some time and then subside. Prior to this I was not sexually active for ~ 10 Months. Two weeks prior I recovered from Covid. Doctor prescribed Miconazole Nitrate to apply affected areas. After 2 to 3 days scrotum irritation went away and so did itchyness. Urethral burning stopped as well however the inflamation of meatus and irritation stayed. Rectum found close to no relief. After another doctors appointment I got prescribed hydrocortisone for rectum and with little over month of application it got much better. I have seen a proctologist that said it looks good to him, and gave me a referral to a dermatologist. Befor dermatologist I have seen a urologist who prescribed with Fluconazole pill , and Travocort cream. Didnt seem to help. He said it looked normal to him. Did I urine PCR for STD, Then additional urethral swab for STDs all came back clean. Every doctor said its not herpes since no sores or lesions. Dermatologist saw the irritation and gave some zinc based cica cream to apply. No relief. My biggest fear was HPV after reading many forums and went back to a different urologist who I asked if this could be HPV he said no since there is no lesionsm, warts or growths etc.... He did ended up testing with urethral swab and also scrubbing around the glans for high and low risk hpv strains. Results came back clean as well. Its been 4 moths and ongoing with no relief. Next option is dermovenerologist within next month or so. This caused me massive anxiety, stress, depression. Im 23 scared for my life, the thoughts are 24/7, I trouble sleeping focusing on school seems impossible. Im afraid im danger to others and then results with me thinking that I cant have a family because of this.
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joz2022 t74530
upload pictures, a lot if people have similar issues at the moment. me too
i think its somehow related to covid or the vaccination.
jai62356 t74530
I'm also suffering from this problem from last 2 months.did you find any solution? please reply.
Tom57195 t74530
I have had irritated urethra for 7 months now. It all started after sex with a sex worker protected but I was stressed out of my head because of my stunt so maybe stress caused it. I was also vaccinated. Tested negative for everything including HSV2 and positive for HSV1 but I had cold sores before. I had inflamed anus for a month but it is ok now. I was constipated for 5 months but ok now. Had red scrotum for 3 months ok now but has more red and blue small veins. My glans has small subdermal red dots visible when erect and it has become sticky and wrinkly. My erections are a lot weaker now. Coffee, chocolate, sugar and alcohol cause irritation in my urethra and perineum ( slight burning feeling). I have tingling in feet and weakness in legs. My vision has been blurry for 3 months now and i have been suffering from fatigue all day long. I also feel dizzy all day long. All these symptoms come from something and I still think it is genital herpes as I have had some back pain. Anyone with similar symptoms.
Update, Some sensations have calmed down. some got worse. Abdominal pain is felt more often than before. Rectal itching happens but for short periods of time. glands remain unchanged. Will be doing more skin tests early august.
jordan12097 t74530
Any updates on this?