Is anyone going through a menopause 12/13 yrs after full hysterectomy and HRT?
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I had a full hysterectomy at 36 (not 51) - I was put on HRT because of my age at the time of the operation. I took the advice of my GP and weaned myself off of HRT about 2 yrs ago - I'm still getting hot flushes several times a day - my moods are up and down - I have headaches and fairly recently noticed slight heart palpitations. I continually have an anxious feeling - I've been to GP who did blood pressure etc and said that it was all good but is referring me for a 24 hr heart monitor but doesn't expect it to pick up anything. I feel like I am constantly saying how unwell I feel - I suffer from constipation, aches and pains in joints and I'm finding it hard to concentrate at work - I just want to feel human again! Apologies if this sounds like me feeling sorry for myself - I'm usually the one helping everyone else to deal with their traumas but I need to focus on me just now - and figure out how I'm going to get through this. I would be very grateful for any info, advice or words of wisdom as my faith in medicine is waning.
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i too get palpitations, maybe one a day, increased thumping in my chest, think many ladies mention this, try not to worry, i am hoping its just peri symptom, i dont take HRT....
i am taking liquid Dulphalac for constipation when it occurs, its on and off..
insomnia is my biggest nuisance, been like it for years, and anxiety, and sometimes feel very sensitive and tearful of late... cannot be bothered with things i normally enjoy, its awful isnt it ...
My sleep pattern is also very erratic, which is playing havoc with my work life, I want to sleep at 2 in the afternoon - I work full time so afternoon napping is not an option.
Let's hope that this all comes to an end soon and we can go on with enjoying life instead of planning around these symptoms.
deba1957 Aileen1962
I could be your twin. Doctors put me through all kids of tests. I am experiencing the same effects, 6 years after my hysterectomy. I take nothing, unless I'm exhausted, then I take a pm. Everyday at 2, I feel the need to lay down, or fall down. You are not alone.
Thanks for responding and I hope you find a way of coping with it all. If I get any advice that I think might help, I'll post on here.
a doc i saw ages ago ( i was 41 when i started peri) well i started younger but was told it was peri after the FSH test and home menopause kits, at first around age 40 and 41 i kept fainting, three times in total, once while i was shopping in a Boots store, awful... I had to eat little and often and never skip breakfast, i still had fainty dizzy bouts and still do, cold hands maybe be thyroid troubles have you had some blood tests? i had to but all was okay at the time, but i take iodine kelp tablets for it now and since the test...
I had a total hysterectomy 14 yrs ago ( I am now 62yrs) Have been on HRT ever since and now my Dr says I'am to come off it. He has reduced my dose by half.
I really don't know what to expect and have tried searching for help via internet but have not found anything telling me what may or may not happen. Will my skin start to sag? Will my hair start to drop out or get thin? eeek none of it is nice is it?
What about...... will I loose weight? I put it on when I STARTED HRT, surely it should now come off as easily???
Anyway, you might be one of the lucky ones. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself, don't beat yourself up for feeling low or being moody - I learned that I can't control it, so just go with it and who knows you might be one of the lucky ones! - Good luck.
I am now 63 and I am not giving up HRT for anyone. I have haemochromatosis which robs my body of oestrogen, and a prolactinoma which also robs my body of oestrogen. I do not have any fat on my hips or thighs (not a boast - I wish I did) so I cannot store oestrogen and as soon as my oestrogen dips for above reasons, i get arrythmia, rapid heart beat, waves of depression or anxiety, head sweats.
i went for 7 years with extreme head and face sweats (like sweat visibly bubbling out of my pores), sticking my head under the shower at midnight because I could not stand the smell and the heat. It sounded like menopause or thyroid but I was on HRT and thyroid tests were normal so it was ignored until I decided I would try to get botox to reduce the sweating. This dr said she would really like to find out what was happening to me and referred me to an endocrinologist who told me to go off HRT. Then when he found I had prolactinoma, he said stay on the HRT (as women with prolactinoma need extra oestrogen). I researched that and found that excess prolactin causes a reduction in the body's oestrogen via a 5-alpha reductase enzyme. I have now discovered that I have a prolapse as a result of insufficient oestrogen to keep the ceiling of my vagina strong.
When I was given cabergoline to reduce the prolactin, my sweats, etc stopped. However whenever I try to reduce the dose now that I have minimal prolactin, menopause symptoms overtake me. Another endocrinologist now says it is more important for me to have oestrogen in my body, has no worries about HRT, and can continue cabergoline for years without any side effects.
Read Dr Christiana Northrup, specialist in female hormones. She has no problem recommending HRT past 70 years. Important that you use bio-identical hormones. Estrodiol implants and estrodial patches and gel are ok. I have never used oestrogen tablets as they pass through the liver. I have used Provera tablets though - recommended by a knowledgeable dr when she found out I had endometriosis. Endometriosis can be activated by oestrogen, but progesterone/gen? deactivates it.
Don't let a dr (in denial and not keeping up with research) destroy your health through their ignorance. Their recommendations cause heart failure, early dementia, divorces, and/or jumping off cliffs.
Jese314 sheryl37154
Oh my gosh! I know you posted this quite a while ago but I HAD to reply! I was laughing so hard at your final thought. When I go to a new doctor, I always tell them that I need my estrogen refilled (or new script written). Before they say anything, I tell them "I know that some doctors do not like HRT, however, in my case, if I don't have it I will turn into Dr Jeckell and Mr Hyde, my husband will be filing divorce papers by the weekend if he's still alive, my kids will be hiding from me in a closet or under their beds scared and crying, and I may jump off a cliff next week!" So I can absolutely relate to your last statement! Lol