Is anyone else not feeling it?
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So holiday season is gearing up here in the US with Thanksgiving followed hotly by Christmas. This is the first year where I just don't want to celebrate. I don't want to put a tree up as it just seems like too much effort to take all down weeks later. We don't really celebrate anymore so I think I have been putting everything out each year to try and jolly myself up but it's all a bit of an anti climax and I'm happy to go back to 'normal'. My family all live in another country so it's a big reminder of what I'm missing and I'm done with being upset about it as I can't do anything about the distance. It isn't helping that we already have snow on the ground so we're looking at not seeing bare ground for almost six months thanks to where we live. Ugh. I know there are a lot bigger things to worry about, but is anyone else just going to skip being fake jolly this year? I hate feeling like this. I have always loved this time of year in the past, but I'd be more than happy to sleep through the whole thing. 😦
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pamela2016 sabrina1971
i haven't wanted to celebrate the holidays for the past 4 years now, i push myself to cook the dinners and this year im not putting my tree up i just dont feel like doing it this year as this year is so much harder with weird bizarre symptoms. i cant wait for it all to pass and be over with. so your not alone in how you feel.
sabrina1971 pamela2016
I hear you! I want to push myself to put the tree up but I don't think I am even physically capable of doing it anyway. Hopefully we all will be past this by the time it rolls around again next year. ❤️
christina81747 sabrina1971
im in the US too where you located? if it wasnt for my kids i wouldnt be making any great deal over it my family is scattered as well i have my period right now day 2 and i feel like i was hit by a truck tired moody irritable angry think im crazy for feeling this way lol i know its cold too ughh
sabrina1971 christina81747
Yes, you have to do it for kids, of course. Yeh, I am tired and sick of it all, too! I am in New England. We got hit with the first real snow last week. Way too early and way too cold!! 😮
staci88515 sabrina1971
It's just another day on the calendar here. No tree, no presents, no holiday dinner. The holidays are over-rated. Stay home in your pajamas, drink some tea, and watch a good movie. xo
pamela2016 staci88515
i agree they are overrated, i decided a few years ago i wasn't gonna go all out on presents one a piece for my adult kids and my grandbabies two a piece. i decided to buy a gift for a boy and a girl and put in the barrels for the less unfortunate kids who wont be getting a Christmas. at least i know i helped one boy and girl get at least a gift.
sabrina1971 staci88515
That sounds pretty much perfect!
sabrina1971 pamela2016
You have reminded me. I have donated in past years and need to get on that. I may feel grumpy, but there are people out there who need help this season. ❤️
kelly55079 sabrina1971
Not feeling it at all... I have been this way for a few years now BUT I agree that tree is a project. Last year I think spouse and kids (late teens) did it. I just don't care!! I used to be all excited and do it all in a couple days. Then take it all down packing it right up, no problems. But now it seems too overwhelming. I think last year I was so wishing to be 'old' or 'single' just so I could do my own thing. I have no problems napping or watching movies thru X-mas.
sabrina1971 kelly55079
Yeh, it's just way too much effort for my old bones. I wish I had the energy!!