Is anyone else suffering joint pain in menopause
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This menopause is killing me. With constant bleeding, insomnia severe mood swings and horrendous joint pains. I have visited my GP on numerous occasions only to be told it will pass & sent off with a laugh,.. Been to a physio who was as much use as a chocolate fire guard and told me if it were the menopause there were nothing he could do.. If this were a men's problem then some research would have been done to ensure there were no suffering at all. I'm sitting here crying as I write this due to the awful pain I am experiencing in my arms, hands, neck & back. It makes me wonder how much longer I can take this. I would just love for someone to take me seriously.
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Im going through it too but dont really have joint pains. Have you tried hrt? I saw a menopause specialist at a london hospital, nhs, perhaps you could look into this. There are many many symptoms of menopause as i have found out and people seem to experience it differently. Im sure you dont need to bleed constantly or be in that much pain.Change your gp, maybe a female one, dont be fobbed off.
My mum has had a few Ayurvedic massage treatments which seem to help. She also has changed how she eats and drinks. No more alcohol, tea and salt. She drinks more warm water now and believes this has helped.
Hugs and kisses to you all ....
I am so lucky have lovey hubby wouldnt do enough aslthough times i really bugged him with mood swings and that made me worse cause i felt so gulity. I am really out goign but couldnt be bothered at times hes really encouragin me to get out and about. thanks for listening I have my friends annoyed lol
but nust try and get out think its good for you to try any way
I feel miserable, not like I used to be up beat and bubbly, my body feels heavy, I ache, get headaches, feel depressed about silly things, get angry for no real reason (luckily I can hold back most of the time) but worst of all I just don't feel sexy or get turned on anymore,I have lost my sex drive, it is so depressing.
I tried hrt but didn't feel much different and still didn't get turned on. I hate this as I just want to enjoy sex like I used to
When I first started to go through the menopause I felt great and so was the sex, then it just wore off. I feel it is unfair men don't feel what we are going through so can't understand how miserable it can make us. A lot of my friends say oh I just stopped my periods one day and life went on as normal, it makes me so sad that there are lots of us out there that are not like that and those women can't begin to understand how we all feel. I just want my life back and much more my sex drive back.
joy74415 belle52746
joy74415 christine70191
joy74415 christine70191
I got married 2013 and it's been a nightmare especially how my husband mentions
that I am so different from when we were dating and planning to marry. I wish he understood, He is understanding a little more now but I can tell it's bothering him still.
zoe52486 christine70191
I haven't been through the menopause yet myself but I would encourage you to consider acupuncture. I know several women who have benefitted from it, including my mother. Chinese Medicine views the menopause as a natural change with symptoms that stem from our own individual histories. Rather than HRT which attempts to 'fix' you, a good acupuncturist will help bring you into balance. This then should address the symptoms that you are experiencing, rather than assuming everyone experiences menopause in the same way. Look for an acupuncturist who has been through a full 3-year training as a minimum.
Good luck x
patricia91179 christine70191
!!! Just typing this is causing stiffness and pain in my hands. I went to the doctors yesterday and he is at a loss so where do I go for help.