Is it a UTI?
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wondering if anyone can help me. For the last 2-3 days ive experience a horrible feeling near my bladder that seems to go more to the left side. i feel as tho my bladder always needs emptying! its a really uncomfortable feeling, with a few pains in my pelvic. i have maybe cloudy urine but no burning when urinating. im worrying its something else. i'm due to see the doctor tomorrow. im just wondering what other people experienced with a UTI? ive never had one so havent a clue. im not pregnant. it also feels like trapped wind but im having bowel movements okay, just urinating more frequant.
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HighPriest Katie111888
Hi kayleigh48586 , once you find out what your doctor says, and do what you need too to get rid of the infection. I would recommend, getting the spice oregano and taking a tea spoon a day of it to help avoid it ever coming back, it also will help many other problems. Also it gives energy give it up to a week, of taking before you feel it helping.
vicki85531 HighPriest
Hi there,
I have had 4 UTIs this year and my doctor was a little concerned so i jad to have an ultra sound and some bloods done. i have found your comment interesting. the oregano, is this just the normal one you would buy to sprinkle of pizza ect...? do you just put it in your food?
thanks 😃
HighPriest vicki85531
Yes just the normal oregano you sprinkle on your food or take on teaspoon by itself, or make into a tea. the chopped up leaf.
mary19068 Katie111888
Hi kayleigh485...
I had the same thing but no cloudy urine. You may have a UTI. When you go to docs take a urine sample with you so he can do a urine dip at the surgery, although may want to send a sample to lab.
You could also have something pressing down onto your bladder, in my case it was an ovarian cyst which went away on its own. Doc may send you to a Urologist for tests and you may have a Cystoscopy to check your bladder wall is ok
Also if you have an ovarian cyst you will prob see a Gynaecologist who may order a Transvaginal scan and Urodynamics test to test for an oversensitive bladder.
You may only have a UTI in which case doc will probably prescribe Antbiotics....
thank you for your replies!
i also came off the combined pill around 3 weeks ago, due to it giving me side affects. i was on it 14 years ( apart from the break to have my son 4 years ago) so i havent felt my natural hormones in a long time!! im wondering if im ovulating? i feel very tender in my lower abdomen but only every now and then. ive felt different since stopping the pill so unsure if its causing me symtoms.
pippa58442 Katie111888
I haven't heard of ovulation causing a sensitive bladder; however, ovulation can cause abdominal pain. Being on the pill could have disturbed your hormones. If you felt different after stopping the pill, this may be the cause.
pippa58442 Katie111888
Ask your doctor to test your urine and that will tell you whether you have a UTI. I have never had a UTI either so your best port of call is your doctor. We cannot diagnose on this site because we are not doctors.