Is hair loss common taking propanalol?

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I’ve been taking propanalol for 6 months now intermittently. I don’t take it on a daily basis but only in performance situations such as presentations. I recently lost my job and have been doing a bunch of interviews where I’ve been taking it more regularly.

I suffer from insomnia when I take the medication and sometimes I get a bit hot and sweaty in the moment but besides that nothing else. However, I read the thread below about hair loss and it’s made me a bit nervous. Are people finding this a common side effect? Do you think taking it intermittently might cause this or is it more likely if you’re on it every day?

I just want to perform well in interviews and get a job... but not at the cost of my hair falling out sad  What are the most common symptoms people get?

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6 Replies

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    Have you experienced hair loss through taking propanalol? If not I wouldn’t worry about it .

    I took this med every day , 3 x 10 mcg.

    It didn’t cause any hair loss at all. Does it say on the leaflet that it is a side effect? The only thing I can advice, if you haven’t already, is speak to your doctor. There are many other medications you can try.  But if it works for you with no hair loss, carry on.  Reading up on side effects can make us anxious, it did me for a while.


    • Posted

      Hey Jen, 

      I haven’t experienced hair loss on these meds. I just read into possible side effects online and saw some worrying comments lower down in this discussion forum. It is on the list somewhere in the leaflet amongst many other possible side effects!

      You’re right about reading things online... naturally as an anxious person this never helps.

      Thanks for your response smile 

    • Posted

      I no longer read up on side effects unless I start having any severe ones. The thing is with the list that they include, if only one or a handful of people report having had a side effect after starting a medication, they still have to include it. 

      Try and concentrate on the positives and how it helps you. Good luck with finding s job 😊

  • Posted

    Hi,I've been on Propranolol, 40mg 3 X day, for a few years now and have not experienced any hair loss. The only side effect I've noticed is feeling very cold sometimes. Actually had a yearly check of my meds yesterday with the pharmacist and mentioned this. He said it wasn't a common side effect but can happen. It's not enough of a problem to make me stop taking it as it's doing the job it's meant to.

  • Posted

    I have been taking this medication for 4 years, 40 mg twice a day ....apart from the weight gain i cant say i have had any other problems........especially not hair loss....poor you! 
    • Posted

      Thanks for the response. I’m not actually suffering from hair loss I just read in this discussion forum that some people saw it as a side effect so I wanted to double check it wasn’t common!

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