Is 44 too young?

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Hi. I have had some health issues past few months. It's one of those situations of which came first chicken or egg! Anyhow. I have had symptoms that can be a few different things. One being peri menopause. I've had hot flashes, freezing spells, severe dizzy, feel faint, nausea, headaches, shaky tremors, feel jittery,anxiety, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and high blood pressure and palpitations. I have had every medical test known and they are negative. I am gonna see a rheumatologist as fibromyalgia and mast cell disease and POTS are possibilities also. I have had spells of anxiety but I never had anxiety before I feel it's related to whatever is going on with me. I did have hormones drawn and my OB said they show pre menopause. About 3 years ago I noticed my hair developed permanent waves which I'm sure we're from hormones but my hair has gotten super thin and does not grow at all and hasn't in few years and I never cut it. Anyhow in January when all this started my period was late and extremely short ( usually it last one and half weeks to two I have copper IUD). Then in February it was early and last like 1-2 days. Then I got it again February 28. And it last one half weeks so I thought things were getting normal. I was thinking this stuff I've been having messed me up. Well now I have not gotten it again since February 28 and I do not feel like I am getting it. I have been regular my whole life except one summer either last or year before I can't remember I was late in August then got it and then got it again two weeks after that but that was the only time. I will have to call my OB this week if it doesn't show up but just curious if things can change this fast and at 44. Thanks.

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    I would say 44 is not too young at all.  My confirmation of being in peri started when I was 43 and went to see my GP following a weekend of panic attacks.  I'd started to notice some other changes around that time, but the panic was bad enough to convince me to go for a check-up.  The symptoms you list definitely sound like peri.

  • Posted

    44 is not too young for peri!  Remember that this stage of life can be as long as 10 years.  Average age of menopause is 52.  


  • Posted

    No not too young all, my wonderful symptoms began the January before I was 44 and I eventually had bloods that showed my fsh level at 16 (peri menopause ) in April the same year. I suffered mainly with hotness, stomach cramps and joint/rib /back pain along with my periods going from 28 days like clockwork from the age of 14 and normal flow to now I'm anywhere between 21 days and 36 and really heavy. Look after yourself, ask questions on here and don't give yourself a hard time, I did go the beginning because I thought I was either seriously ill or a little crazy and it didn't do me any good. Xxx

    • Posted

      Great advice.  It doesn't help to give ourselves a hard time.  I've learned that the hard way.  Just beginning to understand this is going to be happening for a long time and I need to get into a good way of taking care of myself without being so hard on myself about weight, etc.

  • Posted

    Omg I actually thought I wasn't reading my own story!!! I have been living in a nightmare since December!! With no answers because of all the negative test results .. I am just amazed that this could all be menopause .. i have every symptom you said. I have had so many blood tests even lymes disease. All negative. Sonogram, hydascan, Ct scannof head abdomen pelvis, endoscopy, all negative!! I have lost 25 pounds from the nausea which is adding to my anxiety ... I just don't know where to turn from here. Please keep me posted. I will have to look up the suggestions that your rheumatologist is looking into for you .. I am also 44 years old!!


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      There was a flu virus circulating in Florida in January that caused bad nausea and stomach upset. I had really bad nausea for 3 weeks and some for the next 2 months. I dont think it is meno related. What helped was mint tea, ginger, boiled linseed and a lot of hot soups. I also used Gelusil tabs. Please, see if it is not the thing. I never had flu like symptoms, only my teenage daughter had them but my only symptom was nausea and stomach upset. Same with my husband.


    • Posted

      Yes I've had three cat scans. Been tested for lupus Cushing carcinoid tumors and aldosterone tumors. I forgot to mention I get facial flushing bad with like tingling weird feeling so hard to explain and almost like I have this cool feeling inside body sometimes I touch my neck and face cause I feel like it is damp. I also get these weird feelings inside almost like a vibration. Just odd.

  • Posted

    Hi Lisa, all the symptoms you describe are what I experienced in the year before my periods stopped. I am 48 and been 15 mths without a period and confirmed menopausal. My sister is 43 and is starting to experience the changes in cycle, joint pain and appears to be in peri menopause. Of course this can last several years or all end quickly like it did for me. I had normal periods up to october 2015, then nothing, not a single drop lol. Id like to say things improved but meno has hit me with a sledgehammer! Anxiety disorder, panic attacks, palpitations. Had all the tests- normal, apart from being in meno. The only thing is i no longer have hot flushes, rarely have night sweats now and the joint and bone pain has mostly stopped and i get fewer migraines. But id rather have sll those than this terrible ànxiety! 44 isnt too young to go into peri meno. Eat well, exercise, limit stress if you can and explore your options for supplements/ medical support if necessary, because if it escalates to anxiety disorder it takes a lot to get it under control. All the best x

    • Posted

      Thanks. Yeah I notice I get very nervous and anxious easily and I have times it's worse like last week I felt awful I was shaky tremors palpitations nervous etc. now I seem ok past few days. It's awful and uncontrollable. I'm trying to nail down exactly what's going on first. I may be calling my OB this week since I'm not getting a period so far we will see

    • Posted

      I forgot in original post that I also get facial flushing and like a cool sensation in my skin and weird feeling inside like a vibration feeling. Very odd did you have any of this? Sometimes I feel like my skin is sun burned also. I just have all these odd sensations
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      I asked my doctor about my chest feeling sunburned and she just dismissed it and said let her know if I get a rash.. I think we r twins!! It's amazing!!

  • Posted

    I am 41 and have experienced every symptom you just described due to Peri! I am on a low dose anxiety pill and I take 2000 mg of vitamin D daily and it has grown my hair back thick, moistened my skin and given me my energy back. I am almost symptom free now!

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