Is Dryness also Peri Symtom ??

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Helloo Friends

How r u doing today ?

Friends i am in Peri from last year having all classical symtoms.

most scary r dizziness, head heavyness , shaking and off balance issues. I am facing this from last year .

But new symtom started from this month.

I am having alot of DRYNESS inside Noise , Ear , vagina and skin these days . While sleeping also i feel too much dryness in noise.habing very strange feeling inside noise 😭





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6 Replies

  • Posted

    hi there, yes - drying skin and mucus membrane (eg nasal lining) gets dryer due to lose on estrogen. my skin became really itchy. I used hrt to reduce this and it made a big difference.

  • Posted

    omg Sunaina yes yes and yes. Its one of many horrific stmptoms. It feels so weird almost like when you were little and would get water from the pool up your nose. It also feels very tight, my eyes and tongue also.

    Actually its how my entire inside of my body feels. My stomach my bowels. I keep saying it feels like the life is being sucked out of me like im a dry sponge is that how u feel? . It is such a horrible feeling i hope it ends ❤ prayers to you.

  • Posted

    My last period was 15 months ago, I recently started developing patches of eczema, especially on my back, chests and under my breasts. It's purple in color. My dermatologist said as we age our skin starts to thin and I think the lack of estrogen is causing it because I never had skin issues. My clitoris even feels like sandpaper, ugh

    • Posted

      Same with me mam when peri start i started seeing purple marks in my legs and hands in 2 or 3 days they disappears themselves (Thank God )

      At that time i thought its Skin infection

      After 1 year again they r seen in my legs along with other peri symtoms.

      Your right its because Harmones fluctuation.

      Tk dear

      I wish we all recover from this phase soon

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