Is anxiety making me crazy or is this gallbladder?
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Mar 6th I went to a dr to look into getting on lexapro for my anxiety, I’ve taken this several years ago and it worked wonders for me. She put me on a 10mg to start.. I took it and an hour later my heart started racing, my tongue felt like it was too big for my mouth, my arms felt numb, my throat felt like it was closing and I couldn’t catch my breath. I had never experienced anything like that and it scared me to a point I thought I was having a heart attack or stroke. Took me over an hour to come out of it.. told the dr about it she told me to give it 3 more days minimum.. I was too terrified to take it so I didn’t and she prescribed me buspar..
Mar 9 I was standing in the kitchen and felt a pain on my right side lower abdomen I crouched down to try to find comfort. It went away to a point but bothered me throughout the night it felt like a stabbing pain so I decided to go to the dr.
Mar 12 went to dr had an ultrasound done on my pelvis to check appendix, results were fine. He gave me bentyl for stomach pain. I took it for 3 days and the 3rd day my face went numb and I went into another panic attack (still haven’t taken buspar yet.. I wanted to figure out what my stomach issue was first) Now before I went to the dr from the beginning when I got on lexapro I had NEVER had a panic attack in my life. Not like that, mine was always just the nervousness queasy stomach clammy hands type thing..
I quit taking the bentyl just decided I would take the side pain day by day.. a couple days later and currently I started having yellow stools, ongoing pain in my back, extreme nausea..
I’ve had ultrasounds for my gallbladder, appendix, pancreas, liver. I’ve had an mri on my brain for dizziness.. I’ve had lots of blood work done.. X-ray on my stomach.. everything fine..
I can’t believe eat because I’m so nauseated, I’ve been drinking nothing but water. I graze on small things to try to keep my energy up.. but I still feel so weak and lightheaded..
I still have discomfort but not severe on my right side that’s shifted to the upper by my ribs and then I’ve felt it on the left side. I’ve had chest heaviness, feeling short of breath, heart palpitations.. I’m sure some of that is anxiety related.. but overall I’ve just felt like I’ve had a severe case of the flu only no fever and no vomiting.. my legs feel like rubber.. I just feel terrible. And all my test results show no nothing abnormal...
This is making me feel crazy!!
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biliarydyskines binx99207
2) if not, did you eat any foods in restaurant or any other place outside - it may be food poisoning.
3) do a HIDA scan for gallbladder functioning, when my gallbladder stopped working I felt dizziness and numbness in my legs and lot of confusion.
4) difficult to breath, dizziness mainly occurs for me when the gas gets trapped in stomach and not able to get rid of the gas.
binx99207 biliarydyskines
I have had occasional acid reflux in the past but nothing that ever stayed with me or bothered me for this long. Could take an antacid chew and be fine.
No I don’t think on the food part? Could food poisoning last for almost a month? It’ll be a month on the 9th I’ve been dealing with this.
I have noticed I haven’t had much gas lately and I often describe it as a huge gas pocket that I cant release is how it can feel sometimes with the discomfort under my chest. The right side pain is dull and achy. I have recently got this strange “bubbly sensation” on my right side and in the middle of my chest also. It doesn’t hurt me, it just feels weird.
I haven’t really had many episodes of diarrhea either just every time I do have a bowel movement it is always yellow whether it is solid or loose doesn’t matter. The nausea has been the worst part of it along with the achy lower and mid back, sometimes my shoulder. I’ve even had sharp random ear pain on my right side. I feel so many things and it makes me nuts.
I went to the er a week ago because I just felt really strange. The heaviness in my chest the feeling of being short of breath and my heart feeling like it was racing. They too asked me about my gallbladder and asked about my stools, I told them they’ve been yellow and the dr said “yes, bile”.. he said we would wait for my lab results to come back and see what that shows, which they all showed nothing abnormal. So he gave me pepcid and bentyl, I’ve taken the Pepcid a couple times to try to help with my nausea but it doesn’t really help.. takes the edge off for a bit and it’s right back to it. I did notice a couple days ago I tried to eat what everyone else was having for dinner which was sloppy joe and fries.. I didn’t eat much I thought I was going to get sick but within a half hour or so I got the most horrible taste in the back of my mouth and this burning sensation in my throat and chest and never experienced that before.. I assume that was acid reflux or heartburn.
I’m seeing the dr tomorrow even though she said my gallbladder ultrasound showed nothing abnormal. I have 2 young kids and I can’t be feeling this way
gotta be able to take them to school and back, not relying on my husband to call off work all the time for me. It’s been really frustrating 😔
mindy17750 binx99207
I hope you feel better, this is such an awful experience.
biliarydyskines binx99207
If you rule out no issues in stomach by doing endoscopy and no food poisoning by stool test, the next should be HIDA scan.Mine was 0% functioning in 2011, still have my gb but also got gastritis and from 2011 I got weird symptoms like frequent bloating,burping , dizziness,fatigue , some times frequent urination and I got gallstones and last 3 months my years started ringing . These side symtoms are horrible if this caused by gb, I like to take the sucker out...but we really don't know.
sam90321 biliarydyskines
same with the same symptom, especially with feeling confused, my aniexty has been uncontrollable too hopefully after my surgery these will eventually disappear
sam90321 biliarydyskines
same thing i get and my dr thinks its a mental thing, even eye problem am having, apparently gallbladder issuses could cause it
richard61401 sam90321
what eye issue do you have? I Hhave gallbladder issues and dry eye, sinus issues. Gallbladder can cause dry eyes due to the body not absorbing healthy fats properly. This causes the eyes to dry up.
carolyn22910 biliarydyskines
i have gallbladder dysfunction. mine is actually hyoeractive with a 99% efr. its called hyperkanesia. i have all of those symptoms. i also have gastritisnfrom so much bile being squirted into my stomach
steph0321 carolyn22910
i also have hyper functioning gallbladder. they have been testing mine for over 10 yrs with hida scan and my symptom come and go but i have never felt like this before. I feel really out of it, exhausted , nauseous. i have pain by my collarbone up into my neck and of coarse as always in between my shoulder blades. no fever but my neck itches and my face flushes often. i just feel toxic 😦 did you get your gallbladder out
sam90321 binx99207
am having all these symtoms and it trigger panic attacks and bad anixety for me over the pass 3 months i have been suffering especially really bad acid reflux to the point where i cant catch my breath. am getting my gallbladder remove in 2 weeks time be thats whats causing these issues, ultrasounds shows lots of stones in my gallbladder, i have been feeling out of it like very confused and its stressing me out it but did you figure out what was causing you to feel like this?
danielle2500 sam90321
Hi, are you feeling better? I'm in a similar situation and wondering if my gallbladder is giving me these symptoms.
sam90321 danielle2500
had removal almost 2 months ago, i feel better than how i was before digestive wise, am always constipated now though, i still have acid reflux issue but not as bad how they were before, how ever my anxiety has calm down alittle but am still struggling with it and this gallbladder stuff caused me a great deal of depression well postpartum depression, am trying to get help, but overall i feel much better
danielle2500 sam90321
thank you for responding, glad you feel better, do you take anything for the acid reflux, or the diet changes help? do you have a burning in the stomach by any chance after the surgery?
sam90321 danielle2500
np but i am staying away from oily fatty food those make my stomach upset i was taking acid reflux meds but then they wasnt doing anything but my doctor prescribe me something different so hopefully they work, i get heart racing with acid reflux it freaks me out, i will be seeing a GI doctor, but yes diet change help, small portions help too and digestive enzymes works, am going to try these because lots of people say u need them for the rest of your life without gallbladder but i do get the burning feeling in my tummy but mostly when i eat something that dont gree with me or when i want to poop but the burning feeling i think its from acid reflux issues, to ease the burning feeling try tums and drink warm water it helps with my acid reflux and heartburn hopefully this goes away soon because after removal it takes 1
6-12 months for your body to adjust to the new changes
danielle2500 sam90321
have you tried carafate? it coats the stomach, also can you please let me know what other meds you were prescribed.
sam90321 danielle2500
no i have never tried it but the one am taking right now is call pantoprazole
carolyn22910 sam90321
how has your anxiety been now? currently having gallbladder issues and anxiety is over the top also having dry mouth and eyes and just achy all over.
sam90321 carolyn22910
hi my anxiety is pretty much been the same am now seeing a therapist for CBT to help me deal with this, am noticing changes now with CBT, am getting all of what you have and i still dont whats causing if its my anxiety cause i do have it bad or maybe my IBS i dunnoe but am trying to handle my stress so hopefully it will help my issues. but gallbladder problems can cause these issues even though drs dont believe it can