Is anyone dealing with this?
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i haven't posted in awhile but ive started figuring some things out which scares me, ive noticed the head off balance dizziness is with me all the time but when it comes to being on my cycle and ovulation week my blood pressure will be elevated and i take BP meds any other time it seems to run lower. does anyone else notice this happening ? it also makes the head stuff worse this scares me cause how can i get to a normal balance with bp if its gonna keep fluctuating around cycle and ovulation week? i cant up and down adjust my meds for those weeks isnt that dangerous? also ive had my heart fully checked out two years ago everything was fine with heart i been having this issue for 4 years seems all connected bp yp and down and head dizziness. can hormones really cause this much havoc and any suggestions? drs are useless when i keep complaining about stuff so i suffer in silence. another thing my bp doesn't go too high to explain the dizziness or too low but i do feel its all connected and tension in my neck. and if there is any other ladies that has dealt qith this did it all get better on the other side?
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caroline62395 pamela2016
hi pamela i feel neck tension causes me a lot of problems, lighthead,whooshing in my ear, spasams, it only started when i started peri, i asked my doctor about it but he was very dismissive! x
pamela2016 caroline62395
they really dont understand the suffering and bizarre symptoms we deal with i pray it all stops when my cycles end.
nancys21 pamela2016
Hi Pam. I would love to tell you that it stops after menopause, but for me it has not. It IS better though. I used to get so dizzy I would vomit. That hasn't happened lately. My bp was always on the low end until I had my son at 32. Had to be on bp med for years after. Eventually got off the med. Now almost 2 years into menopause at 50, my bp is elevated again. I believe it's health anxiety/white coat syndrome more than anything. Hormones affect SO many functions. I know all the things happening are directly related. My gp said he just doesn't have that much knowledge about it, and my gyn said hrt was a possibility. I saw him a year ago for routine pap, and my bloodwork showed slightly elevated liver and glucose levels. He actually said, "Are you a drinker?" I've been his patient for more than 25 years. He also said he thinks God forgot women over 50. I think he did too! He's more concerned with getting women pregnant and delivering babies. So now I'm searching for a doc who has knowledge of menopause and will prescribe bhrt. There has to be some relief for those of us who suffer so badly. Anxiety med was the biggest help for me, but my gp will no longer perscribe them. It's funny, when they stopped the med is when my symptoms hit me the hardest. I'm sorry you're feeling badly and hope you feel better soon.
sara97862 pamela2016
Hi Pamela,
Yes, my BP is all over the place too.
Had 2 Drs appts in the past 7 days. one reading was borderline high. The other just 5 days later was borderline low.
I do feel off balance and like I have vertigo both at ovulation and at period.
Never had health anxiety before peri. Dr's never seem to find anything to be concerned about. I can't believe how sh** I feel for a supposedly healthy person.
You are not alone.
Much love to you-- hope you feel better soon!! (then tell the rest of us what worked for you!! 😉)