Is anyone experienced thyroid issues? Worried??

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    i was for a bit..but it was pretty much the doctor's fault for the most part.. my level had dropped to just below the range so he lowered my dose..but did so way too my level shot way up..getting back to normal now.

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      Did u have symptoms before going to doctor? It seems one side of I think thyroid is bigger than other, so I dont know if its cause of peri or something else.. hmmm. Worried.. I hope your better

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    no symptoms other than being extremely cold all the time..and it was summer and extremely tired..I was having to run my space heater in my office in July and August..

    he was checking things to see if anything else was off for these strange feelings when he discovered my thyroid was off.

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    Ok good to know, I feel ok it's just when I lean my next back if looks like one side is bigger hmmm, I think it's the thyroid its bottom neck .. glad u sorted it out

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      you can have a goiter or nodules develop with a normal TSH and no thyroid symptoms and these are the nodules you want checked for thyroid cancer which is extremely slow growing and usually nothing to worry about. OR your goiter can be from being hyper or hypo thyroid. get thee to an endocrinologist and let him feel it. good luck! i can see mine in the mirror when i swallow when its enlarged.

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    Yup. I have Hashimotos. One side can swell bigger than the other as it could mean you have nodules on your thyroid.

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    Thank you for information, did the swelling ever go down? How is this diagnosed? I hope things are better for u? Was it really noticable ? I think this is all peri stuff but I've been on synthroid for 10 years now,

  • Posted

    Yes, this very common with menopause women. It is better to check. Sometime even your blood work comes back normal but your iodine is abnormal.

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